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[Support Center] Report game plz by Annunaki June 03, 2024, 06:46:09 pm
[General Discussion ] Delete games by Robotic- May 31, 2024, 05:16:32 pm
[Introduce Yourself] I'm back! MaFia.Azazel / PoPe[or]DoPe by Fishy May 30, 2024, 05:56:04 pm
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[General Discussion ] On a scale of 1-10, how gay is this? by Alex May 28, 2024, 12:58:15 pm


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Messages - iCCup.Core

Pages: [1] 2
you are awesome Live.Sword!

General Discussion / Re: 400$ 1v1 tournament INVITE ONLY
« on: March 07, 2019, 04:59:45 am »
count me in thanks!

General Discussion / Re: A NEW CHANGE?
« on: March 01, 2019, 03:14:44 pm »
I would love to play dodge the obs.

Support Center / Re: introduction
« on: March 01, 2019, 03:13:17 pm »
I'm so confused how is it my fault that you have friends joining the channel displayed on your screen lol...

sorry I thought it was you. It just happened at the same time.. It's still strange why that shit happened though.

Support Center / Re: introduction
« on: March 01, 2019, 01:28:57 am »
What are you smoking?  Looks like your friends joined games or messaged you in Korean.  You are saying after I told you my Aka, i hacked you hahahahaha.  Please tell me your supplier i want some of that dope

that's not a friend joining the game message, that's just random people joining channel OP UGL.

Support Center / introduction
« on: February 28, 2019, 08:30:30 pm »
I was mass spammed by channel from OP UGL vs this guy introduction.
It constantly showed "Player has left the OP UGL" throughout the whole game which bugged shit out of me, I couldn't stay focused.
I think it happened after he gave his aka is network, and when I /s network, that's when it happened. Please get rid of the game. 

You can also see what was going on with my Youtube stream.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2eh98-BmGQ (Starts from 1:27:06)

News / Re: Korea server prize pool
« on: February 20, 2019, 04:09:16 pm »
was this leauge only in Korea server, or in West with Korean Fastest map?

you could play on the korea map in the west server.

nice. I hope this league starts again.

News / Re: Korea server prize pool
« on: February 20, 2019, 05:07:48 am »
was this leauge only in Korea server, or in West with Korean Fastest map?

General Discussion / Looking for clan
« on: February 20, 2019, 04:44:03 am »

I think I finally got really interested in playing SCW league. I think it would be nice to join a clan who can play 2s and 1s together, as I need to practice and improve.
I am low $ player and mostly I spent big time on Korean Fastest map, but I think I will commit myself to SCW just for time being.

I think I can be gosu very quickly as I am a fast learner and really experienced with SC, so please do try me out if any of you are interested.

Thanks and regards,

« on: February 20, 2019, 04:38:55 am »
YES count me in !  8)

General Discussion / Re: Buying all Diablo 2 Cd Keys
« on: February 19, 2019, 01:29:39 am »
I have couple of cd keys. But doens't B.net require you to purchase the app, rather than the cd key?

Thanks for the report. I'll take a closer look later but based on the replays I did watch, there is a lot more work to be done if you want to establish that he's hacking. Statistically speaking, the evidence is not very strong. He scouts like that (chokes only) when hes facing Protoss as well, and some games, he doesn't find his opponent until the very last scout (e.g. https://www.starcraftworld.net/download.php?item=replay&gid=845&l=1&season=37)

Examples are never evidence of anything, because when you have such a large pool of replays, confirmation bias will always lead you to find examples of what you are trying to prove. Instead, you need to make claims backed up with numbers that would demonstrate that the chance of him doing what he's doing without hacking is statistically impossible. For example, something such as "when hes terran and facing zerg, he scouts chokes only 80% of the time, but when hes facing protoss he does that only 20% of the time" or "even without clues (such as seeing a scout), he finds his opponent within the first 2 scouts most of the time, when he would expect that to be the case 2/7 of the time". Neither of these are true. If you do find something like this, do let me know.

Human intuition, especially when dealing with probability, is subject to many cognitive biases. You must avoid the temptation to draw conclusions prematurely and approach it from a dispassionate, statistical perspective.

im master at calculating probability on Excel. You gotta look at things like R square and p-value.

Thanks for the report. I'll take a closer look later but based on the replays I did watch, there is a lot more work to be done if you want to establish that he's hacking. Statistically speaking, the evidence is not very strong. He scouts like that (chokes only) when hes facing Protoss as well, and some games, he doesn't find his opponent until the very last scout (e.g. https://www.starcraftworld.net/download.php?item=replay&gid=845&l=1&season=37)

Examples are never evidence of anything, because when you have such a large pool of replays, confirmation bias will always lead you to find examples of what you are trying to prove. Instead, you need to make claims backed up with numbers that would demonstrate that the chance of him doing what he's doing without hacking is statistically impossible. For example, something such as "when hes terran and facing zerg, he scouts chokes only 80% of the time, but when hes facing protoss he does that only 20% of the time" or "even without clues (such as seeing a scout), he finds his opponent within the first 2 scouts most of the time, when he would expect that to be the case 2/7 of the time". Neither of these are true. If you do find something like this, do let me know.

Human intuition, especially when dealing with probability, is subject to many cognitive biases. You must avoid the temptation to draw conclusions prematurely and approach it from a dispassionate, statistical perspective.

im master at calculating probability on Excel. You gotta look at things like R square and p-value.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello all !!
« on: March 07, 2018, 02:04:06 am »
Thanks guys!

SkG)Goku-, we should be parts hahaha

yea we should Fusion. Gogeta sama!!!

Why you want x2 speed you have 120 apm you suck bro i destroyed you.
Username "friendly" turns out to not be very friendly.

lol yup

Pages: [1] 2

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO95-74
3 thats_fishy42-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan87-51
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 Wk`QlolQ52-37
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]SveN29-23
5 LeGenD]GohaN27-11

Help keep the league active.


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