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Messages - Victor

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Betting 1v1 bo7 100$$$$
« on: June 02, 2022, 10:33:44 am »
Was fun games and wasn't rusty like af like I was vs eazy. You are better than he is and let's play more.

Match of the Week / Re: 500$ me vs baby
« on: June 01, 2022, 01:46:47 pm »
Yea... I wouldnt pin baby to be someone that has alot of integrity. Anyhow, I'd be more than down to play a bo21 vs you with 500 on the line if you are up for it

Match of the Week / Re: 500$ me vs baby
« on: May 31, 2022, 08:35:47 pm »
There should be a trusted prize pool admin for sc bets. There's no way to hold someone accountable to paying 500 otherwise.

Match of the Week / Re: 500$ me vs baby
« on: May 31, 2022, 08:01:29 pm »
Let me know. I'd be up for a bo21 $500 bet. I mean no offense to Baby, but he might not be comfortable betting that much money

Match of the Week / Re: 500$ me vs baby
« on: May 31, 2022, 07:08:09 pm »
If baby declines, il play you for 500

General Discussion / Re: SCW back to OG?
« on: May 30, 2022, 11:29:16 pm »
Stopping a good t as z in bw is difficult lol. Mm is so strong. Lurker swarm comes around 9 mins.... takes alot of lurker micro around sunks and even then, t can spread units around swarm. Watch byul's tvz reps.

General Discussion / Re: SCW back to OG?
« on: May 29, 2022, 12:30:25 pm »
I think there should be a sc and bw league next season. Just doing sc might not make the Korean gosus come back. They play bw

General Discussion / Re: SCW back to OG?
« on: May 29, 2022, 12:25:38 pm »
I dont think you are trash at all. Just the game has adapted and theres not many noobs anymore. Everyone's pretty good now lol. I like the idea of sc og though. Let's throw a "legends" invite tournament on sc og!? Cash prize

General Discussion / Re: SCW back to OG?
« on: May 29, 2022, 11:29:03 am »
But there's also medics and valks for Terran. Easier to stop rushes with meds and cars are way easier to beat with valks and gol range with mm. You no longer need to rely on constant wraith/ghost micro. Its give and take. The amount of micro it takes to use darks properly vs Terran when t can make a few turrets can be challenging. Your fighting a nonstop battle in a base other than your own that will most definitely keep you behind in macro if you dont do enough damage. Because of medics, p has to d harder when doubling or tripling. Same as z. Can't just get a couple sunks at choke anymore. Yea, sairs make drops harder to stop but z can lurk main and have you ever seen a mass drop run into a few valks? Practically get liquefied. P is just easier to unrust in general with.  I can take time off sc and come back to beat ppl with p but definitely can't with Terran or zerg. Yea you were gone for a while but 150 plus games is more than enough to be oiled up

General Discussion / Re: SCW back to OG?
« on: May 29, 2022, 10:34:13 am »
Could always just play sc og on the scw map if both players agree. I'd be up for it and I know a few other gamers would be as well. Bw takes a bit more technical skill over just macro and allows for more unique stats but I know what you mean. Lurker swarm can be a pain.

Guys, gg]eazy can't play... he's either high, in a pub game, moving often, or just smurfing on another name. He's got Cinderella princess attitude but step sister level skills

Gg]eazy been playing sc on his smurfs while saying he's sick. You're not a not a bad player at all eazy but you do run your mouth often making false claims saying stone has not beaten you several times when, in fact according to scw history, he has beaten you as many times as you have beaten him. I watched a few reps of you and him since he's gotten better. I think he's a little better than you now because he plays higher level gamers more frequently. Only way to get good. Yea you've beaten some top gamers but play way more less skilled gamers than anything to save whatever image. You say these top gamers aren't on at the same time as you which is actually incorrect. You seem to be the only one making that excuse and makes no sense with how often you are on bnet. You spam 350 apm, make excuses before games even start, and avoid playing same rank gamers to bash on D rank. Again, you're actually not a bad gamer but you would reach a much higher level and probably even have the potential to be a top gamer if you actually consistently played top gamers frequently. I think you are a bit insecure so you should drop your ego because it's the only thing holding you back.

It's all good Gus. Don't need to defend yourself my man. Unlike gg]eazy, you've always played top level ppl and never dodge anyone. Respect

i see hes still making illegitimate excuses. Its ok eazy. You can take your 350 apm spamming while being "sick" and hide when you just said you'd re or play anytime. Joey im down to actually play no excuses. host up brother

« on: May 25, 2022, 11:40:19 am »
Haven't you done that a few times baby?

Pages: [1] 2

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO94-74
3 thats_fishy42-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan84-50
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 Wk`QlolQ52-35
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]SveN29-23
5 LeGenD]GohaN27-11

Help keep the league active.


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