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Author Topic: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-  (Read 29844 times)


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-Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« on: February 04, 2018, 04:55:51 pm »
I like Starcraft and seeing it lack activity leaves a bad taste. We have a pretty dedicated core group that comes back every single season and plays a significant amount of matches. Kudos and respect to you. But having just a core group that's mostly occupied with individuals trying to out-do eachother when it comes to being an asshole isn't exactly an environment that facilitates growth. Part of the reason I rather quickly gave up injecting money into the UGL was because half of the people participating were just too much of an asshole. Why would I spent my money on people who care more about bullying and being assholes than try to help keep the game they love and play more than I do alive.

However, just like how the people running SCW haven't given up I feel I should give it another shot. Over the previous year I've had a lot of luck financially and I can afford to inject some time and money into Ideas people have that could help improve activity. Please  tell me about your thoughts and/or ideas.


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2018, 05:02:32 pm »
I think most of the people who used to play a lot just aren't around anymore. Remasterd made some people come back for a few weeks only.. Also, the season is considerably less active than when we had Brood war, although activity was really low even then


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2018, 05:09:35 pm »
worthless to come back?


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2018, 05:15:29 pm »
You can sit here and cry about the bm all you want, but what’s helping to kill this league is people would rather pub rather than league to help increase activity. Every time I check the webbot there’s plenty people on or even when I get on people are just wanting to go bash on pubs. There’s no thrive for players to get better or play competitive.


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2018, 05:32:42 pm »
Yes, i have to agree with Mark....


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2018, 05:41:07 pm »
I think most of the people who used to play a lot just aren't around anymore. Remasterd made some people come back for a few weeks only.. Also, the season is considerably less active than when we had Brood war, although activity was really low even then
That is sad to hear. Do you think there is a way to interest old players or to bring over activity from Korea? For example, a BW league ran on Super Map along side the Original league?

worthless to come back?

You can sit here and cry about the bm all you want, but what’s helping to kill this league is people would rather pub rather than league to help increase activity. Every time I check the webbot there’s plenty people on or even when I get on people are just wanting to go bash on pubs. There’s no thrive for players to get better or play competitive.
Over excessive BM drives people apart. You can't create an environment that stimulates growth and activity if the few people in it aren't working together in one way or another to facilitate it. People are less likely to stick around or come back if their memory of the individuals is a negative one. And considering a league like this deals with a lot of individual interaction I find over excessive bm to be a negative factor. If you play someone less good than you and all you do is verbally abuse that person because of his/her inferiority in skill you scare them away. If you are a welcoming community that reaches out to help said individual grow and have a good time you create an incentive for the individual to stay. You have to invest in the players of the future, not chase them away. A lot of these pub players aren't negatively confronted with their ability when they play pubs because the assholes aren't there to verbally abuse them to the degree people in leagues do.


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2018, 06:28:35 pm »
I don’t go out of my way to bm people I don’t know, the only time I bm is when people dodge, critique my play when they couldn’t do better, or just sit in channel and pub. You in general, I had nothing against you at first. I started to dislike you when you always act like you knew everything about this game. whenever you would lose a game you blamed your part or had an excuse. Then you would obs me, to critique my game even though you have never been better than me (not bmin). I hardly have time to ever play because I have a son now and for you to talk about my life because I talk shit for fun on a game makes you a pussy. So whenever I get on I just wanna play and a lot of people dodge me even though people are always saying I suck or get carried. Lol


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2018, 07:13:17 pm »
I don’t go out of my way to bm people I don’t know, the only time I bm is when people dodge, critique my play when they couldn’t do better, or just sit in channel and pub. You in general, I had nothing against you at first. I started to dislike you when you always act like you knew everything about this game. whenever you would lose a game you blamed your part or had an excuse. Then you would obs me, to critique my game even though you have never been better than me (not bmin). I hardly have time to ever play because I have a son now and for you to talk about my life because I talk shit for fun on a game makes you a pussy. So whenever I get on I just wanna play and a lot of people dodge me even though people are always saying I suck or get carried. Lol

If that is how you interpret my past actions then I should have chosen my words more carefully to convey what I intended more accurately. I have already talked to the people who were my parts to clear up confusions. I never intended to "blame" them for a loss or to find an excuse. I tried to identify what I thought to be a mistake that could in the future be prevented by acknowledging it and sharing it with my partner. I share my own mistakes with my parts frequently and ask for advice too. If people take offense to that it is either because of their prior biases tainting their perception or my inability to share the information in a manner that prevents the potential for a misunderstanding. And considering most interactions on this game are bm, people are more likely to interpret something intended as criticism as bm because most of the time it is. They expect it to be bm. And no, I don't  intend to act like I know everything. Either I misrepresented myself or you misinterpreted because of conditioned biases.

In (E-)sports you have coaches and analysts, individuals who are rarely better at the activity they coach than the people whom they coach in said activity. You are fully aware the value a coach or analyst has to an athlete or a team in the process of improvement and victory. I don't have to be better than you to critique you. If you find my critique to be wrong don't take offense, instead tell me I am wrong and why I am wrong. If anything, koreans have proven we're not nearly as good as we like ourselves to be.

Also, you talk shit and it's cool but I talk shit and it makes me a pussy? That's quite the double standard you apply "oh so" conveniently. You started bming me. I responded. Yes, I may have jumped to some conclusions I maybe should not have. You know the truth about your life and I don't. I'll refrain from making comments about your life. And Lastly, my comment was not about you, so don't make it about you.  It was my opinion on something I observed in the community. THIS reply was about you. So unless something is specifically about you stick to the subject matter presented.


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2018, 08:51:31 pm »
these types of threads have been made thousands of time. And they always, ALWAYS end in exactly the same way. this one, i see, is no different.

the people who play league are not interested in expanding the league. they are perfectly fine trashing on each other and having fun with it. it will stay this way now.


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2018, 09:31:21 pm »
I don't think bm is killing the league it's just like Mark said no one cares about getting good at fastest and people would rather just play silly pub matches for fun. Don't give up on trying to get people to play though. There are lots of people starting to play again or for the first time. Sorry Cole but the league can never be made og again no matter how badly me and you want it to be. The average pubs wants bw and the league will not gain enough new players if we stay og. Although I don't understand why people like bw fastest it's really lame and mind control should be BanneD ffs. Again I think we shouldn't just give up. Because alot of times people come to op ugl can't find a game and leave the more people who just be patient in finding games will realize they will come eventually. I'm always able to get 400 games a season. But everyone complains there's no games? Try some patience and don't just leave when you see no one on people will start logging on after awhile just stay there for more than 5 seconds for God's sake.


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2018, 09:34:07 pm »
Also people should not dodge so damn much. Who really cares if you lose you're probably not a pro player anyway so why not take some Ls and learn a thing or two.


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2018, 09:38:22 pm »
Also people should not dodge so damn much. Who really cares if you lose you're probably not a pro player anyway so why not take some Ls and learn a thing or two.

I will always agree with this. If you win you win, and if you lose you lose. Can’t win them all. Hate when people take the easy way out to get a win.


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2018, 03:41:31 am »
I stand corrected.


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2018, 08:42:06 am »
so when does season 4 start? can we get an option to play original?


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Re: -Looking for Ideas to improve activity-
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2018, 12:57:29 pm »
I don't think bm is killing the league it's just like Mark said no one cares about getting good at fastest and people would rather just play silly pub matches for fun. Don't give up on trying to get people to play though. There are lots of people starting to play again or for the first time. Sorry Cole but the league can never be made og again no matter how badly me and you want it to be. The average pubs wants bw and the league will not gain enough new players if we stay og. Although I don't understand why people like bw fastest it's really lame and mind control should be BanneD ffs. Again I think we shouldn't just give up. Because alot of times people come to op ugl can't find a game and leave the more people who just be patient in finding games will realize they will come eventually. I'm always able to get 400 games a season. But everyone complains there's no games? Try some patience and don't just leave when you see no one on people will start logging on after awhile just stay there for more than 5 seconds for God's sake.

I find this accurate. I feel like one thing killing this league is just the inactivity in the league. Although i dont go on as much, i feel 90% of the time i go on the channel is pretty empty, i think my timezone is a factor as well. But its really tough to get encouraged to stay and wait for people to play because you have no idea how long it will take to find an opponent.


Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 L-Mx]GallO109-79
2 pGf]Pescador-70-60
3 thats_fishy51-32
4 LeGenD]HyDrA30-5
5 GanGs]BlackSwan87-55

1 Wk`QlolQ57-38
2 LeGenD]HyDrA28-11
3 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
4 LeGenD]SveN36-27
5 LeGenD]EviL43-25

Help keep the league active.


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