StarCraft World

SCW COMMUNITY => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Athel on August 28, 2017, 09:38:13 am

Title: Just one more Chris among others
Post by: Athel on August 28, 2017, 09:38:13 am
Hi there,

As it's mentionned in the title my name is Chris and most of players who know me call me this in the game.
I played from 2008-9 to 2013-4. Firstly on europe server where I witnessed the end of luna, when Dt's were kinda not dead yet, and when europe slowly died I moved on to US West with some other frenchies (Trad and Teddy, mostly). I joined by invitation Sexy when Gisele and Tyga were still running it, then I followed Tyga under XnG). As everybody left I am the only one still playing under the XelNaGa tag. I practiced on iCCup in an active clan back then (Black Dragons) to tighten up game sense, apm, and mechanics.

My former accounts :
H]4c(K-K]r4.Sh[ @Europe
Solo.Ath3l @USWest
Sexy-34PM @USWest
XnG)Ath3l- or XnG)Athel- @USWest
bd.Kr4Sh- @iCCup

IRL I'm 23, slowly becoming a science (biology + geology) teacher in highschool.
Pianist and table tennis player as well at which I am also a trainer and coach in competition.

I soon will only be playing on week-ends due to university duties but I'll still be around this magnificient game, feel free to add me to play 2v2's. Or lowmap games 1v1 and 2v2.

So see you !
