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Topics - islanti

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / In-channel command suggestions
« on: February 15, 2020, 01:26:50 pm »
Here are the current commands available in-channel (this guide is to be expanded): https://starcraftworld.com/?p=guide

I've recently added some more commands at the request of another league, so by proxy SCW also gets them since I use the same plugin for all channels.

But I'd like to hear if anybody has any other suggestions for features they'd like added.

General Discussion / 🏆 SCW14 Participation Lottery
« on: November 10, 2019, 02:41:36 pm »
Every Sunday throughout the duration of Season 14, a random player will be selected to win $10 USD.

To qualify, you must have played at least 10 games during week 1, 20 games by week 2, 30 by week 3, etc.

A follow-up post will be made later to announce the winner for week 1.

SCW Discord / 🌱 StarCraft World Discord 🌱
« on: September 08, 2019, 05:22:27 pm »
I created a Discord sever a while back for StarCraft: Remastered.

I kind of abandoned it because I've been busy with other offline and online projects this summer, including developing tools for the very popular Bombastic StarLeague (BSL).

I decided to rebrand the server with mostly a focus on the fastest community, and highlighting the SCW league.

Please join up! We have a few Blizzard representatives with us as well as a live feed of the Op UGL channel, and more features are coming!


General Discussion / RE: Use of whitespaces in Battle.net account
« on: June 12, 2019, 12:16:49 pm »
I'm noticing a lot of people using whitespaces in their Battle.net account. I'd like to point out that this is actually a bug and will likely be fixed soon or could potentially be fixed mid-season. So use those accounts in the league at your own risk (it's up to Sword if he wants to allow them at all).

Clans / 🏆 Clan Leaderboard 🏆
« on: January 19, 2019, 01:04:33 pm »
Comment here if you'd like your clan added to the Clan Leaderboard. I just need your tag(s) and clan title. Everything else is automatically taken care of.

For the clans that are already on the site, let me know if you'd like your clan's title changed. By default, it's the same as your tag.

Also, if enough people are interested, I can add a logo for each clan which would be displayed in the header. Size must be 60x60px. Submit your logos here as well.


General Discussion / UGL bot migrated to Chat API
« on: November 03, 2018, 01:52:24 am »
UGL is the first Battle.net bot to take full advantage of the new Chat API. Previously it was emulating a legacy game client to communicate with Battle.net and would often get rate limited.

There will now be a much shorter cooldown period between using commands and the bot is now called [B]ugl instead of UGL, but otherwise functionality remains mostly the same.

As a reminder, here is a list of current commands. Let me know if you'd like to see any additional features added to the bot.

General Discussion / Clan leaderbaord
« on: August 12, 2018, 03:14:12 pm »
Created a dynamic clan leaderboard based on Op UGL and SCW data.


Let me know what you think and offer suggestions.  :)

If you are wearing clan tag and are at least a Recruit, you will be displayed on the leaderboard.

Rank is currently just based on total score amongst clan's members, which I realize isn't the best metric but consider this site version 1.00.

General Discussion / SCW and Future Seasons
« on: July 26, 2018, 08:38:07 pm »
I'd like to open a discussion on how future seasons could be improved upon.

  • How could we encourage more people to sign up and participate? I think people may be discouraged from joining the league because they don't think they will win. Also, towards the end of the season people tend to stop playing. To alleviate this, I propose we reserve some of the prize pool for rewards. One reward, for example, could be a "participation award" which could go to a random player or players that's played at least 50 games during the season. Another reward could be "most time played." These rewards could be worth $50 or $25 or something. This could encourage more people to play and to also keep playing as the season winds down.
  • You may have noticed that everybody is assigned a title based on their "level" (for example, Officer, Lieutenant, etc). Your level is automagically computed based on 1) how active you are in the league and in the channel/community, 2) how long you've been using your account, and 3) your score in the current SCW season.

    When a season ends, you lose any additional levels gained from your league score, but your other gained levels persist. Signing up for the season awards you 5 levels, and you can earn up to 50 levels by climbing the ladder. I think this is a neat feature that awards you recognition for your participation and dedication to the game/league. It adds to the experience and could potentially discourage smurfing since your title is linked to your account and if you care about your title at all you may want to use the same account. I like to think it also gives players some incentive to continue participating in the community and having fun.

That's all for now. I'm curious to hear everybodys thoughts on this and if anybody has any additional ideas.

Edit: removed an item that I suspect could derail the conversation...

Support Center / Channel commands and levels
« on: July 20, 2018, 11:57:24 pm »
To keep things FUN(TM), here is a reminder of the currently supported channel commands and their purpose. Also, if you scroll to the bottom of this post, I've added additional levels as well as a leaderboard for the top 50 users.

.find <player> - Shows when a player was last seen or, if they're in channel, when they last talked

<OP]Momo85-> .seen spacewar
<spacewar was last seen Wednesday, May 9 at 02:15 PDT>

<Xtre-Soda> .seen zry
<ZrY was last seen 37 minutes ago>

.scw1 <user> - Shows your position or another players's position on the 1v1 standing

.scw2 <user> - Shows your position or another players's position on the 2v2 standing

.scwtp - Shows the top ranked 1v1 and 2v2 players

.1v1 - This lets the UGL bot and others know that you are looking for a 1v1 game and will announce other players in the channel that are also looking. This makes it easier for players to find matches. Typing 1v1 scw will also work.

.2v2 - Same as above, but for 2v2. Typing 2v2 scw will also work

<Sail> .1v1
<Looking for 1v1: Sail [A] FiRe.FreaKyOneS [C-] Chick3n [B+]>
<Sail> chick3n go?

.online - Will show which registered league members were seen within the past 15 minutes that are outside of the channel

<Xtre-Soda> .online
<[4] GanGstEr]Dario Chick3n TwannySavage TrueS->

.about <user> - Will show when a user was first seen by the UGL bot

<xyphet> .about xtre-prez
<Captain Xtre-PreZ [D+] was first seen April 22, 2018>

.level <user> - Shows a player's level and title. Anybody can gain levels by being active and playing games. You gain additional levels by earning points on the SCW ladder (note: these additionally earned levels will reset when the current season ends). This is just a fun feature that does not affect your league standing

<GanGstEr]ZerG-> .LvL GanGstEr]JoSe.
<GanGstEr]JoSe. is level 74 (Brigadier)>

Every 5 levels will award you a new title. After level 70, every 10 levels will award you a title.


      Lt. Commander
      Lt. Colonel
      Major General
      Lt. General
      Field Marshal
      Grand Marshal
      Several more elite ranks to discover which will remain secret for now ;)

Top 50 users by level: http://starcraftworld.com/?p=levels

Pages: [1]

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 L-Mx]GallO102-77
2 pGf]Pescador-66-46
3 thats_fishy42-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan87-55
5 pGf]Tremoz-63-69

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 Wk`QlolQ52-37
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]SveN29-23
5 LeGenD]GohaN27-11

Help keep the league active.


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