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Author Topic: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)  (Read 21705 times)


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2020, 05:49:59 pm »
This guy must be high on pills lmao wtfffff.
May evil drown in its source.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2020, 05:53:54 pm »
Swagnificent is a genius.

Dude, we're happy to have you in La still if you wanna game with us. Have a pretty solid roster featuring some original members.

Allen you have Advocate on La tag at the moment. La loses all credibility with that...

Credibility.... aren't you the guy that had cole play on your account for you during a SCW tournament? I play and bring activity to the game while you sit back and talks as if what you have to say is relevant... You were a medium level gamer with an ego too big for its own good. Get over yourself, its a game.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2020, 06:25:39 pm »
Nah, Kon is a good player and have to give credit where it is due. Cole playing on his account and how often it happened is a completely different subject. Kon has proven to be a good player.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2020, 06:27:39 pm »
welcome back aiFaM


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2020, 06:38:14 pm »
Swagnificent is a genius.

Dude, we're happy to have you in La still if you wanna game with us. Have a pretty solid roster featuring some original members.

Allen you have Advocate on La tag at the moment. La loses all credibility with that...

Credibility.... aren't you the guy that had cole play on your account for you during a SCW tournament? I play and bring activity to the game while you sit back and talks as if what you have to say is relevant... You were a medium level gamer with an ego too big for its own good. Get over yourself, its a game.

You can have your opinion of me, I don't care what you think. You're a moron. Facts are I won leagues and have beaten everyone there is and was to beat. All you seem to try and accomplish is beating teleport 100x a season. Anyone that's good at this game knows how good I was.

Cole played on my account once, as I was unable to play my tourney games. I was going to get booted from tournament anyway so I let him do it. Obviously a mistake but SC was not on my radar for much longer so I didn't care as much about it. Still wrong. And really, it was against big old Gus, like why would I be scared to play him lol. He's my teleport.

I'd recommend taking your own comment "of it's a game get over yourself". You're clearly scared to play anyone half decent as your ego can't take a loss. You'd rather play the same noob all season and get wins rather than improve at this game. I watch webbot and you literally fake afk whenever anyone half decent asks you to play, and then you .scw1 your own record to jerk off to in the channel. If you don't enjoy hearing the truth, do something about it. Man up and play some decent players and maybe you'll get some respect. Until then continue to expect bm.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2020, 08:55:24 pm »
you wont ever beat the starcraft koreans.
I've been hanging with a korean amateur at semi-pro level for the last two months and he stomps the best low money foreigners without really trying to. In Starcraft they are a different breed.
First, I’m not your average “foreigner.”
I roommate with 4 Koreans. I lived/spent the entire last year in a Korean gaming house. Right now, I’m competing in a field that Koreans are known to dominate in. It ain’t StarCraft but the past two years have shown that they aren’t invincible in this field either.
But, enough about that.. all I’m saying is if the European/Chinese gaming communities both gave up all other games and refocused on StarCraft 1, there’s no guarantee that Koreans will remain gods in StarCraft 1. The world has caught up in the gaming sphere but they’ve also given up on StarCraft 1 a long time ago.
The Korean region is strong, but there is not a single modern game they have a stranglehold on anymore. They’re not genetically predisposed to be gods at Starcraft 1 but beatable at Starcraft 2. It’s just a matter of timing. Their gaming culture, habits, economic situation allowed them to be #1 in the world in a time in which the rest of the world was playing catch up. They took the game seriously in a way the rest of the world couldn’t imagine. The gaming house, A/B teams were all huge factors that allowed them to put a stranglehold on any game they wanted to touch.
The reality is that in today’s age, you see countries like Pakistan putting out Tekken players that win world titles over Korea or Japan. China has won the last two League of Legends World’s. Europe won before that and Korea didn’t even make the finals that year.
StarCraft 2 isn’t dominated by Koreans only. Koreans do well in all these games, but they aren’t unbeatable.
Second, we’re talking about fastest. Not saying I can or can't beat a Korean player if I started playing StarCraft now and trained for 1.5 years... but they really aren't unbeatable.
I'm literally watching the VODs of some of these korean fastest players.
First, Brain is pretty damn good. I’ve been watching his games and while he does show small weaknesses sometime, he patches those up quickly with every game he plays. I feel that he is the type of player that would do well in fastest even if all of Korean low$ suddenly played only fastest. I don’t know if people consider him #1 in fastest, but yeah from watching his games he is the real deal. I think it’s dangerous to just watch a few games of Brain and them label him a certain type of player because he really does show vast changes as time goes on.
I watched many games of LuckYback as well as other Korean fastest players. Generally VODs are more informative than replays but overall they don't play nearly as perfectly as possible. Nothing I would consider unbeatable. Main problems I think they can improve on a lot is choke building patterns, drop defense and execution of certain cheese. I saw LuckYback lose a Terran early bunker rush vs Zerg that 3 hatched because he didn't choke. How?!?!?! How do you screw that bunker contain up? A choke would have 100% prevented the Zergling surround. There’s a sense of Korean pride in that the Terrans always want to match the zealots/zerglings with marines instead of playing certain parts safe. They don’t cheese defense or cheese contain. They pretty much try to rely purely on their marine micro and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen them waste ungodly amounts of money on marines that die to a surround when they could have just gotten a better choke. They lose a lot of economy with subpar building and their mass times aren’t super crazy. I’m sure they can play a lot better. Most of this is knowledge and willingness to execute rather than hand-speed and innate talent but they really aren’t invincible. The interesting thing is top Korean low$ Terrans *do* cheese chokes and various ways to save economy on defense while leaving more flexibility into their openings when playing low$. So it’s just a matter of them treating fastest like that and use every cheese and trick they know to grab any advantage they can.

Quite a few of the Korean StarCrafters aren't that great at drop defense in fastest. Many games go GG after the Protoss just drops once or twice and the defensive T player doesn't have enough drop D. I don't know if it's Korean pride or something, but they don't pull enough marines or tanks back. They're too confident in their micro that they don't choke early. The choke allows you to bring more defense to the mineral area and at the same time be able to respond to attacks at the front. When they do finally have their choke, they never pull the marines back to respond to drops.
They also don't leave a gas open near the command center in order to gas-hit repair trick the main CC. I saw LuckYback lose four command centers to muta/queens and he didn't make a single move with his SCVs to repair. These pros should know the repair trick but for some reason I never see the Terrans do it. I don't know if he didn't see the mutas or what, but they honestly have quite a few holes in their game. The Korean players have pretty strong micro and handspeed but there really are a lot of gaping weaknesses in their game in terms of how they build and how they approach fastest. Valkyries and tanks can’t be the only units for drop defense and yet I’ve seen many of these Korean fastest players keep them as the only drop defense near the CC. Valkyries are interesting weapons that we didn’t have in our era. Mainly is because we played vanilla StarCraft but second issue is that unit limit bugged out easily and Valkyries stopped firing. Combined with mind control, Protoss generally had a better early, mid and late game. Starcraft remaster fixes and mind control ban does make the entire matchup quite different.
I can’t tell you how many of these Korean Terrans GG’ed out after only 1 or 2 drops from the Protoss. It’s honestly depressing given how much better their map is for Terran compared to ours(Have we switched to their version? At the very least make the mid spots more balanced like theirs…).
The Korean Terrans really aren’t unbeatable.
Overall the Korean maps give Terran some reeeeeally strong possibilities. They can put Tanks on the high ground and generally have a much easier time containing the opponent and breaking bases. Terrans never had a map this generous to them for fastest. I’m just so disappointed at their drop defense and building patterns.
I’m not saying I could comeback and beat Brain in a best of 7 RvR series(I’d get demolished but TvZ would be interesting.). But to say I wouldn’t take games off any these Korean fastest players if I took it seriously and trained? I don’t buy it.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 08:57:05 pm by FruitTank.aiFaM »


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2020, 09:23:53 pm »
Swagnificent is a genius.

Dude, we're happy to have you in La still if you wanna game with us. Have a pretty solid roster featuring some original members.

Allen you have Advocate on La tag at the moment. La loses all credibility with that...

Credibility.... aren't you the guy that had cole play on your account for you during a SCW tournament? I play and bring activity to the game while you sit back and talks as if what you have to say is relevant... You were a medium level gamer with an ego too big for its own good. Get over yourself, its a game.

You can have your opinion of me, I don't care what you think. You're a moron. Facts are I won leagues and have beaten everyone there is and was to beat. All you seem to try and accomplish is beating teleport 100x a season. Anyone that's good at this game knows how good I was.

Cole played on my account once, as I was unable to play my tourney games. I was going to get booted from tournament anyway so I let him do it. Obviously a mistake but SC was not on my radar for much longer so I didn't care as much about it. Still wrong. And really, it was against big old Gus, like why would I be scared to play him lol. He's my teleport.

I'd recommend taking your own comment "of it's a game get over yourself". You're clearly scared to play anyone half decent as your ego can't take a loss. You'd rather play the same noob all season and get wins rather than improve at this game. I watch webbot and you literally fake afk whenever anyone half decent asks you to play, and then you .scw1 your own record to jerk off to in the channel. If you don't enjoy hearing the truth, do something about it. Man up and play some decent players and maybe you'll get some respect. Until then continue to expect bm.

Thank you for taking this much effort and time out of your day to write all this because you clearly "dont care what i think" LOL triggered.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2020, 10:25:24 pm »
They definitely are beatable. My point was the best of SCW seems currently incapable of doing so. Most of the points you bring up are legit, but often also not the case. While the map does bring up a couple of different imbalances compared to western map, it is by far a lot more balanced.

Their approach isn't nessecarily arrogance as you describe it, but moreso trying to get as much done with as little as the situation allows for, given no mistake is made. They prefer a high pace over a slow pace. Over investing in defending or attack to them slows the pace down too much, even though at times it is the correct choice.







http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/47716548 (from23 minutes)

(J.H) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtnUb02t0b7n4FqyGopfnkA

Also, about China winning League Of Legends worlds two years in a row.
DoinB = Korean
GimGoon = Korean
TheShy = Korean
Rookie = Korean
Duke = Korean.

2018 Worlds KT ROlster was second strongest team and only team to even put up a fight with IG, a team consistent of mostly koreans. 2018 KT Rolster was second best team at Worlds. 
2-3 vs IG and losing on a coinflip fight. IG 3-0 G2 and Fnatic.

2019 is a different story.

2020 Estar is the first fully chinese team seemingly capable of winning worlds unless they crash in summer split.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 10:35:37 pm by preMier »


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2020, 10:35:32 pm »
They definitely are beatable. My point was the best of SCW seems currently incapable of doing so. Most of the points you bring up are legit, but often also not the case. While the map does bring up a couple of different imbalances compared to western map, it is by far a lot more balanced.

Their approach isn't nessecarily arrogance as you describe it, but moreso trying to get as much done with as little as the situation allows for, given no mistake is made. They prefer a high pace over a slow pace. Over investing in defending or attack to them slows the pace down too much, even though at times it is the correct choice.







http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/47716548 (from23 minutes)

(J.H) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtnUb02t0b7n4FqyGopfnkA
Okay, then it seems like we don't entirely disagree.

Good stuff
Yeah I do think the Korean map + no mind-control rules nowdays are are lot more fair to all the races compared to before.

Thanks for the wealth of links. I get to watch and learn a lot more now :D


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2020, 10:38:59 pm »
They definitely are beatable. My point was the best of SCW seems currently incapable of doing so. Most of the points you bring up are legit, but often also not the case. While the map does bring up a couple of different imbalances compared to western map, it is by far a lot more balanced.

Their approach isn't nessecarily arrogance as you describe it, but moreso trying to get as much done with as little as the situation allows for, given no mistake is made. They prefer a high pace over a slow pace. Over investing in defending or attack to them slows the pace down too much, even though at times it is the correct choice.







http://vod.afreecatv.com/PLAYER/STATION/47716548 (from23 minutes)

(J.H) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtnUb02t0b7n4FqyGopfnkA
Okay, then it seems like we don't entirely disagree.

Good stuff
Yeah I do think the Korean map + no mind-control rules nowdays are are lot more fair to all the races compared to before.

Thanks for the wealth of links. I get to watch and learn a lot more now :D

HamburgerSasu is a treat to watch but he is one of the few who DOES get arrogant. Minchul Park is an absolute beast. Brain is by korean considered to be the #1.

Koreans I've spoken to consider Brain > Minchul > Hamburger/Shin/LuckY/Hoho/Light(PRO)/Mong(PRO) > the rest.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2020, 11:01:38 pm »
Also, about China winning League Of Legends worlds two years in a row.
DoinB = Korean
GimGoon = Korean
TheShy = Korean
Rookie = Korean
Duke = Korean.

2018 Worlds KT ROlster was second strongest team and only team to even put up a fight with IG, a team consistent of mostly koreans. 2018 KT Rolster was second best team at Worlds. 
2-3 vs IG and losing on a coinflip fight. IG 3-0 G2 and Fnatic.

2019 is a different story.

2020 Estar is the first fully chinese team seemingly capable of winning worlds unless they crash in summer split.
Oh, don't get me wrong. Korea is still strong in League of Legends and they might win this upcoming World's in dominating fashion. It's quite possible we see a Korean team vs Korean team in the finals. But they aren't a lock for gold like before. Many players no longer just assume Korea will win if they put their mind to it. Korea fielded their all-superstar comeback teams and it still didn't get them the gold. The pedestal has been destroyed and the whole world knows anyone can beat anyone in today's game.

The Gap be damned, Champions can fall, Gods can bleed.
There's something about the Chinese system, however, that makes B-tiered Korean players straight beasts after they commit fully to the Chinese lifestyle and system. Duke isn't a big contribute to his team but the other four you listed are definite cornerstones of their respective teams and yes, they are Koreans. But they are only 2/5 of the team, even if I.G. is perhaps primarily dependent on TheShy and Rookie...
None of them were really the most sought after free-agents when they were in Korea and generally did poorly when they played in Korea. Up until the DoinB raised the championship trophy, he was being bashed left and right for being the worst mid laner in the laning phase of the entire tournament. Every single round the analysts and commenters stated his average to below-average mechanical ability would be a huge problem. I would have guessed that the Chinese system would not do as well in cultivating less-than-proven talent and instead be better at raising capital and securing the top talent and names like Faker. Instead China has shown that some of their organizations are actually great at growing with newer players and creating the next superstars. A part of me still feels it's luck because it almost goes against all the prevalent theory about the Chinese system.

Gaming culture and habits of each region now has advantages and disadvantages rather than before were everyone was just trying to play catch-up and copy what the Koreans were doing.


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2020, 11:06:13 pm »
also, part of what makes braingod stand out so much is his eapm, which is highest amongst all current starcraft players while his apm is average for pros.

and one for ddukka(hamburgersasu) and Goldscv(leebokgu)
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 11:07:58 pm by preMier »


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2020, 01:30:41 am »
Wow interesting post, damm brain very high eapm, is similar the eapm of a zerg pro early game as jaedong, bisu too have hight eapm


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2020, 01:36:29 am »
Korean changed the top 10 rankings.
Brain(korean low money pro) destroyed everyone. He easily takes one by quite a huge margin.
1. Brain   https://liquipedia.net/starcraft/Sea.KH https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlcSsDNMYxEsem7bWY-66Q
2. Shin(played SCW beta and season 1) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-okJdotaXPlzivRzHFqzuA
3. Hoho(Inbusjaja) (retired korean starcraft streamer)
4. Rabbit   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFJcNk4d6M_dVx2nh9jsp1A/featured
5. J.H + GoldSCV korean fastest 1vs1 players.
6. Kokanee
The rest is hard to give a definitive ranking but the gap is quite considerable between 6 and 7.

Defjam? Idk about quite considerable.

Lol Defjam... who?

If anyone belongs to that list it's Pro]Marine-... He dominated the FMP community was it was most active with 99% win ratios. Made people like Jinchuuriki, HasH, Jon, Hardy and Hydra look helpless in games vs him.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM9efrXZFks (4-0 Kelevran)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v8U55R0JSw (2-0 Jinchuuriki)


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Re: I am FruitTank / aiFaM (Top Terran player with unique playstyle)
« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2020, 02:18:10 am »
Korean changed the top 10 rankings.
Brain(korean low money pro) destroyed everyone. He easily takes one by quite a huge margin.
1. Brain   https://liquipedia.net/starcraft/Sea.KH https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqlcSsDNMYxEsem7bWY-66Q
2. Shin(played SCW beta and season 1) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-okJdotaXPlzivRzHFqzuA
3. Hoho(Inbusjaja) (retired korean starcraft streamer)
4. Rabbit   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFJcNk4d6M_dVx2nh9jsp1A/featured
5. J.H + GoldSCV korean fastest 1vs1 players.
6. Kokanee
The rest is hard to give a definitive ranking but the gap is quite considerable between 6 and 7.

koanee? wtf? ahahahahahah are you smoking bruh?


Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 L-Mx]GallO109-79
2 pGf]Pescador-70-60
3 thats_fishy48-29
4 LeGenD]HyDrA30-5
5 GanGs]BlackSwan87-55

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 LeGenD]SveN36-27
3 Platypusy51-63
4 LeGenD]HyDrA25-11
5 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20

Help keep the league active.


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