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Messages - MrAKon

Pages: 1 [2]
Dude is literally the only professional fastest player ever. Like, he only plays fastest now and said streaming is his job. 500+ were watching him play defjam.

Definitely the GOAT as well, fastest is still starcraft and he said hes been playing two years so enough time to convert his skill. He's rank 6 on global sc ladder playing his offrace and said he's probably about 50th best player right now in low money. No surprise, doubt he ever loses a game with protoss.

I wouldn't say he's the GOAT of fastest. If we are talking about only our league then sure. There are better fastest players who have been playing their version of it since day one. I would love to see him compete against some of the players ive watched stream. Rabbit has wins on brain(vids are on youtube somewhere) and ive seen the people i watch stream, own rabbit. So based on that I must assume there are definitely MUCH better fastest players. It's also very obvious how well these kids are just by watching the streams. Brain is good for sure but not the best.

Ive been spamming this league site on their streams past few days hopefully it works and convinces them to come over. I will continue to until they do haha!

EDIT: BTw the game he lost to against rabbit that i saw was a PvP. Let me see if i can find it. Think this is it you can sort of tell it is him cause he uses the same similar dragoon + reaver push strategy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_YmGHNLaNo

I don't think that game is vs him (his apm is never that low) and if it was he had just started playing fastest cause he said its only been 2 years. He said other streamers including rabbit wont play him or each other because their viewers would switch to the winner. I might believe you if you could tell me these others are also somewhere in the top 50-100 on global SC ladder. It is damn impressive to be #6 when literally all of the pros play on that ladder. Fastest is starcraft, after a few months to adjust low money skill will = fastest skill

Dude is literally the only professional fastest player ever. Like, he only plays fastest now and said streaming is his job. 500+ were watching him play defjam.

Definitely the GOAT as well, fastest is still starcraft and he said hes been playing two years so enough time to convert his skill. He's rank 6 on global sc ladder playing his offrace and said he's probably about 50th best player right now in low money. No surprise, doubt he ever loses a game with protoss.

On his stream it looks like there are about 300 games up at a time on Korean server. He had to use a filter for fastest and there were about 50 games up. I would bet they have 50+ fastest players better than our best player.

General Discussion / Re: How to increase the amount of players!
« on: November 03, 2017, 04:04:43 am »
I played 2000-2007 only fastest and came back in the last year, no I do not know the builds for terran and I'm not about to start playing this choke and pray to win 40% zerg. And i'm certainly not going to get raped 95/100 times with those races to learn them just so I can only get raped 65/100 times because those races suck on this map anyway. Honestly it wouldn't be that bad if pvr/rvr still resulted in mirror 1/3 times, but how it is now pvr/rvr guarantees an unbalanced game

General Discussion / Re: How to increase the amount of players!
« on: November 02, 2017, 11:57:26 pm »
Exactly, especially 1v1 fastest is completely its own thing with unique build and strats for each race. And you expect these new league players to learn these builds/strats for three races? Against people who have played these matchups for 5+ years? Mirror match's are the only real 1v1's on fastest which ironically you can never play in this rvr league

General Discussion / Re: How to increase the amount of players!
« on: November 02, 2017, 07:40:29 pm »
If you want people to join this league get over people picking their race. Better yet get over people not wanting to play horribly disadvantaged races. Talking about attracting new players as if there are hidden pubs who could actually be competitive with ppl in this league playing 1v1 fastest for a decade. If FlaSh played this upcoming season he would probably not win playing only R. Point being the mandatory RvR culture makes an already difficult league to join 3x harder.

General Discussion / Re: Will Season 2 be original SC?
« on: October 16, 2017, 03:28:40 pm »
If you're talking specific abusive situations lurker swarm doesn't hold a candle to mind control toss. Zerg is the worst race on fastest in 1v1 and 2v2 SC and BW period. Its slightly better in BW but still the worst race by far. BW is more balanced in every match up.

Banned Players / Re: *BANNED Pro]Turbo/Robotoss
« on: September 28, 2017, 04:58:52 pm »
Ok lol at all of that but anyway I was gonna say as a third party who knows none of u..

Unfortunately she lived actually. The rape was pretty good though. Could be compared to what I'm doing to all of you. You know? Hahaha ty ty.

You cant really ever say this, even if joking, and not be a psychopath. Don't even know what this was, guess he hit somebody with a car and was at fault enough to go to jail for a year? Kind of fucked up to bring up his personal shit in the first place but still how is this your response? Not sure if this warrants a ban from a game league, but certainly cant have someone putting crazy shit like this on your public website. But yeah, deserved or not with how sad the above post comes off it sounds like he needed this for his own good

Suggestions & Feedback / Re: Pickers Players Polemical
« on: September 20, 2017, 12:56:05 am »
I totally agree it's boring seeing a protoss picker winning a season it's more exciting watching cole kon tyga etc win. Their games are fun to watch .  It'll be more active  I think when people see a got go 85-15 only playing protoss why bother playing? just ruins the game and league.
Not really, its the opposite for me actually. Just came back to sc after a decade, I would play this league if you didn't get bitched at 90% of the time for picking. Pretty much nobody could beat a good toss with z or especially t back when I played. Good players may make them work now but even then are still disadvantaged. Fastest is a niche game with unique builds and strats, not gonna spend all that time getting good at t/z just to go from 10% to 30% chance to win vs same skill player anyway if he gets toss, which he will 50% of the time if I don't.

Ban Appeals / Re: Robotoss acting as MOD
« on: September 14, 2017, 06:28:31 pm »
RvR makes no sense on a map where one race has a huge advantage anyway. Super low mirror chance makes it even worse

Ban Appeals / Re: Robotoss acting as MOD
« on: September 11, 2017, 11:49:45 pm »
43-5? Is this guy really that far ahead of the pack?

Pages: 1 [2]

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 L-Mx]GallO91-68
2 pGf]Pescador-57-42
3 thats_fishy32-19
4 Adler[aV]40-26
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 Wk`QlolQ47-30
2 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
3 LeGenD]GohaN25-11
4 LeGenD]Gabi39-22
5 LeGenD]EviL35-23

Help keep the league active.


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