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Messages - gryM.

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: BattleCheese- // MafiaCheese-
« on: January 14, 2021, 12:47:07 am »
Sup baby...It's ya boy CaM...2010 MLG Anaheim ring any bells? haha <3...I'm almost disappointed you didn't mention my name but I understand :P

Would love to do 2's with you again someday...maybe 1s?  I think we're still friends on FB and BNET?
Are you Camaro from HydrA ?


Introduce Yourself / Re: BattleCheese- // MafiaCheese-
« on: December 10, 2020, 01:07:17 pm »
Are you Camaro from HydrA ?

Sup, yeah its me...

Introduce Yourself / Re: BattleCheese- // MafiaCheese-
« on: December 09, 2020, 01:50:28 pm »
It's been a really long time since I've played. I recently reinstalled and have been playing a few pub games for nostalgias sake, and learned of this community. Been hanging around in op ugl- here and there and encountered a few players from back in the day.

A few of my Akas, the first 2 were before the creation of SCD and VGT.


I started playing shortly after broodwar was released, and got hooked on fmp pretty quick. Before there were leagues, there were clans with bots that kept records of clan battles in their channels (somehow everyone had a winning record vs everyone else xD). Some of my fondest memories were large scale clan battles vs Dr.andre's crew and the infamous west vs east tournament. I was one of the first players to random in 1v1s, as everyone just picked protoss back then. I was able to take games off of the top players with terran after a while, which was unheard of back then. Squall and Andre were the people i remember most from back then, I would be curious to see if they are still around or have popped in recently.

After scd was established, i reluctantly decided to play in season 2 despite it being on vanilla, which to me is a very boring way to play without the addition of bw units. I went something like 165-12 and won that season, and then played more actively in VGT, winning a few leagues there. I quit shortly after, came back for a couple months again before sc2 was released, and then quit for good when i started getting into Dota.

Im curious to see who stuck around all this time, who came back from the dead when remastered or covid-19 hit, who has popped in and out for nostalgias sake, and what everyone has been up to. Without social media and the battle.net launcher, i lost contact with almost everyone i used to play with.

I would love to hear about everything that's happened in the fmp world since the release of sc2, which was what 10 years ago?

Sup baby...It's ya boy CaM...2010 MLG Anaheim ring any bells? haha <3...I'm almost disappointed you didn't mention my name but I understand :P

Would love to do 2's with you again someday...maybe 1s?  I think we're still friends on FB and BNET?

Introduce Yourself / Re: HyDrA
« on: April 13, 2020, 07:48:55 pm »
I never had enough experience playing directly with you, Tom to have an opinion...although I have had a lot of accusations come my way not only in starcraft but in my competition COD world. So, I get it.  There's always a bunch of nubs who can't fathom being beat legitimately so the only thing they can think of is that you've cheated.

I got an Acer Predator Helios 300 about a year ago, this model really:


I sold my desktop which I had just built and switched to this, I am very happy with it since I can unhook it from my desk and take it around the house with me...

I can play pretty much any game and they look great, I know it's not top specs and everything but the 144hz display and everything looks sick.  10/10 would buy again... :D

Cam…. you Little noob. Haha

new phone, who dis?

Old school SCBW fastest player here, most called me cam because it was easier to type than camaro... Kind of stuck with me cause it's also my initials. :) I have gone by these general akas as far as I remember:

proj3ct_n0fx - my first formal clan

I started playing this game around 99 online, before broadband internet...what you know about 56k?  :P  Been in a bunch of clans, played mainly US-West, played some VGT for a bit but mainly stopped around 2005ish, then randomly played off and on until I started playing COD2/4.  Around 2008/9 I started playing some SC2, got decent but never made grandmaster.

Anyone remember clan slayer)s ?

Shout outs to some of my favorite bois I remember playing with, if I call your name please say present:
Cheese aka Luke
Squall aka black.apple
Slayer)s will
Slayer)s blade (I think this was it?)
Jul or Julian
Nightmare aka Colby
spartan aka Kris

Sorry if I didn't call your name.  I know there's a ton more I'm missing but my brain can't go back that far.  My friends, what are you up to?

I'm wanting to sort of get back into this, been missing the old community and all the great games.  Glad to see this is still a thing. (^_^)

Reach out if you want to play...

xoxo <3 <3,

What's up yo! Been a long time! I don't really play this game. Maybe like 10 games in the past year. I suck so bad anymore with no desire to care lol. I check here at least a few times a week just to keep up with whatever. I still talk to Squall (Dan), Luke occasionally and a few others from that time. Hope you're doing well!

Sup man you should hop on and we should whomp in some 3s for old times sake... :)

and youre playing forgetting Dr.Day rW.Day?

wow totally forgot about Dr.Day, yeah!

I remember you.. you might remember me my old west bw akas were PrOtOsSiZaTiOn, B[L]uE, Proj3cT_SlayeR, Xile.Slayer, Fall3n.SlayeR, Forever(Fubar), rW.SlayeR. I think the will youre thinking of was TurbO(SlayeR) if i remember right ? he was from the bayarea.. he might have used omega(slayer) too cant remember.. i havent seen will in years.. i just got back a few months ago i wasnt gosu in your time but i ended up becoming pretty good went from wes tto east and at east i was in L]o[sT, La., PiMpX- rW-, Xp- ...

yeah! Remember you too what up man, and forgot about PiMpX lol, I would say Xile.Slayer and B[L]uE I maybe remember the most... I'm also thinking of someone from slayers but I can't remember his alias...but he went by "StevenSeagal" and "TheBayArea"... anyone remember him? Ringing bells to me...

Slayer)s blade (I think this was it?)

Blade[zT]  ;D

Dude that's awesome thanks...

Introduce Yourself / Yo. been too long. Cam here, anyone remember me?
« on: April 06, 2020, 04:42:18 am »
Old school SCBW fastest player here, most called me cam because it was easier to type than camaro... Kind of stuck with me cause it's also my initials. :) I have gone by these general akas as far as I remember:

proj3ct_n0fx - my first formal clan

I started playing this game around 99 online, before broadband internet...what you know about 56k?  :P  Been in a bunch of clans, played mainly US-West, played some VGT for a bit but mainly stopped around 2005ish, then randomly played off and on until I started playing COD2/4.  Around 2008/9 I started playing some SC2, got decent but never made grandmaster.

Anyone remember clan slayer)s ?

Shout outs to some of my favorite bois I remember playing with, if I call your name please say present:
Cheese aka Luke
Squall aka black.apple
Slayer)s will
Slayer)s blade (I think this was it?)
Jul or Julian
Nightmare aka Colby
spartan aka Kris

Sorry if I didn't call your name.  I know there's a ton more I'm missing but my brain can't go back that far.  My friends, what are you up to?

I'm wanting to sort of get back into this, been missing the old community and all the great games.  Glad to see this is still a thing. (^_^)

Reach out if you want to play...

xoxo <3 <3,

Pages: [1]

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO94-74
3 thats_fishy41-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan84-50
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 Wk`QlolQ52-34
2 LeGenD]Gabi45-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]GohaN27-11
5 LeGenD]EviL37-23

Help keep the league active.


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