Forum > Match of the Week

Announcement of 1vs1 BO9 Showdown: HyDrA vs Byul

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H y D r A   vs  G o m d o r !

We are pleased to announce an official showmatch featuring two legendary players in the realm of StarCraft. Both participants have mutually agreed to engage in a Best of 9 showdown scheduled tonight at 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). The anticipation is high, and we invite you to share your predictions on which player will emerge victorious in this exciting competition.

The matches will be for SCW & streamed on discord: - We welcome you all to join and watch the games live !

- HyDrA will also be streaming the matches on

 ;D Lets goooo GL HF GGs

I will donate $50 to this match via paypal. I will send to whoever wins. I look forward to seeing this.




--- Quote from: Blizzard on February 03, 2024, 02:44:26 pm ---I will donate $50 to this match via paypal. I will send to whoever wins. I look forward to seeing this.


--- End quote ---

Thank you so much, Sully. Your generous donation is truly valued.


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