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Messages - _Zarathustra_

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Gangster]ZerG- dodger Go 1v1 bo11?
« on: March 20, 2018, 04:24:01 pm »

General Discussion / Gangster] Clan, just lol.
« on: March 20, 2018, 03:43:15 pm »
Replay 1285. Zerg, please tell me why you didn't just go straight intos Buu's base with that SCV I know you wanted to sooooo badly but clicked away last moment. What a joke. First scout, 14% chance of accurate scout. JOKE!!!!!!!! Buu's taking first, Your whole clan is garbage without hacks.

1:45, Watch that SCV, lol. Quick, frantically move your army around at choke everytime Buu moves his zealots, Quick attack the cannons you have no vision of before they finish!!!!!!!!

Brain's cool with me, Zerg, Biggie, Jose, Loving, eat a dick.

Thanks for the report. I'll take a closer look later but based on the replays I did watch, there is a lot more work to be done if you want to establish that he's hacking. Statistically speaking, the evidence is not very strong. He scouts like that (chokes only) when hes facing Protoss as well, and some games, he doesn't find his opponent until the very last scout (e.g. https://www.starcraftworld.net/download.php?item=replay&gid=845&l=1&season=37)

Examples are never evidence of anything, because when you have such a large pool of replays, confirmation bias will always lead you to find examples of what you are trying to prove. Instead, you need to make claims backed up with numbers that would demonstrate that the chance of him doing what he's doing without hacking is statistically impossible. For example, something such as "when hes terran and facing zerg, he scouts chokes only 80% of the time, but when hes facing protoss he does that only 20% of the time" or "even without clues (such as seeing a scout), he finds his opponent within the first 2 scouts most of the time, when he would expect that to be the case 2/7 of the time". Neither of these are true. If you do find something like this, do let me know.

Human intuition, especially when dealing with probability, is subject to many cognitive biases. You must avoid the temptation to draw conclusions prematurely and approach it from a dispassionate, statistical perspective.
Well, if you want to talk probability, he only has like a 14% chance of scouting correctly, the fact that he's done it more than double that percentage for 1/3 of his games is sufficient proof. If you want to pretend like it isn't, you're basically telling everyone it's okay to hack. I watched the first minute of all his reps and I'm 100% sure he hacks, I'd bet my life on it. One can only imagine what I'd find if i watched all of them all the way through. I guarantee he would be intercepting drop ships he had no prior vision of. I haven't even watched past 1 minute and I'm sure he'll do shit like this because I've played hackers before.

Edit: In Fact even if you only had replay 1101 to go off of as evidence, it would be sufficient proof. He only scouted half a choke then went straight to me. He would have had to had prior knowledge of my race to justify scouting just a choke. Which he did, because he's map hacking. lol

I know this is just a video game but if you let injustices slip by like this here, there's no telling what biggie might think he can get away with in the real world. By condoning cheating you're actually making the world worse. Injustice perpetuates injustice. "Well, if it's okay for him to hack, I guess it's okay for me to hack." You let this go, and you have a league full of fake winners. Awesome.

well, it is ok to hack actually... i just wonder if anybody would ever care about a hacker from a league of noobs that nobody knows
Go die.

He's at it again!

Live.Sword thank you so much for take your time to read our posts.
Okay OJ


Well, if we make a real-life analogy, in criminal defense its always the job of the jury to be skeptical of the evidence until it is irrefutable. This is necessary because the vast majority of people accused of hacking are not actually hackers - anyone who's been playing this game long enough knows this first-hand. I'm not sure what that has to do with ego or sticking to one's guns.

Edit: At the 9 minute mark in that replay, as soon as the shuttle begins moving at the other guys base, biggie moves his rines. I didn't say 9:30, you can't even follow specific instructions.

There was no 9:00 drop, I said 9:30 because that's close to when the drop actually happened.

And yea, I did take the time out of my day to look at the evidence, and I wasn't impressed. I gave you my thoughts on every example. Instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks and spouting garbage, why don't you tell me why you disagree with my analysis? How is it unusual to move your marines closer to your main when you know your opponent is dropping? But hey, if you think you can do better, you should run your own league, and even if you do manage to get it running, when you ban everyone who beats you, nobody will be left to play in it anyway.
Yeah, sorry for getting angry, that tends to happen to me when injustices are completely ignored.

OK, you win. GanGstEr]Biggie is bribing me with large sums of money to be allowed to hack in a free league for a 20-year old video game, giving me no choice other than to ignore your super-scientific evidence.
Please explain to me how he guesses with 40% accuracy within the first 2 scouts which base his opponent is in when the max he can statistically get is closer to between 21 - 28% Like I said, that's almost double the average.

As far as I know, it isn't possible to hack on SC remastered.  All of these "hacking" moments are probably just a coincidence.
You're hilarious.

Well, if we make a real-life analogy, in criminal defense its always the job of the jury to be skeptical of the evidence until it is irrefutable. This is necessary because the vast majority of people accused of hacking are not actually hackers - anyone who's been playing this game long enough knows this first-hand. I'm not sure what that has to do with ego or sticking to one's guns.

Edit: At the 9 minute mark in that replay, as soon as the shuttle begins moving at the other guys base, biggie moves his rines. I didn't say 9:30, you can't even follow specific instructions.

There was no 9:00 drop, I said 9:30 because that's close to when the drop actually happened.

And yea, I did take the time out of my day to look at the evidence, and I wasn't impressed. I gave you my thoughts on every example. Instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks and spouting garbage, why don't you tell me why you disagree with my analysis? How is it unusual to move your marines closer to your main when you know your opponent is dropping? But hey, if you think you can do better, you should run your own league, and even if you do manage to get it running, when you ban everyone who beats you, nobody will be left to play in it anyway.
Yeah, sorry for getting angry, that tends to happen to me when injustices are completely ignored.

Replay 1008 @ 1:35 he deviates the scout from mambas choke as not to seem suspicious? this is one retarded hacker. Game before that 1006, walks right into mambas base.

So when he does find him, hes hacking, when he doesn't find him, hes deviating.. do you not see what is happening here...  :o
This is your ego, you're sticking to your guns, you can't go back on your word now. lol I can handle losing mate, why do you think i was 4-44 or w/e Because I play to get better, i don't dodge every game for fear of losing. If you can't look at evidence, there's no point in even going forward with this. What a fucking joke.

Edit: At the 9 minute mark in that replay, as soon as the shuttle begins moving at the other guys base, biggie moves his rines. I didn't say 9:30, you can't even follow specific instructions.

Edit: Biggie is holding a bloody knife, standing over dead body and you're just like, "It's all in your head dude". Okay man.

Replay 1008 @ 1:35 he deviates the scout from mambas choke as not to seem suspicious? this is one retarded hacker. Game before that 1006, walks right into mambas base.

Replay 1040 at 9:00 He moves marines to main to intercept drop. At 10:16 he moves rines from choke to intercept drop. Just like I said earlier. HE MOVES HIS MARINES RIGHT AFTER THE DROP SHIP MOVES. I can find more examples, this was the first vs protoss game i watched past 1 minute, let's be honest here. he hacks.

I went ahead and downloaded a sample of 4 random replays and took down how many scouts it took for him to find his opponent. It was: 6, 3, 6, 2. So the pattern you are referring to simply isn't real. Most people who are accused of hacking don't actually hack, and the rule is innocent until proven guilty, not innocent until believed guilty by one person.
Do I really have to watch all his reps and time stamp every hacking movement? You're wrong, it's that simple. Don't let your ego dictate your life.

Thanks for the report. I'll take a closer look later but based on the replays I did watch, there is a lot more work to be done if you want to establish that he's hacking. Statistically speaking, the evidence is not very strong. He scouts like that (chokes only) when hes facing Protoss as well, and some games, he doesn't find his opponent until the very last scout (e.g. https://www.starcraftworld.net/download.php?item=replay&gid=845&l=1&season=37)

Examples are never evidence of anything, because when you have such a large pool of replays, confirmation bias will always lead you to find examples of what you are trying to prove. Instead, you need to make claims backed up with numbers that would demonstrate that the chance of him doing what he's doing without hacking is statistically impossible. For example, something such as "when hes terran and facing zerg, he scouts chokes only 80% of the time, but when hes facing protoss he does that only 20% of the time" or "even without clues (such as seeing a scout), he finds his opponent within the first 2 scouts most of the time, when he would expect that to be the case 2/7 of the time". Neither of these are true. If you do find something like this, do let me know.

Human intuition, especially when dealing with probability, is subject to many cognitive biases. You must avoid the temptation to draw conclusions prematurely and approach it from a dispassionate, statistical perspective.
Well, if you want to talk probability, he only has like a 14% chance of scouting correctly, the fact that he's done it more than double that percentage for 1/3 of his games is sufficient proof. If you want to pretend like it isn't, you're basically telling everyone it's okay to hack. I watched the first minute of all his reps and I'm 100% sure he hacks, I'd bet my life on it. One can only imagine what I'd find if i watched all of them all the way through. I guarantee he would be intercepting drop ships he had no prior vision of. I haven't even watched past 1 minute and I'm sure he'll do shit like this because I've played hackers before.

Edit: In Fact even if you only had replay 1101 to go off of as evidence, it would be sufficient proof. He only scouted half a choke then went straight to me. He would have had to had prior knowledge of my race to justify scouting just a choke. Which he did, because he's map hacking. lol

I know this is just a video game but if you let injustices slip by like this here, there's no telling what biggie might think he can get away with in the real world. By condoning cheating you're actually making the world worse. Injustice perpetuates injustice. "Well, if it's okay for him to hack, I guess it's okay for me to hack." You let this go, and you have a league full of fake winners. Awesome.

I will report back Sir.

Pages: [1] 2

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO94-74
3 thats_fishy41-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan84-50
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 Wk`QlolQ52-34
2 LeGenD]Gabi45-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]GohaN27-11
5 LeGenD]EviL37-23

Help keep the league active.


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