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Messages - AccUrSeD

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: How boring is current SC1?
« on: May 03, 2023, 04:49:41 am »
you carried your fair share of games i will not deny it but don't sit there and try to discredit the countless games that i've won and carried for us.

for example in recent memory, pt vs cole & sword, ppvpt vs evil & gohan. both games you did nothing. evil & gohan got trashed 2v1 by me after they killed you ezzzzzzz. I also sat there and held 2v1 vs sword and cole for 10 minutes, while still having same psi as them, all while dropping and defending

the same amount of games you carried are the same amount you lost for us. and when you played like shit i brought it to your attention but you are blinded by an ego and false confidence instilled into you by people who know nothing about the game.

trust me ill gladly show you and everybody how inferior you actually are just keep playing balanced games vs me. kk ?

Wtf? When did you get so stupid?

Do you even believe what you’re saying? Tom is the only reason you’ve ever been relevant. Without Tom you’re just another shit talker who didn’t have the game that could keep up with there mouth.. Put some respect on the guy who took you under his wing and put you on the map.

Just the fact that you’re even comparing yourself to Tom is laughable, I watched him toy with you dozens of times in 1v1s. Any 2v2 you claim to have carried Tom would only be because he gets targeted early game and still manages to buy you enough time to go clean up.

Relax with your shit talk on Tom, he created you.

A lot of what happened this game was suspect. Like the fact that either my min count is being throttled or Zergs considering my probe count vs his etc. but what is absolutely clear is the storm that happened between minutes 16-17, roughly 16:20 to be more exact. I'd ask you to slow down the replay and look at the storm right on top of his hive, taking out some of the mineral patch drones (very few) and not the entire patch which would be what should happen. And then I do a second storm on his gas line and still very few drones come off his total drone count.

If you are going to say that the drone line was off because the drones were returning to the main min patch then I'd ask you to post a replay, ONE REPLAY dated prior to today that shows that happening in ANY OTHER GAME but this one. I bet that you can't.

A few more things that are suspect. The fact that he stops attacking even after my dropship gets taken out which was a setup on my part because I felt once he took out the ship that he would attack.

I gurantee you that if you do a click by click analysis of this replay you will see wide spread hacking and collusion on the part of this player whoever he/she is and a wider group of people within battel.net

Another replay here of the tanks hitting my probe line without vision. No scan, nothing, just hitting the probe line.

oh damn, you're totally right.

A therapist would have a field day with this thread.

General Discussion / Re: Is Carvusis a dodger noob and a fail troll?
« on: March 20, 2022, 11:26:59 pm »
He still won't say his aka or give me a clue who he is. The poor coward is afraid of getting humiliated. Defending the dodger Cole when he knows damn well they're both afraid. I'm a real man I fight my battles not run away.

You're a real coward running away from rabbit noob. In a tournament fake accs. Haha
I played rabbit over 100 times motherfucker. The games are even on YouTube I almost beat him rabbit won by the skin of his teeth god you are fucking dumb or what? Im online now just bought a Razer mouse go 1s jackass? Etc is ur aka

Dude you're always dodging.. You have someone create a fake account to play in the tournament for you anf you ghost in the tournament fake fass fujibashi whatever newb ass name you created. Sounds stupid like your English. Go to school join Tom pretends to know about stock living in poor San Jose and can't afford a good education.

Stop dodging people and stop ghosting. You're worse than Cole.

I'm sorry but at least I don't have to pose in front of a rental car pretending it's my first brand new car.

Idk what San jose has to do with anything? It's actually one of the most expensive cities to live in.. "poor San jose"

So easy to talk mad shit when you're hiding behind an alias right? Are you too afraid of what others might think of you if you were to respond on your real account ?


San Jose being expensive does not mean it is good for anything. The market goes up due to the surrounding business or reputation other entities have around there. For someone claiming to be knowledgeable about stocks. It outstands me how stupid you are and don't understand basic economics. Do you have am education beaver?

Did this guy say San Jose is a shit city, then go on and explain why it's a great city all in the same breath?


General Discussion / Re: Who will win ASL Season 13?
« on: March 10, 2022, 10:57:13 pm »
I believe the round of 8 starts next Tuesday or Wednesday.

You can follow this channel to see the games (shoutout to scan!).



cool, thanks!

General Discussion / Re: Who will win ASL Season 13?
« on: March 10, 2022, 10:32:27 pm »
Hey, when is the best time to be able to watch the games?

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm Andre your league exists because of me
« on: February 23, 2022, 11:52:15 pm »
Believe what you want to save your nerdy ego.... have you not for the clue? I am not piece of shit nerds like you. And that's the final end fact.you want me to leave with any ties to this game and I will tell you. Entirely fucking no. None of you pathetic pieces of shit deserve to know me. So keep crying like a Lil girly nerdy bitch. I'm a world record holder. Idgaf what you have I'm a king. Ull see. Here's something for you needs to listen to while I'm gone https://soundcloud.com/matthew-pompa/back-in-the-days . Peace u fucking bitches for fucking good all time .. I don't give a fuck what you call money kid. I rule the world one day. Lmfao... and ull still be a ugly skinny nerd. On sc with ur ugly nerd friends like Tony g . Gotdamn that man had never been laid without paying a gel. Hmm just bought a new pad a new car brand new jobs offering me i cannot turn enuff of them down ..... im turnint down pussy you only wish you could hwve... cause thats cause i have girls... nvm ur fucking nerdn ... .... mid life breakdown? 😌 lmfao. Ur all bitches lmfao

How has this retard not been banned yet?

Introduce Yourself / Re: I'm Andre your league exists because of me
« on: February 20, 2022, 04:26:14 am »
serious question, is this a troll or are those guys mentally ill?


Thanks, Live.Sword!

The only people less available in this End of Season tournament has been the tournament hosts.

This tournament is currently falling just short of being a complete failure. The fault does not fall solely on the players, the tournament hosts have to take on responsibility for this tournament failing as well.

How do you expect donations for league prizes to continue each season if a proper tournament cannot be orchestrated in a timely fashion?
Why are there no alternates in the event that players go M.I.A.?
Do the league admins expect the top players including the Koreans to continue playing in this league if the deciding factor on who gets the prize money take 2 months to complete? How long does a season even last? There's no excuse for the tournament to have gone on like this and hosts/admins not stepped in to do what's necessary to ensure that the tournament runs as smoothly as possible.

The least we can hopefully expect is that league and tournament admins can take this tournament and learn from it and put together something better next season.

Be better.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello everyone.
« on: January 25, 2022, 10:55:59 pm »

LovelyRabbit. post replay here

Because 3rd is 3rd and not 2nd or 1st accurssed. That’s why :(

I got about 29 seconds in before I realized it was not improving from 360P quality. If he wants people to watch his casts, he needs to have bettter video quality. I just downloaded the replays to watch instead.

https://youtu.be/zir1nRrBa-4 teang vs jh gosu series! gg

Why is the video quality such crap?

Pages: [1]

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO95-74
3 thats_fishy42-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan87-51
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 Wk`QlolQ52-37
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]SveN29-23
5 LeGenD]GohaN27-11

Help keep the league active.


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