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Messages - Mrmean

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: momo stop dodging bo10 tmr
« on: April 17, 2024, 09:19:22 am »
nothing u say is factual  u said 7-1  it was 6-2. all u do is egg ppl on. You contribute nothing to scw or starcraft. Stop stalking tom and I. also continue to ignore what i said earlier. 


Replying to a forum/open discussion the way you are, is stalking? You join every game of mine through a smurf with a total of 9 accounts, with your buddies, that is a factual definition of stalking/harassment. Just because you talk publicly about Tom and your friends doesn't mean that's stalking. I don't join any of your games, really forgot about who you are.

6-2 according to you, plus 1-0 today, right? Public knowledge, still shows if it were a bo10, 6-2 is a win for bo10 without needing additional match ups, facts, correct?

Stop bming people and mature up.

You really do have issues deluka/juggular/carvusis/new-cat

I haven't been on the game in a while and you come into the channel saying that TJKang is talking shit about me and that i chased a girl to texas that dumped me? How do you even come up with this type of stuff? It's really mind boggling what goes in that little brain of yours... lol

Lol here comes the reinforcements. Eric can't handle some discussion or vice versa? Tom, all that info came from your friends.....Eric and Qlolq posted the op ugl msg on his response to you. He said you and Eric are scrawny human beings playing SC." End quote. All I said it was transparency. Your friends came up with the part of you chasing someone who dumped you to Texas. Besides that, how would I know or even mention it? Not bm just factual transparency as to what's been said as I said to you. Not bm...anyways. Tom I have all the snipits of you raging and dming me nonstop, sounds like you have some mental issues and I hope all is well, that or you're just raging in SC, either way not healthy either way.  A lot of people have mentioned your outrage bursts and that's why you send through pm because no one sees it according to you.

You went off and stayed quiet after I mentioned the leaks through discord and snapshots of the conversations we've had on there because you were bming saying things are lies well, if you want proof I can post it, nothing to hide here but not bming.

With TJkang you mc'd in your 2s match vs and violated the rules by mcing 20 bcs or so. The admins here, specifically Lucas/Mephisto ignores the bm as long as you invite him to your games or your his BFF. To everyone's point, he ignored Riddick, you, Eric's BM and addresses the items you guys want addressed. If the origin of this site is American, there's forum laws that he should look into lol.

Ggs. Let me know when you stop being a proven hacker and actually game for real without cheats or ons cheat through discord vs the Korean sc players. They all know it happened and saw the discord leaks.

You a fucking weirdo … you pub bash with your wack friends and dodge us all the time since it’s proven you can’t beat us so you come into these forums talking like you’re some good mannered dude when in reality you spam us through message all the time in SC saying childish shit . We get it bro, you constantly stalk these forums and try to get info on people so you can say things on here to make you look like it’s not you trying to egg shit on, that it’s other people providing you info.

Point still stands that you’re a weirdo and you contribute nothing to this league other than write back on erics posts.

General Discussion / Re: Donate Season 44
« on: February 29, 2024, 03:44:23 pm »
I’ll donate another $25 towards 2s next season if we can get a bo7 at the end of the season between the top 2 teams. Top 2 players choose a partner

I’ll put $50 for this idea as well

Seriously just fuck off. You constantly make fake accs of me. You constantly spread lies of me dodging or cheating.  I’m getting sick of it. You don’t even play in this fucking league so gtfo

What fake accounts? I'm new to scw. I don't have time to waste to fake accounts like you smurfing and stalking me on SC. Your friend Carlos aka XP-mrmean also messaged you about me and you talk bm about me. I've asked you to stop stalking me and yet you don't stop or with the bad mouthing. I guess everyone sees that from you...

I've been polite and still request a formal investigation to my inquiry from the admins. It's per league protocol. You've already done this with missnoi to get free points where she told others that's the only reason she created the account and she fessed up to it.

Your stream has proof of your stalking of me too. Unless you delete it.

Don’t put my name in shit. I have no idea who you are and until you come out and say who you really are, anything you say is irrelevant. You care way too much over some dude over the internet.

Support Center / Re: SCW 10 DOLLAR DONATION TRAIN!
« on: August 11, 2023, 06:42:32 pm »
Donated $40 to make it an even 250. Let's see some GGs  8)

General Discussion / Re: Brother[gK] against gG]Eazy- bo7 for $100
« on: June 08, 2023, 04:12:06 pm »
Carlos don't lie you and your other friends say gg eazy cries too much and is noob with a really bad temper for losing and blaming others your words ...

You're a fucking weirdo bro. Your bm is wack and since you're hiding behind a fake name making up lies, you wack as fuck too. I've said e is hot headed when he loses and i've told him directly that before. I would never call a guy who has been teaching me a lot a noob, so i understand this is a "bash e as much as we can thread" but don't throw my name into shit... We talk every day and we are boys, so take your childish lies and pathetic bm somewhere else. Let us know when you done hiding behind your screen and keyboard 

General Discussion / Re: Brother[gK] against gG]Eazy- bo7 for $100
« on: June 07, 2023, 10:44:50 pm »
go 1s  next season :) so plp can see

It's always next season for gg eazy. Then he dodges in the future. He cried for vulture to give him a free win for a saved game rofl. His "groove", has no groove just sucks no one considers him top tier even his friends Carlos call him a noob behind his back.

He gave free scw wins with Dingo last time. Dingo always carries Eric...so sad...

No lvl at all.

Don’t put my name in shit, I have never said that about Eric. We’ve been friends since I’ve came back to sc and continue to be. Don’t make up lies about me please and thanks. Idk how you even got my name but considering I don’t know who you are, makes it pathetic that you throwing random bm and hoping it sticks.

Pages: [1]

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO94-74
3 thats_fishy41-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan84-50
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 Wk`QlolQ52-34
2 LeGenD]Gabi45-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]GohaN27-11
5 LeGenD]EviL37-23

Help keep the league active.


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