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Messages - Meraki

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: hello can we get a sc original league?
« on: May 23, 2020, 06:32:05 pm »
Orig can suck a 50 year old testicle.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: May 13, 2020, 01:50:15 pm »
At the end of the day people aren't forced to play the tournament.

Tournaments like these should 100% exist so that we can filter out scrubs trying to abuse the system by dodging the players they know they can't defeat for the sake of pocketing a few bucks.

Personally nothing more disgusting than desperate players avoiding each other to the best of their ability for the cash prize.

I can understand the sudden rule change(Pick vs Pick) can be inconvenient but also, it's not my money. The person investing money should be able to create whatever rule he desires(as long as it isn't out of the realm of logic). Again, people aren't forced to join the tournament.

Sounds brutally honest but it's the truth.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 27, 2020, 10:01:33 pm »
What did we have Before the League? Clans, what will we have when theres no League? Clans.... and CW

If you can't admit that the league is literally what is keeping this community intact then idk what to tell you.

Starcraft lost a shit load of players when VGT died. One of the biggest hits fastest community took. A TON of players quit when VGT was shut down. I'm sure some old timers out here remembers that nightmare.

Clan wars? Who are you kidding here? There is like 2 clans alive... literally... I wouldn't even consider them clans. There is like 3 active players per "clan" alive ATM? A lot of the games played in the league are between members. What do you think is going to happen, new players are going to start flourishing out of thin air and multiple clans will be created?

You're being unrealistic. Talking about a time when starcraft was EXTREMELY active.

Low key, would love to see sword shut this site down for a month just for the sake of humbling some people around here. Would bet most of you would be begging for somebody, anybody to start a league and how starcraft sucks now without a league.

If this league died I can guarentee it would be the end of N/A fastest.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 26, 2020, 11:47:45 pm »
will there ever be a discussion on scw forums where people behave like normal human beings and not like lizard brain cavemen?

the majority of people came in here saying this is a stupid idea and you and your little fan boy newbport wouldnt listen. go host your shitty little korean tourneys and take these kids with you. the league will live on with or without you and the two korean kids who come over to win their months rent.

also direwolf who the fuck are you? random ass kid go away.

Actually if you look at the vote, 1/3 of the people found the idea interesting. (I voted for rvr) I have to agree that it's unfair to change rules in the middle of a seasons, specially for final tournament.

Still I think it's hard to judge this idea without testing it, maybe people will come to enjoy it (or not).

Also Newbport was keen to listen but you guys after stating your point just kept trolling and bm'ing him. Kinda ruin the discussion


Guys get a bit dramatic over a suggestion. The dude pulling money out of his pocket to give you guys another reason to play and instead of being grateful gets backlash and bm'd haha!. Gotta love this community.

Don't even think regular map players get as much financial support by their community as fastest does. You guys don't seem to appreciate what you have, it's gonna hurt you bad when the people trying to support your favorite hobby is gone.

Yes, we get it, it's the internet but god damn lol.. tone it down a bit it isn't that serious.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 26, 2020, 08:47:50 am »
will there ever be a discussion on scw forums where people behave like normal human beings and not like lizard brain cavemen?

Nope. Full of grown men with the mind set of a 13 year old. Hate to resort to insults but it's shocking to know most of you guys are over 30.

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 25, 2020, 07:39:42 pm »
How about editing a Korean fastest map blocked high ground abuse, 12 and 6 OC small stacked of all vespene geysers to have extra spaces for the base?


How about editing a foreign western map more narrowed choke for 12 and 6 and fix 12, 3, 6, 9 spawning locations from getting eco harassed easily? the bases are kinda too near to the side of the base and can be easily harassed IMO. Also, minerals should be at the bottom side of the base to make it balanced eco in the beginning.

there are many maps like that but people dont play them

scan, you have to understand that these dumb players have played only one map for 20 years so dont expect them to play on another map even if it is 99% the same

most, if not all, fastest map players think they are gods of starcraft and it hasnt changed since 2004ish

it took fastest map players 20 years to learn how not to suck on a simple plain map and now you want them to play on a different map? come back in 2040


General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 24, 2020, 01:15:33 pm »
This whole idea that you need to play the league or rank top 5 to give some input on balance is a bit ridiculous. I can understand if it were random noobs who have been playing Starcraft for a week but lets be honest here, most of us have been playing this game for unhealthy amounts of time, enough to point out the obvious flaws of a map.

Most balance teams out there are below average, some don't even play their own game. Name 1 game where the game developers are progamers, there isn't one. It doesn't take a genius to realize how horrible this map is.

Match up, meh it's whatever, honestly I can deal with a protoss relatively well. Match ups still mostly come down to gameplay. But positioning plays such a huge role. That's the one thing I would love to see this league change. The god damn map... it's aids... seriously. I don't play it but im just saying, there is better maps out there.

I have a question for the people who so badly refuse to accept a more well rounded map. What is the real reasoning? What bums you guys out so much about the korean map?

General Discussion / Re: SCW 17 Top Five End of Season Tournament
« on: April 24, 2020, 03:43:14 am »
It’s ok if you suck dick , I’m not a homophobe

why don't you go back to asking me to host you a match for money again? Or again ask me to buy you a computer? Or again ask me to let you smurf into one of my tournaments? Or again ask me to host a 2vs2 tournament for you with my money? Or again ask me to host a 2vs2 battle vs koreans with my money? I liked you more back when you were asking me for those things.

oh shit lol... shots fired.

Introduce Yourself / Re: HyDrA
« on: April 13, 2020, 05:22:03 pm »
I'm actually surprised people believe this guy lol.

You were caught multiple times from what I remember. At least twice guaranteed. This is an extreme case but how crazy would it be if someone who murdered 2 people on different occasions said what you said. "i killed 2 guys but i promise I would never kill a 3rd"

This happens all the time, people who commit crimes go into this deep denial trip, repeat it to themselves enough that they start to believe it. It's not even that they are lying at this point, it's that they have justified it so much they even start to believe it themselves.

If you got caught once and then showed some actual acts to repent THEN I would be more flexible to the idea that you have changed. The problem is you got caught again and if dryfly's memory serves him well, again.... Fakkkk me lol. Sorry but I can't pretend to believe you or gullibly sit here and accept your story.

Also, how are we going to accuse other people of being hackers(hope you all are trolling) if they never officially got tagged/caught. That shit is wack lol. Why don't we just accuse everyone at the top of the list of hacking too, fak it. Shit let me start it off, brain clearly hacked and so did rabbit.

General Discussion / Can I Access Previous Season Replays?
« on: April 13, 2020, 12:33:40 am »
If so can you explain how?

Edit: Nvm Figured it out.

Looking to get back into it. What's good laptop or desktop for gaming?

Looking to get the Razer mouse and keyboard atm.

Laptops are trash for gaming unless you're willing to lay down some serious cash.They heat up a lot which is a big no no for PC's. If you want a gaming pc go for a desktop. You could build a pretty solid gaming PC under 800$. Sounds hard but trust me its not, google a guide, newegg youtube channel has a legit like 2-3 part series. Build it, you wont regret it.

PT1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPIXAtNGGCw
PT2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_56kyib-Ls
PT3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxaVBsXEiok

Newer Shorter Version(Never seen it but I glanced through it quickly) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npGL2-pRXlU

Try staying away from "gaming PCs" name titles unless you sort of understand what you're looking for or don't really care about what you're paying for lol(they are mostly scams). Most of the time these "gaming" pcs are overpriced PC's with a few lights on the case.

Ask in reliable sites like reddit. Give a budget, link the PC or tell them to put together a part list for you to purchase. I might be able to put a part list together if you want or look for a half decent PC but that is only if I can find the spare time, not 100% guaranteed I could though so wouldn't count on it.

Pages: [1]

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO94-74
3 thats_fishy41-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan84-50
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 Wk`QlolQ52-34
2 LeGenD]Gabi45-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]GohaN27-11
5 LeGenD]EviL37-23

Help keep the league active.


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