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[Support Center] Add game by sNipEr.ScopE June 06, 2024, 05:20:28 pm
[Support Center] Report game plz by Annunaki June 05, 2024, 09:17:44 am
[General Discussion ] Delete games by Robotic- May 31, 2024, 05:16:32 pm
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Topics - FaINeR

Pages: 1 2 [3]
I’ve been playing this game since 99 and, despite whatever you want to say about fastestmap, it’s basically the only thing you’re gonna find online outside of iccup/etc. Fastestmap hadn’t changed for just about 15 years, except up until now because of noob protoss and terran players.

Old fastestmap has:
Wide trenches between players, and the gas is in small stacks to the left and right of your main.

New fastestmap has:
Now we have REALLY thin trenches between players, and the gas is arranged in one big long vertical or horizontal stack against the edge of the map.

Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet, here’s why this is cancer:

-When the gas is stacked against the edge of the map like this, it’s literally impossible to have as much anti air defenses, without getting in the way of your gas mining, so to put it there would be worse. This is done just so protoss players can easily drop an HT and kill your miners with storm. Nowadays you see protoss players wall in and just go for a quick tech to HT because the map is built for them to do this.

-When you have small trenches between players, it’s just for terran players to make siege tanks. And camp on the ridge. And put a ton of anti air buildings behind them. When this happens you’re basically locked in until you can do a massive drop.

The trench between players keeps getting smaller and smaller, and I even played on a map where it was so small that a terran player used a ghost to launch a nuke from his side and my workers were in range. And again, put a ton of anti air behind him so that sniping the ghost was next to impossible, or you’d have to waste a ton of units to do it.

Again I have played fastestmap for 15 years and I have never ever ever seen these happen only until the last year or so when fastestmap was changed to suit protoss and terran players. This doesn’t make the game more fun, it just makes it a big gay camp fest for noobs. People who do this and make it to anything past 10 minutes show how horrible they are at the game and just endlessly launch wave after wave of carriers/bcs at each other’s main. It turns every game into the same, boring, stally camp out.

Island only maps are another big offender. As in just 8 square bases that have a little bit of water seperating them.

These are hosted by protoss noobs who just make cannons around their entire island and lame out with stasis and carriers. All they do is stall stall stall and waste time and since they don’t have a job or life, wait for you to leave first and think they’ve won the game, by beating you by being the bigger loser who has 20 straight hours to burn.

Ideas to make fastestmap worse!
-Why stop there? Let’s make the gas go to the edge of your base completely. We can totally pretend you need all that gas, when it’s just so you can’t build any defenses there. Oh let’s make the gas three rows wide as well, so that basically nothing could reach it over there.

-Let’s put tree doodads at the edge of the ridges, so that camped out siege tanks are even harder to kill! Let’s make them invisible doodads!

-Let’s put invisible doodads in completely random places but in some kind of secret pattern that only the person who hosted the game knows what it is like. So it looks like for you, your ranged units will randomly miss for no reason.

Anyway, these players suck, and they know it. Brood war is basically dead anyway but, I thought I’d be the one to say it about these rigged fastestmaps and get it out of the way. These maps are made on purpose for noob terran and protoss players who suck at starcraft, and life. All they want is their big fake record when they join games, so they think other people think they are good at the game, and they’re okay with making every game turn into the same campy 3 hour long stall out.

Funny... so what can you doing for balance the zerg on a fastest map?. Tell me many examples and the all characteristic of map that benefit to prottos, terrans and zerg on normal map and fastest map. Im curious xD

General Discussion / Remove 2 games vs clan OS
« on: January 19, 2020, 07:52:54 pm »
First game vs Os Stone who reported 2 days after when now im rank B
Match ID# 1094

Second game vs Os Larry wrong report for him. i won
Match ID# 1118

Support Center / Remove this game
« on: December 01, 2019, 10:49:03 pm »
SCW Season 14 1v1 - Match ID# 1880

pisco  wrong report

Support Center / Remove this game
« on: November 26, 2019, 11:29:40 pm »
wrong report SCW Season 14 1v1 - Match ID# 1428

Comunidad Latina / Torneos Relampago Hoy martes 9pm hora peru
« on: October 29, 2019, 04:27:01 pm »
Este tema es para organizar torneos relampagos en cualquier momento que se pueda, aqui se publicara los resultados y las repeticiones, las llaves podran verlas en challonge.

El primer post siempre se estara modificando para venideros torneos.

Este Primer torneo tratara 2vs2 modalidad pp vs pp a rondas eliminatorias a una partida BO1 hasta llegar a la Final que es bo1 tambien.
Los jugadores para inscribirse deben hacerlo desde el channel OP UGL 15 min antes que empice el torneo hacia mi persona Resoud (FaINeR) deben estar los 2 jugadores en el channel y que tenga la disposicion estar mas de 1 hora para terminar el torneo.

Los ganadores de cada enfrentamiento deben publicarlo en el channel y si gusta aqui en el foro poniendo las razas y quien gano. Ejemplo PT-Legend]Jose_Mandingo 1 vs 0 PZ-Gangster]Dinko_Sven y de paso suben las repeticiones aqui en el tema scw. Las reglas son las mismas descritas por SCW https://www.starcraftworld.net/index.php?action=league&mode=rules y de paso con los observadores si se permiten siempre si estan de acuerdo ambos y si no que entre como jugador escogiendo terran y el equipo aliado solo le de vision a su compañero de clan.


Equipos Inscritos

1. [CKU]-Xzander_Slayer

2.  LeGenD]ZetA_TeMpO

3.  GanGstEr]JoSe_Toss

4.  Os]WHiTe-rA[_Stimpack

Ganador 1er Torneo Relampago / Winner 1st Flash Tournament

Supreme Champion:    Os]WHiTe-rA[_Stimpack

El ganador del torneo como pequeño incentivo se lleva 2 dolares, requisito si quieren el premio tener paypal.

Como reportar las repeticiones

Contactame para cualquiere ayuda Resoud tag bnet FaINeR

Support Center / Problem with my account
« on: September 08, 2019, 02:57:15 pm »
Admins,  La.911 or sword help me. I could return the Resoud account that I have been playing with since the first scw seasons. A user called dryfly has it in his possession without my consent. i want to play scw 13 now

https://www.starcraftworld.net/index.php?action=league&mode=profile&id=111  Remove this account

Tournament starts now. Prize is $80$ for winner & $20$ for second place.
Report replays and score here!

The tournament will consist of 2 phases. The first stage are groups of 3 players and will only classify a single player per group. In this stage all the BO5 matches will be played.

I will add a particularity it is obligatory to play rvsr until one of the two players has 2 wins, so for the following games they will be able to play pvsp only once one time. For example, Sword wins 2-0  from then on, both players will be able to pick a race only once one time or just play all the random matches. The losing player (0-2 ) is the only one who can decide whether to will play pvsp or rvsr. The condition is have score 0-2 for can pick only one game. Then next games will play rvsr.
If the score is 1-2 not apply for can pick the losging player

The player with the 2 victories will qualify, if there is a triple tie all the wins of bo5 are added and all the lose of  are subtracted and the one with the best difference qualifies.
And if the triple tie is practically tied in all equal victory, equal losses then the ladder scw11 will be taken into account who is in a better position.

On the second stage, the 4 classified players will play semifinal and then Final all Bo7.The first semifinal The one with the most points faces against the one with the fewest points, obtained on the group stage.
Also the same particularity of the previous example will be applied but instead of 2 victory there will be 3 victory (3-0, ) and from there the player loser decide whether to if play rvsr or pvsp. Remember the player who is losing is the one who decides and the condition is (3-0 or 3-1) here only 1-2 games can pick then next games will play rvsr

The winner takes 80 dollars and the 2nd place 20 dollars.


Group A   Group B     Group C      Group D

La.FireMaN  aS]P4blo7      LeGend]Buu      LivE.SworD
Anytime      Xtre-Bxer       xtre-tonyG       BigPappa
Resoud    xErinaNakirix   FaTheR-StOnE     Rubichan 



How to report

Contact Resoud(B.net tag "Fainer") for information, questions and help.
sponsored by  BigPappa and La.Sonido

En Español
El torneo consistira en 2 fases. La primera estapa son grupos de 3 jugadores y solo clasificara un solo jugador por grupo. En esta etapa se jugara todos los partido BO5.

Agregare una particularidad es obligatorio jugar rvsr hasta que uno de los dos jugadores tenga 2 victorias, asi para la siguientes partidas podran jugar pvsp solo una vez. Por ejemplo sword gana 2-0  a partir de ese momento ambos jugadores podran pickear solo una vez o simplemente jugar todos los partidos random. El jugador que va perdiendo es el unico que puede decidir si jugar pvsp or rvsr. La unica condicion para que el jugador perdedor pueda elegir es que vaya 0-2, ahi puede solicitar jugar una partida pvsp, ya despues se jugaran los demas partidas random vs random.

El jugador que tenga las 2 victorias clasificara, si existe un triple empate se suman las victorias y se restan las derrotas y el que tenga mejor diferencia clasifica.
Y si  el triple empate esta practicamente empatado en todo igual victoria , igual derrotas entonces se tomara en cuenta el ladder scw11 quien quedo en mejor posicion clasifica.

Despues de la primera etapa, los 4 clasificados jugaran semifinal y luego Final Bo7. La primera semifinal El que tenga mas puntos se enfrenta contra el que tenga menos puntos obtenidos en la fase de grupos.
Tambien se aplicara la misma particularidad del ejemplo anterior pero en vez de 2 victoria seran 3 victoria (3-0, 3-1) y de ahi los jugadores deciden si seguir jugando rvsr o pvsp. Recuerde el jugador que va perdiendo es el que decide. La condicion aca es 3-0 o 3-1 signfica que el jugado q va perdiendo podra jugar pvsp hasta 2 veces si por ejemplo va perdiendo 3-0 y logra ganar y va 3-2 de aqui en adelante se jugara rvsr.  Reporte  las partidas aca subiendo todos los reps.

El ganador se lleva 80 dolares y el 2do lugar 20 dolares.

Considering there is a lack of "SCW Finals Tournament for the other players with good lvl". I am hosting an Invitational Tournament for all players that played more 100 games in the last season excluiding the players that participate on tourney of premier. with a prize of $50 Dollars! (feel free to donate to the pool and can participate tourney dont care the condition OF THE 100 GAMES less all player invited by premier). (50USD donated by BigPappa and 50USD by la.sonido )

Starting date: Once all  spots are accepted.
Format tourney:depend of amount players accepted, but im sure Will be Bo5.

 The players with more 100 games are the next. Post/say in this thread that they want to participate.

The invited players:
1. La.FireMaN   -  - confirmed
2. aS]P4blo7   -  -  confirmed
3. GanGstEr]Plug / LeGend]Buu.   -  -  confirmed
4. LivE.SworD   -   -  confirmed
5. BigPappa   -  -  confirmed
6. Anytime-   -   -  confirmed
7.  Elpatrondelbien -   -  pending
8. Introduction -   -  pending
9. Rubichan    -  -  confirmed
10. aS]SavaGe  -   -  pending
11.ToreToX -  -  pending
12. pirhana -  -  pending

New players invited because he has multiple accounts with games that in total add more than 100 games

13. La.911! / K]o[L-Stalker -  -  pending
14. Xtre-Bxer -  -  confirmed
15. La.OldGreg -  -  pending
16. FaTheR-StOnE -  -  confirmed
17. Jr-Roy / Momo85 -  -  pending
18. [CKU]-fanatic -  -  pending

If one of these players does not confirm before sunday 23:59 EST, The tournament will start with the number of players that have accepted a minimum of 6 players, maximum 16.

This is a tournament rewarding the most active players of the season scw 11 and thus encouraging the activity of the league this time was 100 games for the duration of the league that was 2 months but in future tournaments will be less games. 8)

Support Center / Wrong report delete this match #1822
« on: April 07, 2018, 02:41:14 pm »
Wrong report delete this match #1822 vs gangster zerg

Support Center / Remove this game Match ID# 403
« on: March 03, 2018, 11:56:00 pm »
L1B2  dropped this game and he had a lot disadvantage this match probably he would lose

Suggestions & Feedback / Fastest Space new versions
« on: November 30, 2017, 11:57:36 pm »
Download in attach are 2 maps
I have 2 maps that people might like, comply with the same mechanics of the SCW map.

The second version Space map 2.0

1)The base choke 12 and 6 have entry 2 space smaller than the west map

2)Base choke 3 and 9 have the same west map entry

3)Now the corners the entrances have 2 space less than the styler korean map and 2 more space than the west map,  not as narrow as the current west map.

4)All the bases were balanced in similar dimensions and always focused on the vertical construction like the west map that we played. The problem of the west map is that the 12 bases and especially the 6 was very very small disbalanced.

5)The nuke will only kill the ore workers but it will not harm the central base. in base 3 and 9 and the tank not take damage to the expansions. and better reaction for the drops because have more distance the space.

6)The 4 positions of middle spot will have one more space for a row of defenses on center base on 12 , 3 , 6 , 9 spot.

Finally the map is more super balanced and meets the game mechanics of the traditional map of west because it has the same dimensions with small differences.

The first version Space map 1.0

Is all same  NOWW and have all the points of Space 2.0 less the point numbe 6.

The 1.0 is more similar to the SCW map than the 2.0 because the mineral of the middle positions are located similar to the normal map .

Anyway this map 1.0 is more similar to scw space map but the 2.0 is more balanced for the middle positions because more reaction vs the drops...


Support Center / remove 2 games wrong report vs GanGstEr]Joseph
« on: August 25, 2017, 03:40:12 pm »
Remove these 2 games wrong report  vs GanGstEr]Joseph

Match ID# 254
Match ID# 255

Pages: 1 2 [3]

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 L-Mx]GallO109-79
2 pGf]Pescador-70-60
3 thats_fishy48-29
4 LeGenD]HyDrA30-5
5 GanGs]BlackSwan87-55

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 LeGenD]SveN36-27
3 Platypusy51-63
4 LeGenD]HyDrA25-11
5 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20

Help keep the league active.


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