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Messages - MrAKon

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: SHOW MATCH FIRST TOP VS BRAIN BO7
« on: February 12, 2021, 05:11:54 pm »

the korean fastest alien finally landing on our planet after 20 years of debating if they existed and laying waste to our best players even easier than anyone predicted they could is my favorite part of a long and storied fastest history

those fucking 400 apm temp drops he did had me and my bro fucking rolling the first time we saw them. The decades long debates of best players over what era were the best and he put them to bed instantly lol

What is his history as a pro player? Fastest isn't very distant from normal SC. It's no coincidence that Brain who was a semi-pro player that could hold his own against some of the best of all time players is also easily the best fastest player ever. Unless he has a resume like that it's very unlikely he could be better.

News / Re: SCW season 6 1VS1 Playoffs: Information, discussion & updates
« on: August 14, 2018, 06:43:53 am »
If I'm to take the result of the league as some sort of measure of ability then yes. If not pick vs pick it should be a rotation of the nine matchups with one scratch each to shorten the series. Spot rng is bad enough, why add more to a game that is built on having almost none. Honestly if the rvr mechanic wasn't broken with the super rare mirror it would be fine but having a third of all games being a one sided matchup is dumb. And why are mirror matches just excluded in this community? They are some of the best SC games.

News / Re: SCW season 6 1VS1 Playoffs: Information, discussion & updates
« on: August 14, 2018, 05:44:30 am »
^this is why RvR is bullshit and always has been

Seriously doubt this guy has a wife and kid, every post is just embarrassing to read knowing this person is beyond the age of 14.

General Discussion / Re: Is Defjam underrated?
« on: January 22, 2018, 10:59:16 pm »
Defjam has been a top players for about 10 Years now. Always has played at the top level of this game. He’s a massive egotistical douchbag much like myself but is very underrated. Even though brain is something like 30-10 on him it was only a matter of time before a top player got used to him and started to put together some wins. Congrats on your wins vs brain defjam and hopefully other people will follow suit soon.

Defjam taking wins off Brain is the most impressive feat i've seen in western fastest.
Agreed. Brain is rank 6 global ladder, I didn't think anyone here could actually compete with that level SC player who is familiar with fastest. Although it not being BW does make it less surprising. I imagine that has more to do with it than anyone figuring brain out, but I guess the same argument could be made for this leagues players about BW.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 14, 2018, 04:26:10 am »
You guys are wrong about marine or whoever from the past just being behind in the times. None of them were professional level starcraft players. Brain is fundamentally on another level from everyone else from this league past or present. He said he would rate himself ~50th starcraft player in the world atm. That is something nobody playing in our leagues now or then could come close to. There was always people saying low money pros would wipe the floor with fmp players if they wanted to and now were finally seeing proof of that. This is not to disparage the great players from FMP leagues, they simply did not have the same competitive environment necessary to hone their skill to that level. Nonetheless he did and is a level beyond because of it.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 12, 2018, 08:48:16 pm »
if u c braingods p and compare it to Marines ull notice a huge different.... braingod > marine.

We’re talking about all time in our fmp leagues. Not somebody who dedicates there life to Starcraft 24/7 and is a top Korean player
You sound salty as hell that brain blew the cover off all the tryhards who call themselves "top players" while bming anyone else nonstop. Think people are more interested in what peak play on the map we have all played for so long looks like. It's what made the mystique of who was the greatest player in the past interesting and now its what makes brain interesting since obviously he is far batter than all of them.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 09, 2018, 05:02:34 am »
And Squall was the original GOAT when fastest was at its peak in like 04-05. What is dryflys name in these leagues anyway? Since I've been on the last 4-5 months the protoss picker/defjam/silent.kon/fia are clearly the four best other than brain and zuez

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 09, 2018, 04:52:45 am »
Nobody has yet to touch brain's Protoss, that would be a truly impressive win
This. He was a pro protoss player I doubt anyone ever beats it.

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 08, 2018, 05:55:19 am »
defjam after his wins

General Discussion / Re: sup guys~
« on: January 07, 2018, 03:11:28 am »
You all do realize brain plays ten plus hours a day and Sc is his life and job. The fact that any of us casual gamers can hang with him or beat him at all is pretty good. He’s a professional gamer and we play for fun. Brain should destroy us all. We have nothing to lose. It’s more embarrassing for him to lose to us then it is for us to lose to him. I don’t know why you all compare him to anyone from our community because it’s literally not logical.
True that he is and should be better than anyone in this community because his environment is better/more competitive. (not cause hours a lot of you have the same or more ungodly amount of hours over the last 10-15 years) But don't humor yourself acting like anyone has "hung" with him. He's won like 150 games and lost FIVE. With like 4 being the next base pvz heavy abuse of an imbalanced map

I, for one, welcome our new Korean overlords

Get whoever "rabbit" is to play him since people seem to think he might be better

Dude is literally the only professional fastest player ever. Like, he only plays fastest now and said streaming is his job. 500+ were watching him play defjam.

Definitely the GOAT as well, fastest is still starcraft and he said hes been playing two years so enough time to convert his skill. He's rank 6 on global sc ladder playing his offrace and said he's probably about 50th best player right now in low money. No surprise, doubt he ever loses a game with protoss.

I wouldn't say he's the GOAT of fastest. If we are talking about only our league then sure. There are better fastest players who have been playing their version of it since day one. I would love to see him compete against some of the players ive watched stream. Rabbit has wins on brain(vids are on youtube somewhere) and ive seen the people i watch stream, own rabbit. So based on that I must assume there are definitely MUCH better fastest players. It's also very obvious how well these kids are just by watching the streams. Brain is good for sure but not the best.

Ive been spamming this league site on their streams past few days hopefully it works and convinces them to come over. I will continue to until they do haha!

EDIT: BTw the game he lost to against rabbit that i saw was a PvP. Let me see if i can find it. Think this is it you can sort of tell it is him cause he uses the same similar dragoon + reaver push strategy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_YmGHNLaNo

I don't think that game is vs him (his apm is never that low) and if it was he had just started playing fastest cause he said its only been 2 years. He said other streamers including rabbit wont play him or each other because their viewers would switch to the winner. I might believe you if you could tell me these others are also somewhere in the top 50-100 on global SC ladder. It is damn impressive to be #6 when literally all of the pros play on that ladder. Fastest is starcraft, after a few months to adjust low money skill will = fastest skill

You can do a simple google search with his korean name as I did. Don't have to believe me and honestly didn't expect people to believe which was the reason I added the video. All I had to do was add his name to youtube and a list of games vs rabbit popped up. Is that a coincidence that youtube took me directly to fastest map games against rabbit? I doubt it. On top of that it so happens that the games i watched were literally exactly the current strategies he uses now?

If you aren't convinced other koreans are capable of being equally as skilled or far better, than i would suggest doing your homework. Watch korean streams on youtubegaming.com. It isn't as rare as you may think to find skill of his calibur especially if you've ever played fish server. It's actually fairly.

And just because fastest players never transferred or enjoyed low money doesn't exactly mean they weren't capable of ranking top. Like you said fastest = starcraft, low money = starcraft. Micro/macro/mechanis is the same no matter what map you take it to. Only difference is timing and build orders. Hash is a good example of that.
What exactly is the resume of these streamers? This guy is 88-5 in the only fmp league that exists and the rank 6 player in Starcraft. They look good on stream in pub games on fish?
Yeah, I highly doubt there are many korean streamers or korean sc players in general capable of placing in the top 10 of a ladder where half of the top 50 are actual pros. That is not "fairly common" lmao. And there is exactly 0 fmp players with no background in real sc that could come close to the top of that ladder within a year.

Like the guy above said, rabbit and everyone else in the history of these leagues either splits games with other top players or has a slight edge. Brain is like 40-1 against top current players.

Pages: [1] 2

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO94-74
3 thats_fishy42-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan87-50
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 Wk`QlolQ52-35
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]SveN29-23
5 LeGenD]GohaN27-11

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