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General Discussion / Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« on: February 07, 2018, 10:37:16 am »
What's up everyone!
So I haven't played this game on a competitive level in like 8 years, and back when I did play, orig was the go to spot, but BW was just starting to be recognized as the real deal because of the fact you have more options and more strategies. (I came from bw to play orig competitively.) The problem I think with league activity is the fact that its on orig. No matter how you look at it, orig is a watered down and unbalanced version of the game. That's the whole reason that BW was even brought onto the market, and fine tuned. The big deal is that the current fanbase of starcraft is pretty much 99% BW (pubs/ums). All of the pro gamers or Koreans will only play on BW. Hell, I would even come back to play a bw league (played maybe 20~ games last season bw).
Also, some of these top players just haven't matured the way you should. The game is meant to be for fun, and I enjoy talking shit too. But it's just like in the work place or real life, if your boss is a douchebag and talks about all of his successes and smacks you down at every turn, why would you ever try to better yourself? People need to stop acting like such bad asses, take your wins/losses and move along.
Just my 2 cents!

General Discussion / Re: Dano is noob
« on: February 03, 2018, 12:41:36 pm »
Haha, Matt you still mad cuz ppl consider Defjam to be better than you? Imagine that, all that effort you put it. Day in and day out in this game. Still Brain slapped you sideways - _ -

Momo, idk what to say about you... best way to describe Homo = Nour-pylon, Lmfao.

Colby idk if thats you, but i doubt it....

Micro, you stinky victim. Since when did u ever play top gamers? -_-

Lol it's me! Don't play much and def don't get competitive like I used to. Slowly losing interest again tho!

General Discussion / Re: Dano is noob
« on: January 31, 2018, 05:05:37 pm »
Dano, you remember me?

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 16, 2018, 10:46:34 am »
sup guys~

First of all, I am really sorry for complaining and ranting so much lately. 

I'm not trying to change everything you guys have been doing for so long but It's been a frustrating experience to participate in SCW season 3. 
I come to channel everyday to find league games, but it's been extremely difficult.  I know not everyone plays starcraft as much as I do but I feel using original hinders lots of casual players to participate in the league.
I know i've said i'll try to bring Korean users to the league  which wasn't very successful as i wished.  I ask any Korean FMP players to try the league whenever I have chance.  I guess not everyone is open to try new things out.  But now, the league being Original, i can't even ask ppl to join the league.  People think i'm crazy for playing original SC lol...

So far, I feel this season became a league for just select few (sorry if im wrong, but it feels a lot less games are played compared to previous seasons).  It's very disappointing to see everyone sits quite when i ask for 1v1 in channel.

On the positive note, I quite enjoy playing FMP, more so than playing Super map these days.  The play style is very different than what i'm used to on Korea server.  Very refreshing and interesting to play games I find in OP UGL.  I hope this league grows big.  Always appreciate the guys who make this league possible.  I'll do what i can to help this league active.


BW for next season !! =)

Its awesome you are trying to push this league to be more active. As a person that been playing VGT/SCD/UGL for many season I am used to original so I like it. I wouldn't mind learning BW it just seems some combos in BW are op in Fastest. I.E. how do you stop someone who just lurker swarms their choke and turtle ect....

Everything has a counter. BW is far more balanced, people are just too lazy to come up with ideas to get around that. BW also opens the doors for far more complex strategies :D

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 14, 2018, 10:53:38 am »
Blah blah blah, we all just wanna see some good games. That’s it. Cole is supposedly the best player we have ever had so we just want to see him play brain. Don’t always gotta take shit to the heart if we say something bad about cole. Defjam, matt, and some others played him why can’t cole? Lol

battlecheese-, hydra[vck] and hash were the best players (non korean) to play fastest map.

Out of the 10 + years of sc i had never once seen hash rage on starcraft EVER lol but there was one time... when marine straight up mopped the floor with hash hahaha. Hash didnt even want to play him and marine had to jump on other pro members accounts to play hash. Man... marine embarrassed hash like 5 times in a row back to back on multiple occasions... Like straight up embarrassed... probably less than 5 min games where marine outmicro'd the jesus out of him. He did this to everyone really.

Marine was easily the best player who to ever touch FMP. Qaa was arguably one of the other prodigies of starcraft that was more like a myth. Unfortunately, he hardly liked to play 1v1 competitively but from my experience in 1v1's against him he had some of the most ridiculous timings i had ever seen. Like upgrades//max records//gameplay. I don't even think he was that fast but he was very smart when it came to plays and timings. It's to bad he never played league's cause he would have easily taken a few seasons with him in my opinion.

I really hate when people bring up the name hydra as one of the best or anyone who has been caught hacking for that matter. He was a hacker and a consistent one. Once you get caught hacking, all your credit goes down the drain. Any games before that are worth nothing or should be worth nothing.

jin was one of the best as well but marine destroyed him when marine was coming up in the scene. Believe it was like 9-1 or something nuts like that.

Marine cleaned out the competition fast and easy like it was nothing and this was around the time when the best of the best played, when mafia/la/xs/pro was insanely active. It was when the original pro was made.

Those games were wack :D

I wanna clarify on the whole Hydra thing. I don't think he's considered a best player overall. But he had about a year where he was running through almost everyone, and if i remember correctly that was the time when penguin launcher was mandatory. Also, when marine was active was POST mafia/xs/la being 'insanely' active. There were quite a few people that were beating marine, and i only lost 3 games vs him EVER outta maybe 10-12 grant i did play his z like half of those.
Paul (Qaa) was also very good, but he never played competition because of his nerves. You can claim to be the best all you want, but if you don't actually play against anyone good, or have people to vouche for you, then it kinda goes out the window IMO. IDK if anyone remembers or heard of "World_of_pain", he smurfed on alot of accounts vs fastest players because he didnt want his pro teamates knowing he was playing fpm, but i personally watched him beat hash, squall, cheese, marine(before he was who he *was*) and a few other notable people, WoP never lost a single match. I'd say he was pretty compareable to brain nowadays.

Nah it wasn't dead yet. 

I mean maybe la wasn't active but la hadn't been active since like 2005 and for the most part it was vincent who represented la but they had their minions who were semi active. The rest of the guild were what i thought was active, kele was towards the end of his sc career but he was still active and training players for pay. Hash was also towards the end of his career transitioning to sc2 but it wasn't long enough to say he was bad or rusty. Xs was very active at that time, they had a ton of pro members who were insanely active who were top notch players. The guild Pro was thriving like mad, everyone wanted to be in pro so you can only imagine how active that guild alone was. It was the original pro.

Hydra was a hacker just stop with the justifications lol. Penguin plug didnt' mean shet people could still hack from what i remember even if u were running it. And it's not like it was 1 suspicious action, people were onto him for a while and his excuse was that he used a 3rd program program to play his music lol which was absurd. Come on people.. lets stop the bs lol this is crazy that people are still defending him after being caught multiple times YEARS later.

Some of what you're saying is accurate, some of it isn't. The time frames you have are dead wrong. I was la.fog and shortly after that i was xs.agiel. I used those akas for orig pretty much and that was 2007-2008. When i was with LA everyone was active. FruitTerran, khai, samba, insane...few others. Around that time was when marine started coming from euro (i think?) when i joined xs it was active as shit! There were people in the clan that i had never even heard of, and at that time i was a top player. Also around that time was when hydra was coming out of his shell as a good player, before he had ever even been accused of hacking, thats why im defending him a bit. But tbh i never thought he was all that great, so personally i dont care lol.
MrAKon brain is for sure on a different level no doubt. But back in the day *2000-2008* there were plenty of non$ PROS, yes PROS that were involved in the scene, and most of them were getting trashed. If everything was current would things be different? I'm sure brain would be the best, but he'd have considerably more losses.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 13, 2018, 12:06:04 pm »
Blah blah blah, we all just wanna see some good games. That’s it. Cole is supposedly the best player we have ever had so we just want to see him play brain. Don’t always gotta take shit to the heart if we say something bad about cole. Defjam, matt, and some others played him why can’t cole? Lol

battlecheese-, hydra[vck] and hash were the best players (non korean) to play fastest map.

Out of the 10 + years of sc i had never once seen hash rage on starcraft EVER lol but there was one time... when marine straight up mopped the floor with hash hahaha. Hash didnt even want to play him and marine had to jump on other pro members accounts to play hash. Man... marine embarrassed hash like 5 times in a row back to back on multiple occasions... Like straight up embarrassed... probably less than 5 min games where marine outmicro'd the jesus out of him. He did this to everyone really.

Marine was easily the best player who to ever touch FMP. Qaa was arguably one of the other prodigies of starcraft that was more like a myth. Unfortunately, he hardly liked to play 1v1 competitively but from my experience in 1v1's against him he had some of the most ridiculous timings i had ever seen. Like upgrades//max records//gameplay. I don't even think he was that fast but he was very smart when it came to plays and timings. It's to bad he never played league's cause he would have easily taken a few seasons with him in my opinion.

I really hate when people bring up the name hydra as one of the best or anyone who has been caught hacking for that matter. He was a hacker and a consistent one. Once you get caught hacking, all your credit goes down the drain. Any games before that are worth nothing or should be worth nothing.

jin was one of the best as well but marine destroyed him when marine was coming up in the scene. Believe it was like 9-1 or something nuts like that.

Marine cleaned out the competition fast and easy like it was nothing and this was around the time when the best of the best played, when mafia/la/xs/pro was insanely active. It was when the original pro was made.

Those games were wack :D

I wanna clarify on the whole Hydra thing. I don't think he's considered a best player overall. But he had about a year where he was running through almost everyone, and if i remember correctly that was the time when penguin launcher was mandatory. Also, when marine was active was POST mafia/xs/la being 'insanely' active. There were quite a few people that were beating marine, and i only lost 3 games vs him EVER outta maybe 10-12 grant i did play his z like half of those.
Paul (Qaa) was also very good, but he never played competition because of his nerves. You can claim to be the best all you want, but if you don't actually play against anyone good, or have people to vouche for you, then it kinda goes out the window IMO. IDK if anyone remembers or heard of "World_of_pain", he smurfed on alot of accounts vs fastest players because he didnt want his pro teamates knowing he was playing fpm, but i personally watched him beat hash, squall, cheese, marine(before he was who he *was*) and a few other notable people, WoP never lost a single match. I'd say he was pretty compareable to brain nowadays.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 10, 2018, 06:20:41 pm »
Puppy is one of the chillest dudes here, I never thought i would see the day that some1 would have sc beef wit him lol.

I've always known him as a chill dude too (10~ years), but when i seen him talking like he just destroys me in a chat he may or may not have known i was in, i gotta step in and correct him :D

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 10, 2018, 08:01:11 am »
Way to dodge lol. The only response I need from you here on out, is a yes or a no. 1v1? BO9 you can pick match up? Or 2v2 I have a part. Like I said I much prefer ones so I can embarrass you, but I'll take what I can get.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 09, 2018, 05:02:46 pm »
Hey look, I beat Cole allying someone not in Pro]. Isn't he the mesiah?

Thought you said 'Never'?

This is from UGL Season 18, or the last time Madara/Kokanee/Menace/Tyga all played 2s competitively.

Lol Cam, yes those players played in that 2s season, but a simple look at your games played that season you played none of them. You played Cole on a smurf name and lost more games to him than you won. Not a single game vs Tyga, Madara, Menace or anyone else worthwhile. So your point is really irrelevant. I didn't want to get involved in this as it's so stupid, but I couldn't help myself with this. Top players play every season, but you still have to play them. You can't just say you played in the same season they did and think it's worthy of applause.

^^^^LMFAO. Check.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 09, 2018, 03:59:52 pm »
I’m Mike.

I’m fairly certain most of those OG players hacked at some point: squall, day, Dre, etc.

Most players did on smurf accounts. Squall was pretty open about it. It's a shame he didn't take it a bit more serious because he could have wrecked some leagues. Without hacks I mean. Mike who? Sounds familiar lol

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 09, 2018, 03:51:40 pm »
You're such a moron lol. I'm still friends with majority of La/xS/MaFia to this day. No clan has ever 'banned' me. No league has ever banned me. ArtOf- miles and memz both hacked, but not me. And while I was ArtOf- I absolutely demolished everyone, pretty sure that was the account I won my last VGT on. Keep trying though. I'd rather smash you in some 1v1 (i'll even let you pick my race/matchup), but since I'm sure you'll say no, I have a partner whenever you're ready to get wrecked.
Oh, and congrats on beating a guy who plays 1v1 in a 2v2 match. Also, it was never YOU that beat anyone, it's always your partners. You're garbage af at this game. Let's get this over with. Lemme know when you're ready son!!!

Akmah - are you Tyler?

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 09, 2018, 02:21:41 pm »
I was never banned from any VGT lol. Matter of fact, I won the last VGT I participated in. You can act like you know what you're talking about. But we all know the truth. I have plenty of parts that could demolish you. The thing is, I don't want to do 2's. I want to smack you upside the head like I always have done, and let it be known that you are nowhere near as good as you talk. But lemme know lil boy I'm down for whatever.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 09, 2018, 09:48:25 am »
Puppy, I've never been caught hacking lol. You have a big mouth, lets put your money where your mouth is? Anytime you want we can schedule a BO9 and I will rock you. I have no idea how many times I've stomped you, as you're pretty insignificant in all things starcraft, but I know for a fact you've never beat me. Stop acting like you're of any relevance whatsoever. EVERYONE currently active in this community > you by a long shot. Tom may have been caught hacking, I don't personally give a shit. I know when the time mattered he was rocking damn near everyone.
AKon, squall was a freaking monster but he had a few kryptonites out there.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 08, 2018, 08:24:41 pm »
Oh and Cam, Puppy... You've always been one of the bottom tier players. I didn't wanna give it to you raw like this, but you asked for it with one of your little chatcraft nights. You've never beaten a top player, you never will. You've never been a top player, you never will be.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 08, 2018, 08:22:00 pm »
There have been many great players on this game. I see Grrr bringing up some great gamers. I see some great players now. What makes someone a great player is coming up with new strategies or timings to beat whatever the opponent is doing. That's what Brain offers right now. This same thing has happened numerous times over n over. Cheese did it, squall did it, hydra (short period), jinchuuriki, marine...the list goes on and on. DryFly you seem a good player NOW, or maybe a bit ago, but back when everyone was actually active (6-10 years ago) you were getting stomped left and right. I specificially remember watching a trainee of mine beat you like 20 times over the course of a few days.

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Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 L-Mx]GallO109-79
2 pGf]Pescador-70-60
3 thats_fishy48-29
4 LeGenD]HyDrA30-5
5 GanGs]BlackSwan87-55

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 LeGenD]SveN36-27
3 Platypusy51-63
4 LeGenD]HyDrA25-11
5 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20

Help keep the league active.


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