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General Discussion / SC2
« on: July 03, 2019, 08:42:17 pm »
Hey there!  Just started sc2 2months ago and recently finished the entire campaign missions on all 3 races. I  started playing 2v2  rank games just about 2 weeks ago and currently rank silver. Does anyone here play sc2? If anyone is up for some rank games, let me know.. Currently looking for a clan and some partners..

General Discussion / A NEW CHANGE?
« on: February 28, 2019, 09:25:59 pm »
I've been thinking something else in terms of how to improve the league itself. HOw about we have a UMS tournament? Perhaps we can implement somesort of a ums league? Some of the most common maps people play are dodge the rapist, zone control, scv football, impossible scenarios,  and Bound maps. I personally would donate $100 if this were to happen. It'll be really fun. Anyone else agree on this ? Have a ums league. Everyone vote for what they want and the most popular choice would be considered. What's everyone's thought on this?

General Discussion / Clan war & Nation War?
« on: June 21, 2018, 08:47:52 pm »
Okay so I browsed through the archive and it seems there's nothing special happening. Just the ordinary 1v1 2v2 league. I was thinking why not we have two new ladders for fastest community? You know have ladder standings for clans like how iccup has one. Also about nation wars, setup another new ladder for nation wars where everyone choose to represent their nation and somehow earn points for it. What does everyone think?

General SC / server maintenance or just me?
« on: June 19, 2018, 10:25:18 am »
was in middle of vs brain but I disconnected, was it just me or server went down due to maintenance?

Clans / -~::+Excellent Era+::~-
« on: June 18, 2018, 10:19:32 am »
font=trebuchet ms]
::Guild History::
In the early quarters of 2010, Guild FinalFortress was at its very active state and thriving day after day. We accomplished many raids and recruited quite a large amount of members to the point where we had to make a secondary guild. The guild was prosperous yet still hungry for new recruits however it soon succumbed to it's inevitable fate.

July, 2010 - Peaceful times...
Summer season was finally here! Many of the members had plenty of free time to play Aion which mean more time to run guild activities. Anyway It was a pretty chill guild! Everyone was helpful and kind, we help each other out basically anything in general. We would have weekly guild meetings where we meet at one location and just hangout and talk etc.  Ocassionally, our Founders: [FF]Toffee & [FF]Fluffy would host weekly PVE tournaments and give cash/prizes which attracted a lot of members to join. In my eyes, it was a perfect guild for anyone to be part of... but one day everything changed..

January, 2011 - 1st Encounter
It was just another ordinary month of grinding & leveling, you know the usual. Not too long ago, [FF]Skittles was interrupted by a group of PK'ers(Player killers) of "SupremeOrder' Guild while soloing a boss monster himself. A small confrontation soon escalated to a verbal war between [FF]Skittles & SO-Slick and as the argument continued, it lead to a constant harassment by SO-Slick of the SupremeOrder guild. [FF]Skittles contacted [FF]Toffee & [FF]Fluffy(Realife mother & father) about the situation and thus Both guilds finally clashed!

February, 2011 - Never-ending War

It was never the same again for FinalFortress. Every day was an all out-war for both guild. Each side conspired and executed strategic methods to try to break down one and another. Everywhere we go, we'd kill steal each other, and PK back and forth. There was never a moment where both sides agreed to stop this childish behavior, this menacing battle..But the battle was far from over. SO-Slick was one of the few notorioius members in SupremeOrder. The beef between him and FinalFortress got worstened to the point where he said to them "I'd hire a hitman to kill every one of your whole fucking family members". It was basically nonstop bming from slick.

May, 2011 - You're banned!
Oneday, Slick wokeup and tried to enter the game but only found out his account was banned from the game(temporary ban). This greatly made Slick angry thus he raged and broked his PC. Slick told his guild members on Ventrilo about how he won't be able to access his account for the time-being. Slick's clan and FinalFortress finally agreed to settle their beef in "The Abyss and Fortress Sieges ", it's sort of like a raid where you try to kill each other fortresses. By agreeing to this, whoever loses have to give up their guild and that was the bet, thus the war begun!

July 2011 - To become one

It was an undecisive war between the two guild but ended by both sides. Guild Final Fortress agreed to called it quits  because they reported that [FF]Skittles's mother, aka [FF]Fluffy had passed away due to breast cancer. It was a rough time for Guild FinalFortress and it was never the same for them after the incident. It was told by their guild members their leaders and founders went MIA after the [FF]Fluffy's passing. SupremeOrder showed their condolences and eventually offered  the remaining [FF] Members to join their Guild. All sounds too wonderful however during the raging wars, SupremeOrder had a problem of their own. The war between two sides became too demanding and exhausting to the point where Most SupremeOrder Members resigned from the guild.

December, 2011 - Epilogue
As both dying guilds cling to their last breathe, the activity from both guilds dwindled. As months passes by, more members resigned or quit the game. SO-Slick was a Co-leader at the time and was given the Founder status right when the SO Founder gave up the leadership. SO-Slick couldn't stand the fact that his guild was dying gradually.... thus he thought of an idea along with the members of SO & [FF].. and that is to merge as one. To assemble a new guild.. a new strong alliance where new generations are born...A perfect  clan consist of excellent young talents that will also bring in far more new amazing players to a whole new modern era of Aion. and so...

To this present day, Excellent Era's been divided. Some still play Aion, others emigrated to other games such as Blade & Souls, Overwatch, Dota, League Of Legends, Black Dessert. I myself wanted to bring back Excellent Era for StarCraft and hope we'll bring some new members here as well! LONG LIVE "Excellent Era"...

Excellent Era is all about teamwork and having fun. We strive to bring our members a healthy and an exciting gaming environment so if you're one of the few who fit the requirements than hop on the boat!

2. Be eligible to play Starcraft World League(Recommended but not neccessary)
3. No BM(Not recommended)
4. Respect Members




Fake Wannabes, Banned members & BM'ers

Suggestions & Feedback / avo-cado should NOT be allowed to pllay
« on: June 17, 2018, 08:27:13 am »
I mean look at him, he's 7-1 and C- in less than 24 hours. I mean I personally train pretty hard in my games and I don't think anyone here besides Mamba can reach C- in 24 hours. Please ban him because he will steal the scw money! Make scw great again! ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion / there will be no hiding!
« on: June 14, 2018, 01:03:18 am »
scw 6 starting soon! Don't dodge me people! You cant run or hide :D.. And btw Kon & Zeus, if you read this, thanks for for your advice, appreciated! Thanks! :D.

General Discussion / We deserve better!
« on: June 13, 2018, 10:37:36 pm »
 I know people only care and recognize the greatest of the greatest. I mean only good or pro players deserves some kind of recognization and rewards right? Like how  top 5 gets to advanced to a 1v1 tournament and win money. Honestly, I think we should have a tournament for low-tier players. For lowmoney community, I know there are some tournaments organized just for the low-tier players(D+/C-). So wouldn't it a good idea to have a small tournament just for low-rank/mid-tier players like myself? These tournaments doesn't have to have some sort of incentive behind it.

General Discussion / Starcraft World Independent League? SWIL
« on: June 13, 2018, 09:44:09 am »
Okay so something came to my mind last couple of weeks and I think this could be a good idea or a bad idea but it's just my opinion and suggestion. I'm a 1v1 player and also a 2s player and sometimes I may catch a game of 2's depending on my mood. Now let's get to the point here. For the 2v2 ladder section, I notice people always partner the same people constantly. Yes I know people only want to partner with people they know, friends, or skilled people only. I find this sort of an issue and hard for new and fresh talents to come in to play starcraft. Okay so you want more faces to come into the fastest community, okay than I think everyone who is active should try to help out, I'll get into further details. I think the last month or two, I notice there's a bot in the game menu that says "Join Op UGL". So this is actually one of the  approach to bring new faces to the community but than what good will it do if new players visit the channel and have no clue what's the channel and community about?

So I thought about one method to increase the activity, longetivity, and the playerbase and that is to have another brand new 2v2 ladder system. How this system work? Read along

2v2 Ladder System
1. Players can partner anyone for 2v2, for example, SaveMeNow + Fire.Premier VS. Live.Sword + Resoud for 2-4 matches(Must rotate partners after every match).

2. A new 2v2 score system where points are distributed fairly. Example: Team 1(A+) wins Team 2(D-), Team 1 wins 20 points. This is better than the old score system where one can lose alot of points if vs lower rank players in 2v2. The whole point of a new score system is limit the dodging of players because some are afraid to lose a lot of points vs low rankers.

3. Implement a rule where you need to choose a specific race for fair place, example: PTvPT, PZvPZ, PPvPP etc... Why we should implement this rule?(Not Neccessary) To increase the playerbase. I know koreans play fastest and they have a set of rules too! One of them is you need to pick balanced races(Not sure if it's a must but in most cases they do).

Benefits of this new 2v2 ladder system?
1. Reduce waiting times for 2v2 games..(Do you really want to wait for 2v2's everytime you get on? For me I sure don't!)
2. Increases player activity and growth
3. A much friendly, fun and active system.
4. Everyone has the opportunity to play in the league
5. Players can improve their 2v2 players
6. Mild competitive level not super tough like the old system(Between Pubs & Pros but is contronversial)
7. Significantly improves playerbase involvement and interaction

I have to admit, I know there are players who don't want to play 2v2 league because their partners aren't on or some players just dont play 2v2 because they know they cant find partners and lack the skill. Also, this ladder will prove who are actually best top 2v2 players. People can get to high ranks because they get carried by their partners. This system is basically a free for all where you have to partner everyone and try to get to top rankings by yourself! Think you're the best 2v2'er? than partner randoms like everyone else to see how you do!

Why should we tolerate this new type of 2v2 system?
Why not? Btw, I checked the archive section and browsed through almost every seasons and everything seems to be the same always. Why not try something new for a change? If this doesn't work out than so be it. Doesn't hurt to give it a try admins!
On a side note, I know I've talked about this before and that's about BM. I know new faces probably don't like that and especially koreans. Most of them are well-mannered and if they see how poor our attitude is than there's no telling how long they'll stay. It probably may not workout considering the high level of toxicity in this community but I could be wrong. Hell if this actually is successful, I'll even donate towards the prize pool.. Also, I'm not trying to say give up the old 2v2 system, just implement an extra 2v2 system to see how it goes. Please no flaming this is a discussion, please express your ideas, thoughts, and suggestions. Dear admins, please remove any innapropriate troll answers & comments. Haters will be haters and I know a lot of people will be upset after losing their 2v2 games! Some people just cant stand the fact of partnering news and lose. Newbs are newbs, you don't get good by just starting out fresh on fastest. If everyone here objects and dislike the idea, that's totally fine with me. That's all I have to say thanks!

Please cast your vote, there's a poll above this post!

General Discussion / too plain, simple, and uninteresting?
« on: June 12, 2018, 10:01:50 am »
I like how the league is structured, there's ranks and forums where you can talk about anything but there is one thing I want to ask about and that is this website. Why is it so plain? Compared to other starcraft sites like teamliquid.net or gosugamers, this site is least attractive to the eye. Why doesn't the admin put some cool designs and borders? And there's no banners and nothing, just  plain blue, grey, and black.

General Discussion / This Zeus[55] guy
« on: June 08, 2018, 12:06:26 pm »
Nothing much to say about this Zeus[55] or Zeus[SS] guy but to only say big thanks to him and major respect and props for helping me TvP m/u  the last couple of days ago. My TvP Improved slightly because of him. Although it still needs a lot of work but I won couple of games as T vs P Mid Gateway Builders. Stil  needs to improve my other m/u but anyway, if you read this Thanks Zeus!

General SC / 0ne on 0ne
« on: June 06, 2018, 12:42:19 am »
Hey guys! Just letting everyone know if anyone interested in some 1v1s for practice and share some useful tactics and tips. We can do certain matchups that needs improvements or just the rvr in general. If you're better than me or worst, doesn't matter. As long as we are sharpening our skills, that's all it matters. This could be a good chance to get some games going before another season starts. Hit me up n the channel if u want to play.

General Discussion / Are you a loser????
« on: June 03, 2018, 11:07:43 pm »
Okay I wanted to post about this last couple of days ago but too busy with my life. So I have the time and I'll talk about it.

I know this happens alot to probably alot of you or maybe it's just me but whenever I 1v1 players in a fastest this(this one) or maybe just 1v1 people on fastest in public, I know they get really upset. Why do I think so? Because whenever I win them, they either say "you're lucky" or "I'm rusty" etc.. Honestly if you ask me, there is no need to come up with these excuses. I mean you lose you lose you win you win, it is what it is. I don't understand how people get so angry. Whenever I lose, I just laugh at myself because I know I did some dumb things that cost me in the game. I probably enjoy losing more than winning because it's funny how I make a lot of mistakes. This is a game, you play for fun. Games are suppose to help you relax and reduce stress. If you're playing at a pro league level like nonmoney, than yes it is okay to be upset because you're putting up everything on the line, your career is on the line.  Some people in the league(not going to say the names) but whenever I play them 1v1 and win, they whisper in the channel after than say I'm a lucky newb or they're rusty they just came back. I like lowmoney alot and one of the thing is alot of players don't find excuses whenever they play a match. Honestly just play the game and have fun. For, My biggest problem for fastest is playing late game which makes me pretty tired mentally so than I don't give a rematch to certain people, it's not because I'm afraid or dodge good players. It's just its mentally tiring sometimes but fun at the same time. There are people who can play 8x games nonstop, thats good for you I mean you can play for such long hours without stop. For me, I can't do that because I don't have the mental stamina to do so. So for the haters, if you read this, I'm not dodging you. I just need a break sometimes even after just 1 long game, thats all.

General Discussion / Booms? Or actions?
« on: May 31, 2018, 10:25:01 pm »
Okay so outside of school, I'm always into astronomy or space related stuff and that's includes UFO. I know some states been hearing some weird noises either up in the sky or underground?

Here's a pretty famous YouTubeer who goes by the channel name secure team. He cover pretty much everything from UFO to strange phenomenons
Please ignore topic title. Phone autocorrects the wrong words

Strategy / Best strategies?
« on: May 24, 2018, 09:18:14 am »
Okay so I been watching a lot of replays and it did help me with my 1v1s and also i made it to B- and thought I would be stuck in D+ forever. Not a big deal to other players but to me, thats a big accomplishment and woud like to congrats myself for the fun hardwork and not giving up  But there is still more work to improve and getting to B/B+ will be super hard. Anyway I want to ask everyone something. After watching many replays I know there are many different strategies people use. So I want to ask what is the best strategy to use for every race?

For Protoss, I see alot of protoss do the mid gateway build, some do 4 gateway, or nexus first.

Zerg, just normal strategy like choke build or mass early lings I see.

Terran, I see some or someone do the one barrack or two build and rush with marines and scv, or 3 barracks, or 4.

So which strategies are most useful and have a high chance of winning your games when you use them?

Pages: [1] 2

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO95-74
3 thats_fishy42-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan87-51
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 Wk`QlolQ52-37
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]SveN29-23
5 LeGenD]GohaN27-11

Help keep the league active.


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