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Messages - UltrA-

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Or just your opinion on how the replays go? Seems like you like to please your friends in sc like Gus Joe and the majority of scw players. If it's not based on actually evidence of maphack then you need to step down as admin. In that case you need to look into Koreans and Tom who have similar gameplay and makes it questionable.

If evidence was found. What hack version brand was used? Joe and Gus looked into it and they couldn't find a way to hack remast.

Wouldn't be surprised if you try to ban or retribute for someone actually speaking up. Seems like people just kiss your behind in channel to get rights on scw not for your fair gameplay rules or gaming skill or admin skill/respect.

Pleasing you nerds is close to the bottom of my list of priorities. You're not wrong though in that there are other cheaters; please send me whatever evidence you have and I'll look into it.

I'm not sure I believe this. I've parted jose a bunch of times and he's been caught off guard many times. For example he will d his main right off the bat and just go two gate if he sees an ov. Thats a typical reaction vs cr ling rush. Not vs 9 pool speed. And its happened a few times vs opponents 9 pooling instead of cr ling. When we played vs evil and peter pz vs pt, he said go to attack evils choke with mutas and ground and we practically wasted half of our army bc evil was mass d as t and had mass cans from his part.  As far as if he selectively hacks in 1v1, I don't think so. Otherwise, how would he have lost to dingo pvt across map when dingo did an mm rush and took his choke? It would be easy to just make one or two more cans and no one would say you hack....but he didn't on time and lost

We have to avoid the fallacy of thinking that because someone cheats, they do it every game. Getting help from observers even just one game and utilizing it to win the game unfairly is bad enough to justify this suspension. There is zero tolerance for getting an unfair advantage in games by any means, whether its hacking, getting help from observers, or stream sniping, whether it be a single game or every game.

Sounds like no hard proof evidence was found hence it not being shown. "Evidence found beyond a reasonable doubt," doubt you're a lawyer aren't you supposed to be in computer degree or something? What version of hack? Was there a conversation for ohs cheat?

Sounds like all this is based on your opinion not on reliable evidence that can be explained... Not sure how you're an admin or running a league...seems fallacy and biased based nothing reliable.

There are numerous instances of both Jose and Dingo cheating with observers or watching the livestream of their opponents.
Muestra algo onde yo use hack o algún observador me dice la posición del oponente, es fácil lanzar acusaciones pero difícil demostrar.

jose has been caught hacking in past ses
Jamás fui atrapado en ninguna otra ligar por hack, porque nunca lo usé y porque fui novato , fui aprendiendo,y mejorando mediante derrotas  porfavor nuevamente le pido a sword por respeto a todos que muestre las evidencias de hack o que yo he echo trampa con algún observador ya que yo dejo siempre a los obs toda esta temporada no fui BM pero veo que eso acá no les gusta . La experiencia de uno hace que crean cosas que no son , quieren que haga stream , si gustan lo hago o que quieren para demostrar que no soy hack , gracias

Plz sword show all what hack i used show evidences i have been playing 17 years AND i never used hack on all my life plz for respect all my clan u should show the evidence thanks

General Discussion / Show evidences
« on: July 11, 2022, 12:36:59 am »
Show evidences where i used hack , on StarCraft remasted doesn't exist hack.

Pages: [1]

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO94-74
3 thats_fishy41-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan84-50
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 Wk`QlolQ52-34
2 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]SveN29-23
5 LeGenD]GohaN27-11

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