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Introduce Yourself / Re: Manifesting Greatness: BlueBoat
« on: February 20, 2024, 08:51:08 am »
Hi SCW friends,

I am BlueBoat, and I am destined to become the greatest Protoss player in Starcraft World. I possess an unwavering dedication to mastering the art of Protoss gameplay. I am diligent, focused, and always pushing myself to be better.

I am blessed with a natural talent for strategy and tactics, which I constantly hone through practice and analysis. I have an intuitive sense of timing and precision, allowing me to make split-second decisions with ease.

Every day, I visualize myself achieving my goals and manifesting my dreams. I see myself playing at the highest level, winning every match with ease and confidence. I know that this reality is within my grasp, and I work tirelessly to make it a reality.

I am surrounded by positive, supportive people who believe in me and my abilities. I am grateful for their encouragement and inspiration, and I use their belief in me to fuel my passion and drive.

With each game, I grow stronger and more skilled. I am constantly learning and adapting, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. I embrace challenges and obstacles as opportunities for growth, knowing that each one brings me closer to achieving my ultimate goal.

I am BlueBoat, and I will become the greatest Protoss player in SCW. My dedication, talent, and drive will ensure my success, and I will inspire others to strive for greatness as well.

Mark my words.  8)


This may be the greatest thing I have read on this website. If you really believe this, then you're already there! I picked up the vibe that you're also working on this in other areas of your life. If so, I highly encourage the works of Joseph Murphy as some study material to really help your manifestations come to life.

 You *already* got this!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Should I quit
« on: February 14, 2023, 09:29:32 pm »
colby wern't u a coked out coke dealer who got busted in 2011?? or earlier?

Thanks for remembering my name. No.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Should I quit
« on: February 14, 2023, 05:59:11 pm »
Don't know you, but I keep up with this website for maybe 2-5 min a day. You seem pretty toxic and exhibit some pretty negative behaviors here. The very fact that you ask the community if you should quit, tells me (more importantly it SHOULD tell you) that you're looking externally for solutions.

Allow me to teach you this, if you don't already know. Over consumption of *ANYTHING* is bad for you. Maybe you don't need to quit. But perhaps you should cut some hours back. I'm sure you have a life, go enjoy some of that more, MORE than this. Take a little break. I took a 10-year break from this game, and maybe play 1-5 games every few months. It helps a lot. This game, the people, and everything you love about it will be here when you get back.

On top of taking a break, take a look at the negativity from this game and community. Do you think it's actually healthy? Most of the behavior here is disgusting. It's always been this way too. Maybe break the cycle and create some positivity here.

So overall, advice from a complete stranger here: cut back the hours on this game. Limit yourself. Go enjoy other things too. Most important: BE POSITIVE TO EVERYONE. The world has enough hate, we need more love.

Hope this helps! Much love.

General Discussion / Re: Unified Theory of korean players
« on: June 27, 2022, 09:33:26 pm »
brain literally broke how everyone played at the time. surviving 15 mins was an accomplishment
that's because his high APM..

lol how are you going to say they arent that good but they dominated  U.S.Wests best players like they were nothing.. brain toyed with some of the best players..
he just won those games w/ high APM eg good micro

You may need to sit this one out. It's much more than high apm..

General Discussion / Re: Unified Theory of korean players
« on: June 23, 2022, 12:36:36 pm »
so I - the great grandmaster Proletius watched a bunch of reps from those korean ppl who played in early seasons of SCW and I've come to the conclusion they weren't actually good at FMP they just had really high APM. Guys like Taeng`k and Afreeca_Brain. thoughts?

Perhaps you should continue watching..

General Discussion / Re: Bill cooper
« on: June 08, 2022, 07:57:28 pm »
I'm not a beginner lol I've seen just about every theory there is.

Never called YOU a beginner. It's a journey, not a destination. Awakening. Many people have not yet started. Some have started but they're not looking at news/media/hollywood/politics. Some are seeing it in work, banks (finances - personally or business), religion, etc..
that's so true too. People always try to talk down to me and I just laugh because I know things they couldn't even dream about in nightmares. Truth is really stranger than fiction. Hollywood is brainwashing everyone. Look how evil everyone is. They'd rather worship the devil than follow what's right. God save them.

Nobody is saving anyone, except ourselves. The problem, even you(myself too, we all do) demonstrate platform thinking. That YOU know more than I, or I know more than him or her. That's a big problem. One potential theory, if you will, is that we are all God, experiencing life from infinite perspective. So, to look at anyone differently than with LOVE, you are only judging yourself. As above, so below.

General Discussion / Re: Bill cooper
« on: June 08, 2022, 05:10:06 pm »
I'm not a beginner lol I've seen just about every theory there is.

Never called YOU a beginner. It's a journey, not a destination. Awakening. Many people have not yet started. Some have started but they're not looking at news/media/hollywood/politics. Some are seeing it in work, banks (finances - personally or business), religion, etc..

General Discussion / Re: Bill cooper
« on: June 08, 2022, 11:34:39 am »
Far deeper than this. William Cooper story is def intriguing, but this isn't even near the tip of the iceberg.

ww w. outofshadows .or g

Remove the spaces. This is great for beginners.

Introduce Yourself / Re: BattleCheese- // MafiaCheese-
« on: April 28, 2022, 10:35:49 am »
i always used to hear stories about dr.andre he quit sc before i knew of any good players but i used to hear how gosu he was.. plz tell me this isnt the real andre.. this guys a complete fucking pub and retard..

It is me and i dont try anymore buddy. The "how do I not lose" algoroithm no longer resides. That and people hack at another level but I just smoked smoke lol thats was fun

This is him, this is how he's always been. He was never THAT great, there were just fewer good players during that time, so him and a few others were always regarded as top players. Dre has always seemed...not all there? The hacking accusations have always existed though (coming from him I mean).

General Discussion / Re: Trauco- Hacking & General Hacking Issue
« on: March 14, 2022, 12:29:21 pm »
Hacks don't exist in Remastered LOL

hacks ABSOLUTELY exist. To say otherwise is naive & borderline brainwashed (following what others believe to be true). With that being said, andre still has no clue of even what day it is lol.

Andre, if your economy is up, so is your expenditure - in general.

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm Andre your league exists because of me
« on: February 19, 2022, 09:14:57 am »
It's always funny when old cats come back claiming (and are 100% convinced) that they were the 'best ever'.

Record: 0-15
APM: 134


It's honestly hilarious how true this really is. Back in the day I felt I was one of the best. I came 'back' to the game maybe 4 years ago after 10~ years of being gone. I won a public 1v2 and thought, damn i'm still a boss. Played a few more games before finding scw only to realize most of the pubs are better than me now. I've seen & played many of my old rivals from back then, and we all are significantly slower than todays greats.

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm Andre your league exists because of me
« on: February 16, 2022, 01:55:39 pm »
When I stopped playing starcraft back in the day the fastest community basically fell apart. They created a league called starcraftdream after that and instead of broodwar decided to make it a starcraft original league so that when I came back they could say they "beat me". Except what did beating me mean? It meant hacking, min hacks, unit timing hacks, unit strenght hacks. Suprisingly enough, even with all those hacks I still won the vast majority of the games. Prior to quiting not a single player could clame they had a better record against me. I almost never lost two games in a row vs almost anyone and in a game like stracraft the possiblity of that is almost 0. I know alot of you are angry because more or less anytime you see a shining light your goal is to extinguish it but let me tell you something. I did it to you then and I'll do it to you now. Now how do you get a game in this league.

And let me correct myself because it's entirely possible after my initial "learning period" I don't think I ever actually lost 2 games in a row vs anyone...imagine that.

I had games where the "best" low money players in korea had me in a 3v1 i situation where they killed both allies. All three had mains, all three had mins, all three had big bases and I won 3v1...I had situations where I held out for 4-5 hours until they gave up. Also 2v1's, 3v1's. The best of the best would show up. Id win, every fucking game. Now please...talk shit. Please claim ur the best. Because you dam well know if you didn't hack, you wouldn't be able to take a single game off me if I actually wanted to win. You know it and i know it. What you didn't figure out then is yo u needed me to tell you where your place was in the league. Not the other way around.

Now you might say well how often did you play. Everyday... lol Did you hit an run...nope. Did you not play new commers, NOPE. Imagine that. Now what else can I say other than I am the greatest starcraft player of all time. Fast money and low money. The problem with low is, when they hack its dam near impossible to beat people because the VARIABILITY of the game is so low that you can't come up with a strategy that compensates for the advantage they get while hacking. In other words, it becames almost impossible to win. Given that, I challenge any player, in fastest or low, best out of 10. No hacking allowed.

Let me make a correction, you may be able to take a single game off me but never a winning record. Not by a long shot. Now you may say Andre "cheese" beat you but go read the first paragraph. And LOL HACK LESS CHEESE THEN TALK. And btw, he has been using off handles recently but how did those games go cheese? I didn't think so.

You will notice one thing, they may ban me, o they may not. If they do, you know one thing for sure. This league is just another good old boys/girls club. When I ran this shit, things made sense.

Dre, it's Colby.

First off, I highly doubt this is the actual dr.andre. For one, dre was a good player, but really really kinda lacking intelligence. His sentence structure was quite bad, and spelling was even worst. If this is dre, you have improved quite a bit. Though that should be the case, as it's been 12+ years since we've last played / spoke.
Second, I participated in EvW and admittedly you took that, but in games prior to that you were smashed by several people without winning any games. I personally have taken several (5+) series off of you where I did not lose against you. So there goes your false claims of never losing 2 consecutive games off of someone. Dan owned you, Luke owned you, pretty sure Tom (hydra) owned you back in those days too. Last.day went like 11-2 against you all pvp back in the day, which i obsed. He may have been hacking, but he beat you EASILY. I remember the first time I beat you TvP you logged off for over a week lol.

Anyway, it's been years. You were most certainly a highly skilled player, def top 5, arguably could have been the best at times, but you were NOT steamrolling anyone. And tbh, I've only lost maybe 5-6 times against you, out of quite possibly 20-25 games. Now i'm nowhere near what I was so I can't back much of this up. But, if it is dre, we both know the truth and that's all I care about. Be real or find the door.

General Discussion / Re: Hydra is Despicable
« on: February 13, 2021, 09:40:39 am »
Yo Alex, I feel like I see some truth that's worth sharing. Please take it with a huge truckload of salt, but here's my perspective:

Making light of or using the death of a loved one to hurt someone isn't very cool (although, fuck I might do it if it's gonna help me win a game or if I really don't like the person). Starting off those convos bm isn't cool either (although I'd probably do that too, especially if I thought messing with the other ego involved would get me a game).

The thing that's the most concerning though is how this is even on your radar as a way to spend your time. It's a self worth issue.

Perfectly written. Thanks for caring.

You'll probably never meet Hydra, and he'll probably never have a profound personal impact on any of your future successes. It's literally not worth caring at all about what he (or anyone you'll meet on here) thinks about you as a person if they're not being constructive (and perhaps even then). You seem to have a want/need for validation that must be filled (I think we all do), but it seems from the outside that you might be trying to fill it with people from this community. There are probably less than 10 people on here worth letting have that kind of responsibility, and even less would be compassionate about the opportunity when it comes--especially when you BM them consistently (first? not important).

I think if you wake up every day with a clear head and focus on what you want to make out of life (especially hard for a lot of people) and are actively making progress--even if it's just baby steps--you'll realize that you have the trust and authority to validate your own self. It doesn't need to come from competitors on a war game. It doesn't need to even come from people you know IRL. It's a personal thing. At some point, we all must own this personal responsibility. At least it seems so to me. It seems to be the only viable path to sustainably increasing self worth.

Congrats on #1 K rank btw. Clearly putting in that work.

Well said <3. Agreed 100%

there's clearly previous history between the two of you but i agree with al. don't let it get to you and focus on more important shit since you don't know each other irl. this is a 20+ year old game after all..

Making light of or using the death of a loved one to hurt someone isn't very cool (although, fuck I might do it if it's gonna help me win a game or if I really don't like the person). Starting off those convos bm isn't cool either (although I'd probably do that too, especially if I thought messing with the other ego involved would get me a game).

damn, you ruthless..

General Discussion / Re: Discuss.
« on: November 17, 2020, 12:19:36 pm »
All of you engaged in this conversation would likely very much enjoy the book "Spirit Hacking" by Shaman Durek. Teaches you more about what's going on than anything else I've ever came across.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduction + shout out SCD/VGT; Hello
« on: November 14, 2020, 07:15:44 am »
I vaguely remember you when I was la.fog. I miss Chad, dude was my gears of War homie! Would be nice to catch up with that guy.

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 L-Mx]GallO91-68
2 pGf]Pescador-57-41
3 GanGs]BlackSwan67-35
4 thats_fishy32-19
5 Adler[aV]40-26

1 Wk`QlolQ47-30
2 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
3 LeGenD]GohaN25-11
4 LeGenD]Gabi39-22
5 LeGenD]EviL35-23

Help keep the league active.


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