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[General Discussion ] Delete games by Robotic- May 31, 2024, 05:16:32 pm
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Topics - gG]EaZy-

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / momo stop dodging bo10 tmr
« on: April 16, 2024, 04:29:39 pm »
Momo stop dodging.
I have asked you through personal messages and nothing
then today you refuse to play more cuz of the word lucky. ?? lol???

I will not say anything other than gg.
You are a good player and i just want good games.

ggo b010 tmr please and thank you.

General Discussion / Dingo BM
« on: April 09, 2024, 11:38:50 am »
 Hey Dingo,

I used to be okay with you but your toxicity is terrible.
Gomdor, Dingo who is in ur clan calling you noob.  I'd love to see you two play. Dingo go prove you are the best!
I never said you weren't good Dingo but man, you beg me to part you and then you cry.

General Discussion / upload game
« on: March 24, 2024, 10:00:51 pm »
Please upload game thanks.

General Discussion / Diablo. Bo10? Stop running?
« on: December 06, 2023, 12:54:11 pm »
Diablo. Bo10. I am asking because you always dip and dodge and refuse to play.  It would help your stream and I really don't understand why you wont play. Then ask in op ugl for 1s? Its quite ridiculous and makes it harder to find enjoyment in this league. It would be really nice to implement something that stops dodging. I know this has been asked in the past.

It is sad because you even agreed to bo10. Then after losing you refuse.


General Discussion / Forum rules/ follow up
« on: September 06, 2023, 07:27:53 pm »
Hello, I appreciate all the work you are doing to create a friendly environment.

All I ask is that you stick by your rules and follow up on things. Especially regarding the hate speech.
One example being Riddick in the last post in Lets Clear things up.
- not only was it hate speech, it had nothing to do with the conversation. According to your rules this is against rules.
- I am sick and tired of everyone bitching at me for pretending to be the victim. Lets be real, it is clear that their is hatred towards me as most players can't come to their senses that I am pretty up there in LVL.

There is a lot more players that come to mind but that is the most recent.

Secondly, I have never hacked and never will. Until this day there is no proof. Even in the Liga tourney I was cleared as I did not cheat as there was no observer cheating and it was administrations fault in that league to livecast without delay. They even admitted it. Even the games removed vs IamOriginal were never free wins? I don't see how you can come to that conclusion but if you could personal message me about it instead of just suspending me without any further discussion would be appreciated. If one of you admins can show me the evidence as I believe I deserve it if you are accusing me of cheating that would be great.

I just want you the admins to know how strong your words are when you post something. As it does impact players. Good example was the liga tourney.

At the end of the day, we want to keep this game as alive as possible and I see what you are trying to do to make this happen.

I would like to clear the air about this.

The Liga league stated that I did not cheat. I also had delay on my stream. They did not say we were not allowed to stream.

I am bringing this up because the 3s LIGA league has ruined my reputation and players like sadistic]diablo aka supermago aka sadi]ajicito who not only has lots of influence on the latin community is spreading false lies about me cheating.

Whenever I ask for proof he just dodges the question.
IF A PLAYER is to make an accusation of cheating. HE BETTER HAVE HARD PROOF. OTHERWISE it is just an excuse to not play.

I am writing this because for sadi]ajicito in the top 10 who refuses to play cuz of a claim that is false. It would be unfair if he ended up even making it to the top 8 tourney if he is constantly refusing to  play the top 10 players.  This is a screenshot of him refusing to play me because of claims of cheating without any proof to back it up. He then continues to play someone much lower. This isn't the first time he has done this as he has done this multiple times.

If a player is to make such an accusation without proof, consistently dodge. I feel this is unfair.

I have screen shots administrators but file is too large. If you need me to send I can send via email

Support Center / Fake eazy account please delete
« on: August 05, 2023, 03:17:20 pm »
Administration please delete gG]Eazy. account. fake and causing issues. 

Support Center / add game please cant detect 2s vs karol/raw
« on: August 02, 2023, 02:32:06 pm »
Please upload. Can't detect

2s w pooh vs raw/eq   

Thank you!

General Discussion / Vulture 1s scw bo7?
« on: July 12, 2023, 02:36:40 pm »
trying again.

General Discussion / 1s bo7 Vulture.
« on: July 05, 2023, 02:19:47 pm »
because it is hard getting games vs hus.
As he continues to hate.
Hus go bo7 please name a time.

im waiting.

Support Center / Never agreed to 2s scw. These were non scw games
« on: May 30, 2023, 10:49:04 pm »
 Match ID# 1555
Match ID# 1554
Match ID# 1553

Please remove these games. I never agreed to 2s scw for these games as it waws public match.
I wont a bunch and didnt report because it was non scw.
I have witnesses as well.


2v2 - Match ID# 1012

Gangster reported game as win when they someone drop hacked. Blue was dead. I might have been dying but i would have definitely stalled the game longer.

Please cancel this game.

Gangster also refuses to play wihtout obs. typical

Pages: [1]

Season Info

SCW Season 45
Location: Op UGL@USWEST
Open: May 8 - Jun 22
1 pGf]Pescador-63-43
2 L-Mx]GallO94-74
3 thats_fishy41-21
4 GanGs]BlackSwan84-50
5 [KGB]-SlaSh.28-14

1 Wk`QlolQ52-34
2 LeGenD]Gabi45-26
3 Wk`ThaNaThoZ~32-20
4 LeGenD]GohaN27-11
5 LeGenD]EviL37-23

Help keep the league active.


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