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Messages - AoW-Liquid

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How about some crypto? Gladly toss some at the next season's winner.

Even  preMier- recognized your sad excuse of trash talk.  We actually agree on something.

Lol, no Rabbit, when I'm at work, I'm on my computer most the day, see that's what my job entails, sorry you don't have it like that.

My favorite part about this thread is that everyone comes here to chime in and come at me, tell me how I'm sad and don't matter, etc, etc. Yet you guys can't stop coming to the thread to read updates and reply, what are we at,  828 views? up 50 since I left work. Quite a popular guy for people to  hate on. I like it and plan to see how far we can push  it, so please, keep it coming.


You may win the poll but your trash talk responses could use some serious work.

 I really don't care what any of you think about me here, if I did, I wouldn't open myself up on a thread like this to have people come at me.


You can be embarrassed for me, or have all the doubt in who I say I am,  it doesn't make anything I say any less true, nor does it remotely bother me. yes I'm far beyond the age of 14 and while I'm on here posting this, I'm getting paid most likely 5x what you make in an hour. Multiple people in the community know me in real life, feel free to speak to La.Revelations or NIN if you care that much to second guess what I say.


You've been defeated, move on from here, no need to get behind preMier- as his hype man.

preMier- ,

Although your name looked familiar, I didn't immediately remember you, unless you were someone who really stood out to me or someone I considered as close to me on here, chances are I've forgotten about most of our interactions. So, don't get your feelings hurt, I guess what we had just wasn't that special.

...I do recall you now that you mention "Quails".

Unfortunately, I stand behind my post, there isn't much validity to what you said as the vast majority of it was either incorrect, misinterpreted or just consisted of opinions.

I find it amusing that someone has to create a fake account on here to come at me with such terrible success, I can only wonder if it's because they're scared of revealing who they really are and looking stupid or due to fear of possible retaliation.

Another thing...

Another thing. The way you use the word "trolling" make it interchangeable with "bullying".

Its always been a interchangeable word for bullying, here's a Wiki article, I know you love those.


Let's address your post, that you clearly put quite a bit of thought and time in to, so lets shit on you a little. (by the way, I corrected all your spelling errors in the posts below, which I find odd, you spent all this time writing this lengthy post, yet can't spell check simple words like "privilege".

Claiming you may or may not have facilitated cheating will raise suspicions. Denying such activities after being confronted with the implications of your own statement makes me wonder why you bothered mentioning such redundant information to begin with. It holds no value and does nothing but stirr up the pot, which one can conclude was your only intention. Which brings me to another claim you made; "Other side of the fence". You imply you stopped being a cause of problems and controversy, yet the implications you make and the language you use clearly indicate you simply traded one form of being a nuisance for another, as demonstrated in this thread. That's like changing clothes and saying you're now a "different person" while displaying similar behaviour. In short: you have not changed.

First, when I mentioned the other side of the fence, I meant that I was once on the black hat side of hacking/computers, now I've transitioned over to a legal job, where I'm paid greatly to stop people like who I once was. Never did I say I stopped being a problem or part of "controversy", in fact, I believe I've reiterated multiple times throughout this thread that I'm here trolling. BUT, yes, I use nothing more than my words these days. See there's a big difference between telling you to fuck yourself vs successfully executing malicious attacks to mess with your computer-related life.

Next time mention this instead. Because this is an actual reason to have respect for (minus the trolling kids part). I am shocked you're surprised people attacked you over your initial claim of being "respected" given the context you used the word in. It was a horrible choice of yours and you're to blame for the response because it was too damn obvious you'd get this response.

This is why I amended my post by clarifying the original statement, as many people here knew why they respected me, since many of them are still in contact with me on social media or even by phone, sorry that I needed to spell it out for everyone else. But in any case, I did.

Also, people not letting you observe their games does in no way make them a dick. They have every right to deny you the "privilege" to observe. It is not a right that you can call on. It is a granted privilege. Now if your reputation decreases your chances at being given this privilege it is you who is to blame for that. Not the person electing to deny you said privilege. It does not justify the behavior you have displayed and are still trying to pass off as justified.

Ok, first off, I referred to Kon as a dick, not letting me observe games was only a drop in the bucket of reasons I fucked with him. He's a dick for many reasons, not letting observe the games was the least of them, as I can always download a replay.

Being an accomplice in a scheme to facilitate cheating makes you guilty of conspiracy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_(criminal)

Thanks for trying to point me to a Wiki article on conspiracy, how very absolute a Wiki article must be. So, just so we're on the same page, conspiracy charges require 2 things. First, a law must be broken. Second, there must be non-circumstantial proof that would hold up in court, otherwise you can't prove intent. Since no law was broken and there is 0 proof, I in no way fall within your conspiracy claim.

(a real source): http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/conspiracy.html

The whole "kill yourself" debacle is just a plain lack of respect for yourself and life. It is not even trolling, it's being a terrible person. Makes me doubt you're a father and if you are it makes me question your eligibility to be one. If you don't respect another person's life you don't deserve to have your own respected. Also, does someone being a dick to you justify being a dick to them? Because that's a rather flawed philosophy to apply to life.

Let me start my rebuttal here by saying, thanks for your opinion, but it's just that, an opinion. Also, thanks for trying to dictate philosophy to me, but I got enough of that in college. I'm very aware of my actions and what they mean or possible impacts they may have on others. While I appreciate your input on the matter, nothing you say changes anything in my life, how I act, or the path I follow. I regret nothing and nothing you said in this stupid shit opinionated post matters to me.

"+1 for freedom of speech".
Does not justify disgusting behavior. You have the freedom to be disgusting in behavior but also have the freedom to experience the consequences of said behavior.

Not sure what the fuck you're even trying to say here, if you're saying that my freedom of speech is situational, as long as I don't exhibit obscene behavior or offend anyone, then you may need to review the 1st amendment.

Also, what happened to actually having to use some wit to troll people? This is just being plain annoying for the sake of being annoying. There's no cred to be claimed here. There is not a single post of quality in this entire thread.

I'm glad you get to decide how people should convey themselves, whether it be trolling for malicious reasons or for the shits and giggles of just being annoying.

Never fear, alas, chandler is still with us, just smurfing in the channel, butt hurt as fuck. I'm sure if the admins looked, they'd see a smurf account tied to his IP on here as well. ( for those of you who think telling one to kill their selves is taking it too far, just verifying he's still alive)

I know a lot of you missed the results from the original poll. Just to recap....

"Should Chandler.Bing kill himself?"

Yes - 5 Votes
No  - 1  Vote

Does Cole still play? I know he likes to stay low key and hide under smurf aliases. I used to out him when the IP's matched.

Actually, everything I just posted was word for word from the thread, you're just too fucking dumb to realize how bad you are at this. Keep coming at me, you can be my new fanboy. I like knowing some little nerd on the other side of the screen it raging out and posting on my thread.

sNipEr.ScopE, I think you have poor reading comprehension skills, so I'm going to point a few things out..

"Yea well he shouldn't have bmed me or acted like I should respect him for cheating in leagues that I played 100% legit in."

Never said people respected me for cheating, I believe my exact words were :

"Just for the record, people respected me for a plethora of reasons, it wasn't just because I trolled kids. I helped multiple people solve their router issues with creating games, helped them with computer problems. Shit, I even remoted in to Peter's (NlN) machine once to fix some issues of his (and that shit was even in another language). I even often shot the shit with Jacek on the security/pen testing side of things regarding this site."

"I just pointed out the flaw in his logic of him stating hes "not a cheater" when he participated in helping people win money for winning season"

I never said I cheated or helped anyone cheat, I damn sure never cost anyone any money, I believe all I said was that many people asked me  to help them cheat and then I made a smart ass remark that I may or may have not done it, who knows right, remember, I'm the troll, right? :

" know I had ALOT of people who despised me, but secretly, there were a lot more of you who respected me and would always, eventually, ask me to help you cheat your way to a UGL title or win a game vs someone you couldn't beat. (did I ever do it?? hmm...IDK, maybe..)"

I really just don't like the fact that this guy helped people win seasons by cheating. He should be held accountable for breaking the rules and not be allowed on the site because he fucks everything up. Stop standing up for people who kill the game,

There's no proof nor did I say I definitively helped anyone, I just pointed out people asked. Please show me what rule I've broken on the site (now don't forget how the american court system works, innocent till proven guilty, so you're going to need some sort of proof, not just hearsay.) I haven't fucked with anyone in over two years, so when you say I kill the game, I think you're mistaken, I believe I stated I was just hear to play games and observe and that those days were far behind me. 

yes I bmed you Mark but you should by now that it was just a joke. All I say is normally is that ppl suck at the game, I never go and say personal shit like go kill yourself or anything like that

It's looks like on top of being borderline illiterate, you're also a hypocrite, I'm glad you get to draw the line in the sand with who says what and what hurts just the right amount.

BTW who gives a shit what liquid thinks anyway. Just some pub with hacks who wants to feel relevant. Lmao

Clearly your sad ass does, you keep coming back to my thread to argue and post dumb ass comments, like do you have nothing else better to do, maybe I was wrong, maybeI should change the poll to should you kill yourself, you may get more votes.

Take over the website?

You're coming to my thread, in which I've clearly stated I just enjoy trolling people. Yet you continue to engage me, then you get butthurt when moderators don't come to save you from your feelings being hurt by words. Does Live.Sword need to provide you a safe place here where nobody can call you names?

I don't know how the league will survive without you, your solid D account rating consisting of  6 games spanning 2 seasons brought some much to the community.

"Keep sucking Liquid dick Sword you're to afarid of this hacker. Peace out duck this stupid league I hope it dies" sure sounds like an awful lot of rage buddy.

Just throwing it out there, but people are actually voting that you should kill yourself bro, it's 3-0, that's some cold blooded shit.

Pages: [1] 2

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 L-Mx]GallO106-78
2 pGf]Pescador-67-50
3 thats_fishy46-27
4 GanGs]BlackSwan87-55
5 BigPappa86-111

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 LeGenD]SveN34-26
3 Wk`QlolQ52-37
4 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
5 Platypusy50-63

Help keep the league active.


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