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Messages - Carvusis

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17
General Discussion / Re: Is Carvusis a dodger noob and a fail troll?
« on: March 17, 2022, 09:26:20 am »
You've got 0 votes. Gg?

Show the polls! Fake news!!!

Hairy Chewbacca go back to the stars LOL. Make top 5. You haven't been for the past seasons. Sad boy.

Decaf = Gosu

Carvusis = Loud mouth random attention whore noob

 ;D ;D ;D

Nice stats bruh hehehehehe.

Hehe gosu from where go 1v1 too.

Random pub I see  ::) ::)
Haha yes mr. 15-28. Or mr criticizes on sc yet doesnt play at all. Commentary yet sucks ass. Go hop on Chewbacca some more /.\

General Discussion / Re: Is Carvusis a dodger noob and a fail troll?
« on: March 17, 2022, 01:12:02 am »
shut the fuck up scrub, everyone supported me in the thread and in the polls, deny it less plz.
Lol no they didn't haha denial boii lvl up dodger. Disappear from rabbit more faker. Hahahaha.

It baffles me, that people can compare tom and cole. Ridiculous. Don't get me wrong I do think Cole is good but comon....

Why don't you play Cole or Tom?? You always avoid playing Tom officially and unofficially.

Petty kid.

General Discussion / Re: Is Carvusis a dodger noob and a fail troll?
« on: March 16, 2022, 09:04:23 pm »
Thank you for the post and acknowledgement bff. Say I'm chris and alex bm alex for no reason and apologize again. LOL.

Funny how in my posts no one supports you :(. They think you're a low life loser but we all know it's true Gunther. Bo22 go. Right now till 9pm. Dodge more??

I'm genuinely curious now lol

Who the fuck is this Carvusis cat? (his stats are real bad hehe)

Is he gosu or just a random pub?  ??? ???

Hehe this amuses me.

Carvusis you suck ass at piano. My little neice in second grade has better keyboard skills than you. Cry for attention more fat boy get a band aid

Guster. Forest Gumper. Chewbacca.

Oh! I got it you can be called Kim Jung Coon

So sad you create a smurf within a forum to support yourself chewie. Chris? Lol. You're name is Forest Gump and you're hairy. It's no wonder they dump you and cheat on you.
It's hard for you to say that people don't beat you when your win ratio is less than 1:1 LOL.
Dodge more. Don't freak out and disappear for 2 weeks again. Pull a Cole. As you would call it

Sadly Hydra or Tom couldn't figure this out vs Taeng. Guy is in denial.

Side note you're hairy and animal looking.
Side note: who the fuck is this pub even? Some guy never amounted to anything in the history of sc, not even a noteworthy player and probably ugly as shit too. Shut up please.

Shut the hell up you pube looking low life. You spend 24/7 on sc and you still suck ass.
nobody cares about you dude stfu already. You're jealous cause you're probably under 5 feet tall and couldn't get a- to save your life. I suck ass? Lol. I'm easily one the best fastest 1s players

You're an easy 1s player yes. You must be on the top 5 scw each season and tournaments right? Oh nooooooooooo wait didn't you disappear vs Rabbit recently? :O tops 1s player at least show up. Unless your cowardness is spreading to Cole so you criticize to players.

So if you're a top 1s player I must be a top player? Is that the definition of a top player? Shows a lot about the league iff that were the case. I don't assume you're smart enough to know what iff is. LOL.

Buddy people who brag about personal things must mean you have a Napolean effect.

My message must've impacted you. You sent 3 messages. Noob gg no re.

Id rather watch bunz and wetsock 1sing.  - your 🗑
Riddick look at my games owned u too. This is my loss acc you're trash too.

Gus vs Alex bo9 show/grudge match with Joe casting live!!!!

Would be dope as fuck! I got $25 on it hehe.

gl hf gg's!
Oh is that Mrs.kokanee herself? rofl figures... I've never dodged anyone in the history of sc... go fuck urself alex, u fucking monkey, Id trash you easily like I always have. I dont play sc rly anymore, Im just here to talk shit to morons. Im better looking than you will ever be, shrimp. LOL grow up kid.

are you talking about me? lol
I think its you he talking about Turtle if your name is Alex.
Sniper has illusions of being a chode. I don't know how someone can be soo hairy and butt ugly. Shower dude. I'll donate you smelly. Even Chewbacca wears star cologne. No feces allowed please.
::) obviously looking at my picture im not hairy or butt ugly bro. go look in the mirror if you want to see ugly
Says butt ugly

Gus vs Alex bo9 show/grudge match with Joe casting live!!!!

Would be dope as fuck! I got $25 on it hehe.

gl hf gg's!
Oh is that Mrs.kokanee herself? rofl figures... I've never dodged anyone in the history of sc... go fuck urself alex, u fucking monkey, Id trash you easily like I always have. I dont play sc rly anymore, Im just here to talk shit to morons. Im better looking than you will ever be, shrimp. LOL grow up kid.

are you talking about me? lol
If youre not carvusis I apologize rly day...
Rofl you bmed a friend on assumptions. Please get me a shirt of "I'm with stupid"

Gus vs Alex bo9 show/grudge match with Joe casting live!!!!

Would be dope as fuck! I got $25 on it hehe.

gl hf gg's!
Oh is that Mrs.kokanee herself? rofl figures... I've never dodged anyone in the history of sc... go fuck urself alex, u fucking monkey, Id trash you easily like I always have. I dont play sc rly anymore, Im just here to talk shit to morons. Im better looking than you will ever be, shrimp. LOL grow up kid.

are you talking about me? lol
I think its you he talking about Turtle if your name is Alex.
Sniper has illusions of being a chode. I don't know how someone can be soo hairy and butt ugly. Shower dude. I'll donate you smelly. Even Chewbacca wears star cologne. No feces allowed please.

Gus vs Alex bo9 show/grudge match with Joe casting live!!!!

Would be dope as fuck! I got $25 on it hehe.

gl hf gg's!
Oh is that Mrs.kokanee herself? rofl figures... I've never dodged anyone in the history of sc... go fuck urself alex, u fucking monkey, Id trash you easily like I always have. I dont play sc rly anymore, Im just here to talk shit to morons. Im better looking than you will ever be, shrimp. LOL grow up kid.

Fun stuff keep guessing. Don't talk to yourself that much. That is harsh. You seem to lash out a lot. Got therapy?
Give it up alex, little puny punk.... Cole is a dodger, get over it fanboy.

Lol. @Alex defend yourself whoever you are.
Chewbacca. All I hear is chuu chuu you train.
Stop dodging in sc dude. That's all you do.

Gus vs Alex bo9 show/grudge match with Joe casting live!!!!

Would be dope as fuck! I got $25 on it hehe.

gl hf gg's!
Oh is that Mrs.kokanee herself? rofl figures... I've never dodged anyone in the history of sc... go fuck urself alex, u fucking monkey, Id trash you easily like I always have. I dont play sc rly anymore, Im just here to talk shit to morons. Im better looking than you will ever be, shrimp. LOL grow up kid.

Fun stuff keep guessing. Don't talk to yourself that much. That is harsh. You seem to lash out a lot. Got therapy?

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 L-Mx]GallO110-82
2 pGf]Pescador-78-64
3 thats_fishy51-32
4 LeGenD]HyDrA30-5
5 BigPappa99-124

1 LeGenD]EviL48-27
2 Wk`QlolQ61-43
3 LeGenD]HyDrA32-17
4 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
5 LeGenD]SveN36-27

Help keep the league active.


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