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Topics - HyDrA

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Support Center / rustykaoz posting out of order
« on: August 11, 2020, 07:46:46 pm »
Can ya fix game order vs rustykaoz?

he waited til the very end to post his wins.

I won TvZ TvZ. Lost ZvT TvP. Won ZvT

Introduce Yourself / HyDrA
« on: April 12, 2020, 01:14:42 am »
So... I was the most watched player back in vgt/scd days. I ran penguin plug and all the other stuff needed to prove that I wasn't hacking.

People were thoroughly studying my replays in BWChart to see my clicks to try and prove that I was hacking. Everyone else was getting caught hacking this way... But me? NOPE. I wonder why..... *Take a second to think about this one... Really, do it.

Only reason why I got tagged in SCD was because 'Nova' wanted to see how i'd do with hacks on, and had me smurf as 'PvP'.. while he posted the replays for me. I went 15-0 on that while hacking before I got caught hacking and banned.

jon-sayz ratted me out when I told him that I was in fact, 'PvP' ..fucking asshole was supposed to be my friend. So because of that, I got tagged on my 'HyDrA' name. EVEN THOUGH  I never hacked on my 'HyDrA' name.

I won 2 All-Star tournaments without hacking.
I won VGT seasons 9-17 without hacking. I remember VGT15 was my best one. SC 50-4; BW 50-2
I was up on everyone that I played during my prime time.
I won some other leagues such like HGL, and SCW3? Can't remember others.

Then I quit for a couple years and would come on every once in a while to mess around. That's when I didn't care anymore and started to hack for the fuck of it.

My mouse speed/accuracy is no where what it used to be back in the day. I like to use this game to calculate that.

Try it out for yourself. It's fun.

I used to be able to get over 1,000,000. NOW I can barely reach 70k-100k.

So all this talk about how I lose all credibility because I apparently hacked ALL MY LIFE? nahhh... Ya'll are dumb ;)  Just bitter because I was better when I really played this game religiously.

I had my prime time when I thoroughly cared about this game. I would have never hacked during that time to risk getting caught when everyone was on my ass watching me. I cared too much about the game during that time.

...Cheers  ;)

Support Center / Match ID# 1518
« on: March 14, 2020, 06:54:22 pm »
He did not win this game. Please remove.

I did not know there was no MC in SCW... -_-;

Should just be 0-0 then if not my win

Support Center / Game vs aS]Mandigo-
« on: March 12, 2020, 11:53:42 pm »
Not sure why this isn't able to post but here's replay. please add

Pages: 1 2 [3]

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO95-74
3 thats_fishy42-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan87-51
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 LeGenD]Gabi48-26
2 Wk`QlolQ52-37
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]SveN29-23
5 LeGenD]GohaN27-11

Help keep the league active.


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