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Messages - junkhead

Pages: [1] 2
I'd spit on your fucking fries after getting corona. I'm doing better than alot of people out there and I thank God I wasn't born a fucking asshole like you guys. Thank the good lord I'm not Matt that's all I have to say lol. Guys bottom of the barrel of human beings

I'll spit in your fries. Thank GOD I'm not an asshole. Dumb fucking idiot.

Your part was pivotal in the game winning. That's no 1v2

Support Center / Re: pgf]raymon and tremorz report games late
« on: May 17, 2022, 09:39:56 am »
Raymon is a good man. I feel that this is actually an issue with replay metadata not being used to sort the report time in the report system. It's a system problem, not a Fainer Jr. problem.

Lol that’s why I rape u easy right Alex?

Hilarious to think of a little bitchboy nurse talkin this level of shit.

General Discussion / Re: What does the community do for a living?
« on: May 12, 2022, 03:46:55 pm »
Software engineering

General Discussion / Re: RJB rematch on korea map
« on: May 10, 2022, 10:24:22 am »
It's an undiagnosed, but this happened with no contact from playing basketball.

Look up @kneesovertoesguy he is knee rehab/bulletproofing genius. All humanoid inhabitants of this solar system should benefit from ATG program.


I am active within the channel daily from 9am-9pm. I spam for league games and play whoever asks no problem. Not once has hydra come channel looking for me. It is not my problem if this user plays with unrealistic times vs the same players over and over again.

This mf playing defjam and dingo and other gosu players while they are 2 letter grades below him. I have a hard time believing that he's actually dodging.

Not only that, but this dude comes out every few seasons with completely new builds and gets A rank within weeks.

And if this is Cole, this dude takes bum ass 2s players and makes them look competent as they stomp on other, actually good players.

This is the smartest, most complete western SC player there is.

Hydra can likely beat him in a series. Hydra is also a top western player. These guys are probably 1 and 2 of all time. But this slander on Sunzi gotta stop. The dude could probably make a build up on the spot and embarrass nearly every player.

As an outside observer (and noob), I personally respect and admire both of these players. Sunzi is on another level and as a diehard SC fan, I feel grateful to be able to watch these games.

Haven't downloaded a single Hydra game this season because I don't think beating Ronin, Buu, Leto, and these others is all that interesting (no disrespect intended). But that doesn't mean Hydra is weak by any means. Hydra is at the very least in the top 3 western players of all time.

Just saying, to me, Sunzi is another level of entertaining. Smartest and most consistently creative player I've ever seen.

General Discussion / Re: I suggested BurgerSasu vs Hydra 30$ Game
« on: February 24, 2022, 01:32:10 pm »
Brain plays on China's fast map which is shittier than ours. Sasu fear.

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm Andre your league exists because of me
« on: February 24, 2022, 01:23:14 pm »
Listened to that song. Shit was ass as fuck.

General Discussion / Re: Map balance
« on: December 03, 2021, 06:08:50 pm »
Damn I don't know if anyone else in our community has ever thought about balancing our map.

Korean map is way more balanced.

Also, there's something fun about having to choose a different strategy when you're at a "spot disadvantage" that makes the game more focused on map control. Play accordingly. Your strategy isn't going to work in every set of spots. Same way on low$ maps.

The truth is that most players are one-dimensional and don't modify their strategy to the situations they're in. And they don't often practice because it's relatively rare that a spot disadvantage occurs (<10% of games with the most painful spawn). Watch the best people play. They alter their strategies and still win.

This sounds like the typical moron retort for allowing an unbalanced map to be in a league. Take care, my point must of completely went over your head.

For what it's worth, I predominately play the Korean map. But just so you know, nothing about my retort was moronic, not factual, or in any other way lacking substance. Just because you disagree with the sentiment of adapting to the specific situations of the map, doesn't mean that the point doesn't have merit. Many other people feel how I feel about it.

I don't presume to judge whether or not you play other maps, but if you're familiar with meta for S rank low money competitive play, then you'll know that you can't do every strategy in every matchup on every map. The map dictates the play. And on many of the maps still in competitive use in ASL today, the spawn points dictate viable strategies.

I think the much more likely scenario here is that you're leftover butthurt about a couple losses you've deemed unfair.

General Discussion / Re: Map balance
« on: December 03, 2021, 10:09:52 am »
Damn I don't know if anyone else in our community has ever thought about balancing our map.

Korean map is way more balanced.

Also, there's something fun about having to choose a different strategy when you're at a "spot disadvantage" that makes the game more focused on map control. Play accordingly. Your strategy isn't going to work in every set of spots. Same way on low$ maps.

The truth is that most players are one-dimensional and don't modify their strategy to the situations they're in. And they don't often practice because it's relatively rare that a spot disadvantage occurs (<10% of games with the most painful spawn). Watch the best people play. They alter their strategies and still win.

Ah yes, it's all of the community who is wrong. Certainly not the person who didn't have the character to follow through on a promise. If you just admitted you were wrong, I bet at least someone would have something nice to say about you. But alas, the same frail ego that created the problem perpetuates it. Keep living in your delusion. Just make sure that line of thinking doesn't propagate to other areas of your life where strength of character are actually of importance.

@ junkhead

Who are you anyway?

Get off my dick bitch lmao

Ungrateful nerds

I am the empty space you feel around your dick when you're fuckin' your old lady.

Excited for the tournament. TonyG is a force for good in our community. Newbport is a bitch made, no integrity loser who probably hasn't stopped crying himself to sleep since Brain told him to eat dick.

Pages: [1] 2

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO94-74
3 thats_fishy41-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan84-50
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 Wk`QlolQ52-34
2 LeGenD]Gabi45-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]GohaN27-11
5 LeGenD]EviL37-23

Help keep the league active.


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