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Messages - Deluka

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: momo stop dodging bo10 tmr
« on: April 17, 2024, 09:55:48 pm »
Here's a little side fact of the delusional deluka...

He used to come onto my discord and was cool with everyone. Up until he told us he had to stop being our friend to protect us because he was about to become a very famous musician.

Not bm'ing deluka... just straight transparency

he used to come on My discord tom, not yours

facking noob : ))

Ok I've got to go. Drive Uber. Then beat my wife

And then, there was light.....

General Discussion / Re: momo stop dodging bo10 tmr
« on: April 17, 2024, 03:31:35 am »
Lol. You are truly an interesting character.

Point proven, Hydra.

General Discussion / Re: momo stop dodging bo10 tmr
« on: April 17, 2024, 01:48:47 am »
nothing u say is factual  u said 7-1  it was 6-2. all u do is egg ppl on. You contribute nothing to scw or starcraft. Stop stalking tom and I. also continue to ignore what i said earlier. 


Replying to a forum/open discussion the way you are, is stalking? You join every game of mine through a smurf with a total of 9 accounts, with your buddies, that is a factual definition of stalking/harassment. Just because you talk publicly about Tom and your friends doesn't mean that's stalking. I don't join any of your games, really forgot about who you are.

6-2 according to you, plus 1-0 today, right? Public knowledge, still shows if it were a bo10, 6-2 is a win for bo10 without needing additional match ups, facts, correct?

Stop bming people and mature up.

You really do have issues deluka/juggular/carvusis/new-cat

I haven't been on the game in a while and you come into the channel saying that TJKang is talking shit about me and that i chased a girl to texas that dumped me? How do you even come up with this type of stuff? It's really mind boggling what goes in that little brain of yours... lol

Lol here comes the reinforcements. Eric can't handle some discussion or vice versa? Tom, all that info came from your friends.....Eric and Qlolq posted the op ugl msg on his response to you. He said you and Eric are scrawny human beings playing SC." End quote. All I said it was transparency. Your friends came up with the part of you chasing someone who dumped you to Texas. Besides that, how would I know or even mention it? Not bm just factual transparency as to what's been said as I said to you. Not bm...anyways. Tom I have all the snipits of you raging and dming me nonstop, sounds like you have some mental issues and I hope all is well, that or you're just raging in SC, either way not healthy either way.  A lot of people have mentioned your outrage bursts and that's why you send through pm because no one sees it according to you.

You went off and stayed quiet after I mentioned the leaks through discord and snapshots of the conversations we've had on there because you were bming saying things are lies well, if you want proof I can post it, nothing to hide here but not bming.

With TJkang you mc'd in your 2s match vs and violated the rules by mcing 20 bcs or so. The admins here, specifically Lucas/Mephisto ignores the bm as long as you invite him to your games or your his BFF. To everyone's point, he ignored Riddick, you, Eric's BM and addresses the items you guys want addressed. If the origin of this site is American, there's forum laws that he should look into lol.

Ggs. Let me know when you stop being a proven hacker and actually game for real without cheats or ons cheat through discord vs the Korean sc players. They all know it happened and saw the discord leaks.

General Discussion / Re: momo stop dodging bo10 tmr
« on: April 16, 2024, 09:52:37 pm »
nothing u say is factual  u said 7-1  it was 6-2. all u do is egg ppl on. You contribute nothing to scw or starcraft. Stop stalking tom and I. also continue to ignore what i said earlier. 


Replying to a forum/open discussion the way you are, is stalking? You join every game of mine through a smurf with a total of 9 accounts, with your buddies, that is a factual definition of stalking/harassment. Just because you talk publicly about Tom and your friends doesn't mean that's stalking. I don't join any of your games, really forgot about who you are.

6-2 according to you, plus 1-0 today, right? Public knowledge, still shows if it were a bo10, 6-2 is a win for bo10 without needing additional match ups, facts, correct?

Stop bming people and mature up.

General Discussion / Re: momo stop dodging bo10 tmr
« on: April 16, 2024, 09:36:00 pm »
no I think it is complete bullshit a top lvl player dodging cuz of the word lucky. he had a good series i gave him that. I also won a series vs him prior. plz stop talking as everything you say is all bullshit and lies

Which part was a lie or bad mannered/talking shit? It's on the stats. Not sure why you can't have a factual conversation without it being considered bm and you exaggerating the situation, if you're calling people out on the forum. Thought this was an open space for discussion/hence a forum?

Let me know which part was bm or a lie and I can clarify or will back it up.

Thanks, Eric.

General Discussion / Re: momo stop dodging bo10 tmr
« on: April 16, 2024, 05:53:42 pm »
Hi Gg Ez looks like Momo already 7-1d you on 4/11 pretty badly too. Isn't that a bo10? Plus 1-0 today. Seems like people doing what you do one game and off, if people are busy they should do what you do and say they'll play when they're ready....1 month out....lol

General Discussion / Re: 1s bo5
« on: January 27, 2024, 05:44:00 pm »
Solid or QlolQ or stone/Tony G go 1s scw? sometime let me know!
- Solid I have been askign for a while but you never respond.
And no I will not be playing riddick cuz of his constant bm.

Hi GG Ez.

General Discussion / Re: Diablo. Bo10? Stop running?
« on: December 06, 2023, 11:51:55 pm »
Diablo. Bo10. I am asking because you always dip and dodge and refuse to play.  It would help your stream and I really don't understand why you wont play. Then ask in op ugl for 1s? Its quite ridiculous and makes it harder to find enjoyment in this league. It would be really nice to implement something that stops dodging. I know this has been asked in the past.

It is sad because you even agreed to bo10. Then after losing you refuse.

Hi GG Eazy, in the spirit of this website that SCWLICAS restructured into kindness. Please stop bming people. Last time I checked Diablo beat you zvp. So let's not bm. In the spirit of kindness. I'm just stating facts.

Thank you for your time.

Match of the Week / Re: Announcement of 1vs1 BO5 Showdown: HyDrA vs Brain
« on: November 23, 2023, 08:45:27 pm »

Don't see a season winner tag on your name or a win vs Hydra.


Dude how many times have I beat you, my Terran has embarrassed your Protoss time and time again. I just went 2-0 PvZ this season… I hate pvz. Shhh  The real sc players r talking

General Discussion / Re: Who thinks david is FakeGosu
« on: October 21, 2023, 07:35:11 pm »
Mass cannons and scout bombs because he cant win any other way... triggered?

Are you trying to make it to the finals tournament without earning it again? You got owned.

I played all top players on this account or ninja, I beat Jose and white I was up on qlolq and I played everyone in the top. This is why no one respects you chris

So you've beat Hydra (hax or not), Cole and Gomdor thanks and Gohan? For playing or beating top players seems like you haven't been able to beat FakeGosu :D.

More than likely it's gg ez smurfing, sad you can't even beat him.

General Discussion / Re: Who thinks david is FakeGosu
« on: October 21, 2023, 06:24:09 pm »
Mass cannons and scout bombs because he cant win any other way... triggered?

Are you trying to make it to the finals tournament without earning it again? You got owned.

General Discussion / Re: I found rare pictures of ronin!
« on: October 18, 2023, 04:07:36 am »
But you can’t lift your ban OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Got ‘em!!!!

You can't lift a win on WhiteandBlack 0-4 ooolool.

General Discussion / Re: David dodging me scw
« on: October 04, 2023, 11:26:22 pm »
<removed by admin>

General Discussion / Re: David dodging me scw
« on: October 04, 2023, 11:21:22 pm »
<removed by admin>

General Discussion / Re: David dodging me scw
« on: October 04, 2023, 10:20:19 pm »
I mean.. he's got a big ego. He wanted his lucky wins so he can sleep at night.

Not to mention he dodged me all season. He cares too much about that inflated ego

Is this the same Hydra I remember from SCD who was constantly caught cheating and dodges brain??? Lucky wins talk about not playing anyone with level. :)

Pages: [1] 2 3

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO94-74
3 thats_fishy41-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan84-50
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 Wk`QlolQ52-34
2 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]SveN28-22
5 LeGenD]GohaN27-11

Help keep the league active.


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