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Messages - Sithlord

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: HYDRA VS BRAIN
« on: August 14, 2023, 01:49:02 pm »
Don't you have a pussy? I bet if we met in person, I'd finish you faster than you'd blink an eye. Ok, il stop talking about you. Your life depends on accumulating sc followers. It's all you have. Without that, your bf would be checking you into the nearest psych ward for suicide prevention. Hows that going btw? I heard you're bottom.

General Discussion / Re: Brother[gK] against gG]Eazy- bo7 for $100
« on: June 06, 2023, 11:40:48 am »
Eazy says he hasn't been on much at all gaming but im pretty sure he had more 2v2 games this month than anyone this season haha. "Im rusty"

General Discussion / Re: Brother[gK] against gG]Eazy- bo7 for $100
« on: June 06, 2023, 07:21:21 am »
Hahaha even in the live cast "eazy is a crybaby". Kids got more excuses than some of my druggies that can't find a job

General Discussion / Re: Brother[gK] against gG]Eazy- bo7 for $100
« on: June 05, 2023, 07:47:16 pm »
I'll come back and even my t and z will bash you. You probably weren't 1sing much because you were playing public games 3v3 while dodging 1s

General Discussion / Re: Brother[gK] against gG]Eazy- bo7 for $100
« on: June 05, 2023, 07:38:15 pm »
You on more crack than me pub. You played way more games then him or anyone this season. He is definitely better than you and spots? Both got z close to eachother a couple games. Corner vs corner tvp pvt..Probs the most even spots ever. You beat gold one game then ran...so what lmao. Just like vulture did, gold did a non choke zvt. Practically throws the game. Vulture went almost even with Dingo this season. Like to see you try that with more than 2 games.

General Discussion / Re: Brother[gK] against gG]Eazy- bo7 for $100
« on: June 05, 2023, 04:41:25 pm »
Bahahaha "eazy is being a cry baby". Look at Vultures record and eazys record. Shows when one person just pub bashes 90% of the time and other plays tops most games. Vulture>eazy.

General Discussion / Re: Solo.d0lo = legend]dave
« on: May 30, 2023, 09:44:43 am »
Sorry for the late response. Was honoring my fellow brothers in arms yesterday at a fundraiser/workout. Honor, something neither of you know. I fought for both of your freedoms to talk trash freely to me. You're welcome. Showed you both logical proof and all you gotta say is "stupid". Joe, you've never amounted to anything in this game so the fact that you take such pride on focusing on beating me and formulating so many lies is actually quite flattering. You remind me of an obsessive ex gf. No matter what Joe, the facts are still there. You bested me one season out of the 10 that we played. Gj man:). Must feel good since you accomplished your life goal. Even had to cheat to do it. I'm still up on you and if you want to challenge, grow a sack. You know where I'm at. I'm apparently everywhere, every smurf according to Joe. He's so frightened of getting smurfed by me, that he retired. Hydra, watch out, when he breaks up with you, he gonna be in your dm nonstop. Nothing to do with you getting booted as obs? You made this post right after that just like joe making his post right after getting 4-0ed. Sounds like a bunch of cry baby's. And Hydra, let me know if you want me to get you a new mattress or even train you in the gym. Pushing buttons has made you weak.


General Discussion / Re: Solo.d0lo = legend]dave
« on: May 27, 2023, 09:30:46 pm »
Hahaha David sells beds and hydra/Riddick are a gay couple. I wonder if they suck eachother off on one of his beds LOL. Never seen two people tryin to double team so hard in my life lmao.

General Discussion / Re: Solo.d0lo = legend]dave
« on: May 25, 2023, 08:45:26 pm »
I probably lift more than hydra and I'm on Crack with a bullet hole in my arm from all dem gun fights. I saw a picture of him and he looks like one of them drugged out chicks that come to me for weed.

General Discussion / Re: Solo.d0lo = legend]dave
« on: May 25, 2023, 04:14:53 pm »
She's with me in my moms basement haha. Hydra sounds kinda like a chick. Let's face it. Both of you are noobs.

General Discussion / Re: Solo.d0lo = legend]dave
« on: May 25, 2023, 04:03:04 pm »
You said you didn't have smurf names after Kuro whatever and I just listed them. Shut you down. And when am I complaining about losing? Again, you delusional. What's the time period between legend]David and dolo. Two months? Watch every game I've played vs gold if you are determined to prove I say I'm rusty. Not a single game did I say that.

It was 1 account that I had forgotten that you listed. You said there were many. I asked what others and you didn't respond 🤷‍♂️

Yea I can't see you complain to him about it. But you cry about it vs Joe and others 😕
Actually i listed two. why dont you go back and read the posts. Cry about it vs joe? Actually was just responding and if u go back to the messages, it was him coming up with all the excuses for losing 7-1 saying he doesnt care about the game and was rusty. My excuse and only excuse i used when i lost vs him that one season was cheating which was actually a legitamate excuse. And who others??? I think you are just making stuff up again. I usually just say gg and leave when i lose. For the most part, i only bm if someone bms me first. Just a normal reaction. And when did i dodge you?? little hydra keeps making stuff up. Im pretty sure youve turned me down a few times as well. "Im busy" "not tonight" "im on a labtop" "My gf left me". Just because someone cant play atm doesnt mean they dodge. I thought ud have half a brain to realize that. Weve played so many games that you saying i dodge you is just the highlight laughter of this post in a long stream of maniacal lies that youve displayed. Maybe all that cheating and hacking you did in the past is permantly embedded in your sad pathetic little frame that probably cant lift a 40lb dumbell yet alone please his ex gf.

HAHAHA That's pretty funny-Hydra just got shit on. Keep it coming boys. This is popcorn worthy

General Discussion / Re: Solo.d0lo = legend]dave
« on: May 24, 2023, 09:52:06 pm »
I wouldn't be surprised if hydra still cheats with how much he's hacked in the past

General Discussion / Re: Solo.d0lo = legend]dave
« on: May 24, 2023, 06:06:19 pm »
Both you fuckers should just 1s. Loser has to pay winner

General Discussion / Re: You know who is a loser
« on: May 16, 2023, 08:24:46 pm »
Why don't you two play a new b09 like real men instead of trash talking

General Discussion / Re: You know who is a loser
« on: May 16, 2023, 08:22:52 pm »
All i see is the scars from you getting whipped around and whored out from almost every gamer in scw which why you start these stupid posts to begin with. Little dick riddick just chasing the validation that he never earned in sc. Poor little man sad. Look at you Riddick.  Made an entire post after Alex literally said "ez". Made a post about me when I dont even play after getting whipped by dolo 4-0. Really that insecure.  You are telling me that i cry when you make a post every time you get your ass whooped. I bet hes going to make a post about me everytime he loses to a smurf. "O its david again" live in fear and humiliation son. You are like one of those chicks from real housewives trying to start up all this nonsense drama.

Hahaha this is actually funny and true

Pages: [1] 2 3

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO95-74
3 thats_fishy42-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan87-51
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 Wk`QlolQ52-37
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]SveN29-23
5 LeGenD]GohaN27-11

Help keep the league active.


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