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Author Topic: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)  (Read 21706 times)


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How about show some reps aifam? You said you still have a StarCraft folder. Excuse me for sounding suspicious, but there has been a lot of smurfs lately and you cant just go off someones word for who they are.

I respect that Think-Fast called into question who I am. Bonus points for the tact and way that he did it. I felt that I should respond and show that I am indeed who I claim I am: FruitTank/aiFaM.
So I’m here to prove that I am really FruitTank/aiFaM and also tell a little bit of my story(since I didn’t really play for a long time. I came and went relatively quickly.)
Previously, I played mostly Bloodbath and enjoyed BGH but was never a “BGH player” as I didn’t even know there was a community. I played mostly 1v1/2v2 Bloodbath and 2v2 BGH. I don’t remember how or when but I was introduced to the cristal channel and found it interesting there was an entire website devoted to the fastest community (starcraftdream).
The prevailing wisdom at the time was that Terran was the most inferior race on fastest maps(by a fairly large margin). I don’t know why, but I wanted to show that Terran could compete and win at the highest levels. I also felt a lot better winning with Terran compared to winning with Zerg or Protoss. With that, I became a Terran-only player and focused on fastest maps.
The challenge was really interesting. At the time, most Terrans could not survive a Protoss rush (zealots & cannons). Dragoons would dominate most Terrans as Tanks couldn’t come fast enough.
If the Protoss was ever allowed to get to Templars and shuttles, they would continuously drop and wreck the Terran economy. If the Terran managed to survive all that… carriers would spell the doom for any Terran that made it that far.
Terran also was considered weak vs Zerg. The mass of units murdered most Terrans as many could not keep marine/tank production up to compete with Hydralisks. Remember, vanilla did not have medics. If the Zerg just built enough sunkin colonies, they could fend off the things Terran threw at them and could then buy enough time to mass and overwhelm the Terran.

I've been around for 20 years on here and know every one of the imbalance arguments. I'm not ignorant, I'm just biased towards individual liberty. I've seen players come out and go 70-5 in leagues vs pros playing only terran whenever it was "obvious" that protoss was OP. Think about how often zerg lost before dr.cheese. Think about how disadvantaged terran was until aifam.

I don’t have screenshots or proof, but I remember I did reeeeeally well every season that I played “ranked” fastest maps. I felt that I proved without a shadow of doubt that I was one of the best Terrans.
The younger version of me loved to prove people wrong. I loved that challenge, I had a certain passion. The more I won, the more names were getting thrown at me as people claimed I couldn’t beat X or Y. I loved the shit-talk that I was getting. A new player that dared to challenge the top players at the time?  I was that new name and I was busy making improvements to my unique style of Terran. There was talk outside of the fastest community about how fastest took no skill. I heard a lot of this from the BGH community. I decided I wanted to write a new chapter in my SCD journey. Could I prove something new? That fastest players could play with BGH players on their own map?
Maybe it was overconfidence, but I blinded wandered into channel pogi (the BGH version of cristal) and challenged the players there. Ended up going perfect score and beating some of the top players there. More on this story and the conclusions later on (PS: this is a 12+ year story and after logging on a few days ago... I found someone that actually remembered) Of course, I will upload all the replays and screenshots and proof :D
My most known AKAs at the time were: MaFia.aiFaM, gM.FruitTank, La.Fruit

After Starcraft, I ended up playing League of Legends (obtained Challenger on multiple smurf accounts and have been consistently diamond+ on my main account) I mostly played champions that were out of position. Definitely wanted to chase that Terran on fastest maps feel.
There was another game I played that a lot after Starcraft. I was the leader of the #1 clan in the world. I can’t reveal the game as too much information might reveal my IRL identity. Throughout my gaming “career”(I did end up making money from some games) this was my favorite achievement.
Those that knew me from SCD know that I was into making raps and sharing them with everyone.
I made gay-themed comedy raps that received lots of praise. This is also one of the main reasons I totally disappeared from the community. I am currently a singer/rapper. You could call me a mini-small-celebrity but I have to keep a certain low profile online. I have appeared on one of the top singing/rapping competition shows. I’m on the path to becoming a professional entertainer and I have to keep things on the downlow because some of my past might come to haunt me.

I never hacked and wasn’t considered bad-mannered. Some of my old raps, however, used extreme language and I’m afraid it might impact my IRL life(similar situations have happened to fellow musicians). While it was all in fun and I was extremely young, it might not be accepted today.

I will be uploading replays here and showing more proof.
Since I played somewhat early on, only specific versions of Starcraft work correctly with these replays(I managed to get them working with 1.13f and BWLauncher). I will be adding screenshots for proof.
Here is La.BrookLyN revealing a big secret to me(that I’ve kept secret all this time). The juicy part I have edited out but I did screenshot a bunch of private conversations I had with various players throughout the years. La.BrookLyN!! I'm trustworthy!! I kept that secret all these years and still have not told anyone ;)


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2020, 12:48:06 pm »
Swagnificent is a genius.

Dude, we're happy to have you in La still if you wanna game with us. Have a pretty solid roster featuring some original members.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2020, 01:02:54 pm »
I don't know much about the Terrans that came before me or the ones that came after me. I never kept up with the Starcraft scene after I left. I also didn't really delve into the history of FMP. I pretty much came in a flash and then left. I'm glad that some people still remember my Terran and I feel a certain sense of accomplishment when I reminisce. I had a unique Terran that played like no one else. I don’t know if later on people started copying my strategies but I think I came close to perfecting the TvZ.

I do believe that, in my prime, I had the best TvZ.

Best Terran overall is hard to prove. I was undefeated in TvT in SCD but I always hated that matchup. I was good at it but I never felt any satisfaction after winning. I always had near perfect records in SCD. My natural talent at TvT was a big reason as I really only needed to work to improve two of my matchups: TvZ and TvP.
TvP was my favorite matchup but it was always a stressful matchup because a billion things could go wrong for the Terran. I had to be at the right mindset to play a TvP. TvZ was my better matchup as in my prime I could knock out any Zerg player extremely quickly and guarantee a win. If I played seriously, the other player had no chance no matter who it was. I was that confident in my TvZ.

Why no Jinchuuriki there Mota? Or Brain or Rabbit?

 both should be there but I did not put them because they dont play to much in western leagues and we have seen very little of brain

Rabbit's played a lot during the UGL era. Kplus, Homeplus, LovelyRabbit, Hplus etc. His records weren't as good as they could've been because he played too damn cocky.

1.- BattleCheese-
2.- HyDrA[vck]
3.- Pro]Marine
4.- Mafia.Hash
5.- JhonSays-
6.- KoKaNee[Av]
7.- La.ProGamer
8.- Jinchuriky
9.- Rabbit
10.- Mafia.KeLeVran

I don’t know who everyone considers good players but Mafia.HasH is considered one of the better Zergs in FMP history. I also see that people have placed him in their top 5 players of all time.
These games weren’t me “in my prime” but they showcased my process in perfecting my TvZ to approaching unbeatable. So here are some replays showcasing me on my road to improving my Terran~
All against a (very angry) HasH. :D

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BW Launcher & Starcraft version 1.13f tested


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2020, 01:05:34 pm »
Swagnificent is a genius.

Dude, we're happy to have you in La still if you wanna game with us. Have a pretty solid roster featuring some original members.

Allen you have Advocate on La tag at the moment. La loses all credibility with that...


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2020, 01:33:01 pm »
Swagnificent is a genius.

Dude, we're happy to have you in La still if you wanna game with us. Have a pretty solid roster featuring some original members.

Allen you have Advocate on La tag at the moment. La loses all credibility with that...

Oh Badvocate? Idk I think we lose more credibility with Friendly to be honest. That said, it's still full of OGs who are fun to game with.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2020, 01:36:41 pm »
Thx for sharing Aifam. glad to see you back bro. i was in La. for a second not long, only for my 2v2 skills. in 2v2 i would pick T sometimes. original and BW are so much different though. hope to see how you do in the next SCW, it starts tomorrow!! hit me up if you want to practice, im still kind of noob 1v1 lol. for so many years i did nothing but 2v2.. now 2s are kind of a thing of the past, hardly anyone plays 2s anymore :/. So i am trying 1v1. In the past I did do some 1v1 but altogether I've probably only done 500 1v1 games ever. I've played probably 5-10k team games though lol. going to try and watch your reps vs hash! If i can get them to work it'll be a treat! Hash was from Europe server right? i remember many old school Europe players.. hash, Kelevran, Mattex., Orgazm[bm] etc.. Anyways gonna go game.. might not be in Kaoz much longer but if you see a guy named blue its me hit me up!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 01:40:46 pm by BLuE[KaOz] »


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« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2020, 02:41:19 pm »

I disliked maphackers.

I made my Terran in a way that I would not be dependent on strategies that were weak to maphackers(that’s partly why you almost never saw me do tank drops). I made it where even if my opponent knew where I was, or what I was doing I could outplay him/her and win. I didn’t want strategies that wouldn’t work if the opposing player maphacked.

The maphack was very prevalent at that time, and I am very proud to have a perfect record against the best maphackers of that era. (If it wasn’t an absolute perfect record and my memory is failing me, it was one loss at the absolute maximum)

Consider these three top-tiered players(who had all been caught maphacking):

1. Chevron
(Claimed he was at the time up on all the top Starcraft players and had quite a bit of support from various players. Considering the size of his ego, I was proud that I got him to admit I was his kryptonite. My favorite game was one against Chevron’s P. It was in my prime and what I would consider my most near-perfect game against Protoss. I still haven’t found it yet but am actively searching. I found a few games but haven't found all the games I played against Chevron.)

(AKA Troy and self-proclaimed best FMP player of that time. He got banned multiple times from SCD.)
I went in with a personal mission to dominate them. Every game I went in seriously. I don’t believe any of them ever got a game off me. I played them only when I was more confident in my Terran and I had a personal mission to fend off and dominate the maphackers during that time. I really respected PenguinPlug and all he was doing at that time to make Starcraft a cheat-free environment. I’m really proud that wrecked the cheaters.

3. Hydra
(A legendary player in many people’s eyes whose wins will always be called in question because of a detailed history of map-hacking. Quite a few people have him as top 3 player of all time. You’ll never have to call in question his wins against my Terran because he could never beat it. I will attach the Hydra stuff in the next post due to the 5 attachment limit.)


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2020, 02:45:56 pm »
Damn this guy is obsessed with himself lmfao
May evil drown in its source.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2020, 03:01:13 pm »
tom and hash dominated this game for like 4 years
played with hash on sc2. he was grandmaster
marine came for like a year or 2, he was good but tom was On/Off like alot of us.

Agree 1#BattleCheese- #2Hydra And #3Hash, some believe that they wasnt the best because they saw some games of them after they were decreasing theyre level but people who saw them in theire prime know the real lvl taht they reached and was incredible not like nowdays wish are very good players but not those magical games that they showed us

You saw "magical" games cause they knew what was going on all the time. It's easy to counter strategies when you know exactly what somebody is going for. If i have hacks and someone decides to 5min reaver it's insanely easy to counter when you know exactly what time that shuttle is hitting the edge of your base. I get so irritated with people like you lol i swear. He was a  hacker dude.. how can you sit there and give him credit? I just don't understand....

He cheated! He dominated the scene because he knew what people were doing. A huge portion on starcraft is based on figuring out what your opponent is doing.

Anti-maphack offensive & defensive strategy
Hail Hydra ;)
Bonus picture is the aiFaM FruitTank special on how to defend against Protoss Carriers trying to take your main


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2020, 03:34:08 pm »
Korean changed the top 10 rankings.
Brain(korean low money pro) destroyed everyone. He easily takes one by quite a huge margin.
1. Brain   https://liquipedia.net/starcraft/Sea.KH https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlcSsDNMYxEsem7bWY-66Q
2. Shin(played SCW beta and season 1) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-okJdotaXPlzivRzHFqzuA
3. Hoho(Inbusjaja) (retired korean starcraft streamer)
4. Rabbit   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFJcNk4d6M_dVx2nh9jsp1A/featured
5. J.H + GoldSCV korean fastest 1vs1 players.
6. Kokanee
The rest is hard to give a definitive ranking but the gap is quite considerable between 6 and 7.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2020, 04:36:32 pm »
Korean changed the top 10 rankings.
Brain(korean low money pro) destroyed everyone. He easily takes one by quite a huge margin.
1. Brain   https://liquipedia.net/starcraft/Sea.KH https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlcSsDNMYxEsem7bWY-66Q
2. Shin(played SCW beta and season 1) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-okJdotaXPlzivRzHFqzuA
3. Hoho(Inbusjaja) (retired korean starcraft streamer)
4. Rabbit   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFJcNk4d6M_dVx2nh9jsp1A/featured
5. J.H + GoldSCV korean fastest 1vs1 players.
6. Kokanee
The rest is hard to give a definitive ranking but the gap is quite considerable between 6 and 7.

Defjam? Idk about quite considerable.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2020, 04:49:39 pm »
Korean changed the top 10 rankings.
Brain(korean low money pro) destroyed everyone. He easily takes one by quite a huge margin.
1. Brain   https://liquipedia.net/starcraft/Sea.KH https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlcSsDNMYxEsem7bWY-66Q
2. Shin(played SCW beta and season 1) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-okJdotaXPlzivRzHFqzuA
3. Hoho(Inbusjaja) (retired korean starcraft streamer)
4. Rabbit   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFJcNk4d6M_dVx2nh9jsp1A/featured
5. J.H + GoldSCV korean fastest 1vs1 players.
6. Kokanee
The rest is hard to give a definitive ranking but the gap is quite considerable between 6 and 7.
I played the Warcrafts, Diablos and Starcrafts... One thing that was etched in my memory: Korea is the undisputed King of Blizzard Games.

For a time, I tried convincing people that the only reason other regions had any chance at League of Legends is because Korea didn't go all-in on League of Legends.
Many pros at the time were unconvinced Korea had any chance due to NA and Europe's head start at the game. They did not believe Korea could close the gap within a year.
Lo and behold, once Korea made League of Legends their go-to game... in a span of a few months, they started a dominant dynasty that would last many many many years.

However... something strange, never before seen thing happened last year.
Other regions caught on. China has won the last two league of legends worlds tournaments(Team I.G. and FPX). The year before Chinese victory, the finals was between Europe and NA.
What was super interesting is that China took in Korean B-tier players and turned them into superstars. The Korean region which was once considered so dominant, has not won a single world's championship in three years.

I have no doubt that the Korean community should have the best Starcraft players now, the rest of the world has given up on Starcraft.. But for some reason, the rest of the world has caught on when it comes to the #1 popular internet video game. If Starcraft became everyone's go-to game again, would Korea still be dominant?
I don't know

It's a weird time
President Trump

Weirder things have happened
I don't have the answers
I once considered Korea unbeatable once they picked their game...
I no longer hold Korean gamers on an unbeatable pedestal anymore.

Not saying I'm gonna suddenly return to Starcraft and try to prove that Koreans are beatable in fastest maps... haha
I'm not that person anymore, my focus is on other parts of my life at the moment but I do wonder whatif.. Coronavirus has changed many people's lives. I've just been thinking about how I've lived mine. There are a lot of what-if's that I've been pondering.

Damn this guy is obsessed with himself lmfao
Maybe it's Coronavirus.
Maybe it's just myself thinking of the past.
People are dying around me and I wanted to put some of what I did down on paper (even if it is just in a video game over 10 years ago).
Those that knew me know that I never bragged about my gaming ability or anything really. I was one of the most downlow players in the community.
I'm really not trying to brag. Just trying to close the door on this chapter of my life and giving those that know me/or wanted to know me a little more insider info.

I just suddenly left Starcraft. A part of me feels sorry and that I should have said goodbye at least to my friends and fellow SC players. I don't remember exactly what was happening in my life at that time period and why I suddenly left.

Maybe I'm looking for a little self confidence as well. Real life is hard work, and while I have some of the best opportunities coming my way it seems I'm not taking the proper actions to do well. All I've wanted in my wildest dreams are about to come true if I just take advantage of the chances that are being given to me. I've lost that passion, the passion I once had when I was a young infant gamer trying to perfect his Terran.

Maybe I've gotten old. By writing all this down, all the memories, all the regrets and the things that happened in my life in and outside of Starcraft/Gaming came rushing back. There were a lot of things I forgot about. Once I started looking at old pictures and replays, they all came rushing back. Over 10 years ago, what have I done in my life since then? Obviously, I'm not trying to tell too much of my IRL story, but the Starcraft side was pretty special (at least to me, even if at that time I never told anyone).
I mean... it is a introduction thread... a thread about .. uh.. me
You're free to your opinions and if I seem obsessed to you, that's fine.
I did enjoy writing this, does that make me obsessed?
Maybe I'm just getting too old for this.

Swagnificent is a genius.

Dude, we're happy to have you in La still if you wanna game with us. Have a pretty solid roster featuring some original members.
Glad to see La is still going strong! Do you guys still have a Bnet channel? I’ll have to swing by sometimes. None of my old accounts still exist, but I purchased Starcraft remastered and went online to play a few games. Right now, I’m using the account “FruitTank”
I’ll be sure to swing by and game/say hello to all the La members. ;)

Thx for sharing Aifam. glad to see you back bro. i was in La. for a second not long, only for my 2v2 skills. in 2v2 i would pick T sometimes. original and BW are so much different though. hope to see how you do in the next SCW, it starts tomorrow!! hit me up if you want to practice, im still kind of noob 1v1 lol. for so many years i did nothing but 2v2.. now 2s are kind of a thing of the past, hardly anyone plays 2s anymore :/. So i am trying 1v1. In the past I did do some 1v1 but altogether I've probably only done 500 1v1 games ever. I've played probably 5-10k team games though lol. going to try and watch your reps vs hash! If i can get them to work it'll be a treat! Hash was from Europe server right? i remember many old school Europe players.. hash, Kelevran, Mattex., Orgazm[bm] etc.. Anyways gonna go game.. might not be in Kaoz much longer but if you see a guy named blue its me hit me up!
Feels good, feels good
Hope those memories are stirring things in you as well
Glad to see more old school La players. I will look for a player named Blue :D Yeah, for sure. We can definitely practice some but I'm a withered shell of my former self at this game :(

« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 04:52:57 pm by FruitTank.aiFaM »


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2020, 04:52:20 pm »
you wont ever beat the starcraft koreans.
I've been hanging with a korean amateur at semi-pro level for the last two months and he stomps the best low money foreigners without really trying to. In Starcraft they are a different breed.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 05:01:15 pm by preMier »


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2020, 05:05:06 pm »
Thats why a finnish guy rapes the korean ppl, yes. Its Serral....


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2020, 05:07:17 pm »
Thats why a finnish guy rapes the korean ppl, yes. Its Serral....

I meant starcraft 1. not 2.


Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 L-Mx]GallO109-79
2 pGf]Pescador-70-60
3 thats_fishy48-29
4 LeGenD]HyDrA30-5
5 GanGs]BlackSwan87-55

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 LeGenD]SveN36-27
3 Platypusy51-63
4 LeGenD]HyDrA25-11
5 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20

Help keep the league active.


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